Tiger News from Principal Stilwell
Reminders, updates and information for Garfield Elementary

Reminders and Updates
Please sign-up for Conferences
- Please make sure you have signed up for a conference with your student(s)' teacher.
- Also, a reminder that there is no school on conference days, November 4th, November 5th, and 1pm dismissal on Friday November 8th.
- Please do not park in the pick-up line (along 23rd Street and into the curved marked portion of our parking lot).
- Please STAY IN YOUR car and proceed to where the staff member is in front of the school for your student(s) to enter car safely.
- If you choose to park, please make sure to use street parking, or a parking lot space. Do not block the drive-through carline or any cars parked in the parking lot.
- Remember we have procedures in place for the safety of our students.
Garfield's Core Values: Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Kind
At Garfield Elementary our Core Values are to be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind. We teach students how to show these values, we look for students showing these, and most importantly we celebrate our students for these core values. These core values are for our entire staff and for our students. We pride ourselves in being a warm, welcoming, inclusive environment at Garfield Elementary. Together we make Garfield the special place it is! Thank you 😀
What is Happening This Week at Garfield?
Monday October 28
- Imagine Learning 8:15- 9:00 am
- Walking Club 8:40-9:00 am
- Soccer Club 3:30-4:30 pm
- Magnetic Reading (Ext Day) 8:15-9:00 am (Enter at Pine St. gate)
- Imagine Learning 8:15- 9:00 am
- Soccer Club 3:30-4:30 pm
Wednesday October 30
- Imagine Learning 8:15- 9:00 am
- Walking Club 8:40-9:00 am
- Robotics Club 3:30-4:30 pm
- Natural Leaders Meeting 3:45-4:45 pm (Garfield Cafeteria)
- Magnetic Reading (Ext Day) 8:15- 9:00 am (Enter at Pine St. gate)
- Imagine Learning 8:15- 9:00 am
- Robotics Club 3:30-4:30 pm
- Mari's Place dance class 3:30-4:30 pm (GAE GYM)
Friday November 1
- Walking Club 8:40-9:00 am
- Learning Improvement Day 2:15 pm Dismissal
Looking Ahead ...
Monday November 4
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL
- Evening conferences 4:30 - 7:00 pm
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL
Thursday November 7
- Veteran's Day Assembly
Friday November 8
- Early Release, 1:00 pm Dismissal
Monday November 11
- Veteran's Day Holiday, NO SCHOOL
- Hearing Screening
- PTA Meeting 4-5 pm (MPR and Zoom)
- NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Holiday
Garfield Elementary School
2215 Pine Street
Everett, WA 98201
Principal: Kathleen Stilwell
Email: kstilwell@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4700