Superintendent Weekly Update
Shelby-Rising Public Schools
Volume 1/Issue 19 - November 21st, 2021
Up Next at S-RC:
- Monday (Nov. 22nd) - Polk County Government Day (Canceled), Admin Meeting (2:30pm), 3rd-6th Boys Bball Practice (6:30pm)
- Tuesday (Nov. 23rd) - K-5 Book It Due (9am), One Act Public Performance (7:30pm), Unified Bowling @ Norfolk (12:45pm)
- Wednesday (Nov. 24th) - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
- Thursday (Nov. 25th) - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
- Friday (Nov. 26th) - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
- Saturday (Nov. 27th) - Weekyay
Staff Shoutouts
- Jen Topil & Kelsey Gabel- Today we recognize our awesome kindergarten staff! Jen and Kelsey are dedicated to their profession and continue to help our kindergartners grow both academically and socially. It may look like chaos some days but it is all part of the course by allowing the students to be their own. Thank you for all your patience and guidance!
- Carrie Bauers and Aundrea Morner- Shout out to our ladies who hold down our science section in the high school! These ladies do a great job at introducing new concepts in a fun and interactive way. There are many projects being done and love seeing the posters or skeletons that are hung throughout our school displaying our students' work! Keep up the great work!
- Grant Gabel - Thank you to Grant for rounding out our JH Science teaching and also teaching sections of our JH Math as well! He has very engaging lessons that have students up and moving while also learning about our planet. Thank you and best of luck into the basketball season!
Recap of the Week!
Congratulations to our actors, actresses, crew & coaches for their win on Wednesday! They competed against tough competition and came out on top! This shows their dedication and the hard work they have put in. Looking forward to Tuesday for the public competition and how the season wraps up!
CRC Action (1 of 2)
Why does everyone not believe in Sir Gawain?
CRC Action (2 of 2)
The Green Knight kept his in place for most of it :)
2021 CRC Champions!
Wrestling Shirt Order Forms
Wrestling apparel store is open for business orders due on November 24th, at 9am. Orders will be in before Christmas!
Due to district One Act being scheduled for Dec. 4, the girls & boys basketball games scheduled against Twin River have been moved to Dec. 18. No game TIMES have been changed at this point.
2nd meet of the year at Dorchester Invite
Results from the meet from Tuesday!
- Logan Lindsley - 2nd
- Carter Eickmeier - 4th
- Traven Reznicek - 2nd
- Eli Fjell - Champ
- Coy Vrbka - Champ
- Grant Eaton - 2nd
- Jayden Williams - 4th
- Easton Henry - Champ
Varsity Wrestling
Best of luck to our wrestlers this season!
Boys Basketball
Best of luck to our Husky boys bball team this season!
Girls Basketball
Best of luck to our lady Huskies this season!
Unified Bowling at Norfolk
One-Act at Pender
Acting awards from Pender
Farm Safety (1 of 6)
Our FFA students put on a great informative presentation about farm safety! Our students loved making their rounds to the different areas. Great job to everyone and thank you for taking the time to do this for our students!
Farm Safety (2 of 6)
Very attentive
Farm Safety (3 of 6)
Thank you to our volunteers who came in!
Farm Safety (4 of 6)
Farm Safety (5 of 6)
Farm Safety (6 of 6)
ICU Setup
ICU Done!
And the completed project!
ICU update for this week
Where in the World is Tejkl?
November 22nd - In District
- Admin Meeting (2:30pm)
- Cover Lunch at (12pm-1:20pm)
- Public Performance from our One-Act Team (7:30pm)
November 24th - Out of District
November 25th - Out of District -
November 26th - Out of District -
Message from Mr. Tejkl
“The season of being thankful and grateful."
Good morning!
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend that was full of laughs, fun and good memories. Welcome to the shortest week of the school year and what a ride it has been! We continue to move forward with our first semester. Can you believe we are 4 weeks away from the end of the 2nd quarter and the 1st semester! It has been a fast and wild ride but I hope that you are able to take the time to reflect on what has gone well, what we an improve at and what the future may hold as we pave our path going forward.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for this reflection, create more memories with friends/family and also enjoy the present. With these good times also brings reflection of family members we may have lost and the gratefulness that we were able to share time with those. It also gives us the appreciation of what we have now and how we can continue to be thankful for those moments given.
Gratitude makes sense of our past because of the memories that are shared. It gives us a sense of accomplishment for what we have went through and gives us those learning moments to help us grow as individuals. Gratitude brings peace for today because we were granted another day on this Earth. With that comes the responsibility to living it to our fullest and doing things for others. Lastly, gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow and where we want to be both internally and externally.
During this Thanksgiving, I hope you all are able to gather with friends and family and create more memories. Take advantage of that time and be in the moment. Reflect on the past, be thankful for the present and continue to dream of tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday and let's have a great week!
Quote of the week to make you think:
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
- Melody Beattie
Tucker Tejkl
Staff of the Month
Innovation- Grant Gabel
Integrity- Shelly Denbo
Accountability- Matt Carley
Service- Steve Stewart (not pictured)
Do you have events coming up? (Community)
November Newsletter (Elementary)
Activities Update through the week:
HS Winter Practice began Monday: Time to go! Looking to continue to build our programs with great participation
One-Act - Two meets from CRC competition (1st!) and Pender invite (2nd)!
Unified Bowling - Meet coming up in North Bend on the 23rd and Districts on the 30th!
SRC- Preschool and Kindergarten Pages!
Husky Hoops for 3rd - 6th graders
Find me
Email: ttejkl@shelby.esu7.org
Website: https://www.shelby.esu7.org/
Location: 650 North Walnut Street, Shelby, NE, USA
Phone: 402-527-5946
Facebook: facebook.com/tucker.tejkl
Twitter: @SuptTejkl