Wildcat Weekly
Springman Middle School 2024 - 2025
January 10th, 2025
⛄ Happy Snowy Friday, Springman Families
We’ve wrapped up a fantastic first week of 2025, and what a way to kick things off—with our New Year’s SELebration! It was a blast coming together as a school to celebrate the new year within our Springman HOUSES. Check out the highlights below for a glimpse of the fun.
Next week, we’ll already be at the halfway point of Trimester 2! Keep up the great work, stay focused, and stick with those New Year’s goals. We’re proud of how far we’ve come together.
Enjoy the snowy weekend ahead, and we’ll see you all next week!
Weather-Related Closings
❄️ Snow Days ❄️
This year, we will continue with the use of traditional "snow days." If we experience inclement weather that would make it unsafe (or impossible) for staff and students to get to school, or other emergency situation, schools will be closed, no iPads required. Though the Board approved an e-Learning plan for the District in 2023, that plan is an insurance policy, with remote learning days to be used only in extreme situations.
For many students, school is the safest place to be, even in bad weather, so the decision to close schools comes after a great deal of review, thought, and collaboration with our Buildings and Grounds department, the Village, our transportation providers, and other local school district officials (as outlined in our full guidelines).
The District will post on our website and social media channels, and send an email, phone call, and text message when there are closures or other weather-related impacts to school operations. To ensure that you receive notification, log into PowerSchool to check that your phone numbers and emails are correct.
While you're thinking about weather updates...
During severe winter weather, we will send school closure notifications via email, phone call, and text message. If you like to get notifications via text messages, regulations require that you take an active step to opt in to receive text notifications through BrightArrow.
So, if you haven't already done so, please text "YES" to 79041 so that you don't miss any important weather-related updates this winter.
Also, we know the winter months typically increases the amount of car riders. A friendly reminder side streets are NO PARKING zones. We have been contacted by the Glenview Police regarding this issue. Please avoid side streets like Short Ln. for pick up/parking.
Dental Exams
Dental health is an important part of a child’s overall health – we love to see our students’ healthy smiles!
This spring, District 34 is bringing Orland Park Dental Services (OPDS) to our schools to provide dental exams to any of our students who need them. As a reminder, the State of Illinois requires students in grades K, 2, and 6 to submit proof of a dental exam – but these in-school appointments with OPDS are open to any and all students! They provide dental services to children on public aid as well as those with private dental insurance.
The exams are provided by caring, licensed dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants with state-of-the-art portable dental equipment. OPDS has been providing in-school dental services since 1999 and their healthcare professionals ensure a clean, safe, and comfortable environment within the schools.
Parents and guardians who complete the consent form do not have to join their child at the appointment (but you are welcome to come in). If you have questions or need assistance, contact District Nurse Shari Stadler.
PTA Corner
Springman Happenings
Click on the links below to access the grade level and department websites at Springman! Take a look at what is happening around the building! These sites will be updated with new information every 2 weeks so be sure to check back every other week!
Mark Your Calendar
- January 14th: GBS Counselor Visits 8th Grade
- January 15th: Yearbook Orders DUE
- January 15th: 8th Grade Portraits
- January 20th: No School
- January 30th: 8th Grade Gown Orders DUE
*NWEA MAP Testing: Please be aware that students that scored at or below the 25th percentile in either reading or math on the winter NWEA may be pulled for additional testing next week.