LVIS Family Newsletter
November 15, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Families,
On behalf of the staff, I want to share how grateful we are for the trust that you have placed in us this year. Teaching your children is an honor and a joy that we take to heart! This year has been full of laughter, learning and fun! The LVIS teachers love what we do and feel honored to be part of your child’s education. Our staff has truly enjoyed getting to know each and every child this year, and we look forward to an amazing second semester.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your holiday is filled with family, friends, fun and relaxation. Thank you again for all your support, love, and trust.
Bonnie Sullivan
Mark Your Calendar
11/18 - T-Shirt Orders due to Mrs. Mercado
11/20 - 11/22 - Pies for Teachers - Sign Up Here to bring a pie
11/22 - APEX Fun Run
4th Grade - 8:45
5th Grade - 9:45
11/25 - 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
12/9 - 12/13 - LVIS 4th Annual Door Decorating Contest
12/11 - Nutcracker Field Trip for 4th Grade
12/18 - Holiday Parties
12/18 - 4th Grade Holiday Performance
12/18 - End of 1st Semester
Pies for Teachers
APEX Fun Run Information and RSVP
On Friday, November 22nd, we will have our APEX fun run. Parents are welcome to attend! We would love to have families here to cheer on the students!
If you wish to attend, All parents must sign in through our Raptor system and receive a visitor badge. To streamline the process we are asking families to RSVP in advance by Wednesday, November 22nd. We will pre-print badges prior to the fun run in order to expedite the check in process.
Please RSVP at the below link.
Thank You for All Your Support for Our School
Students have had a blast having APEX here this week! This year's APEX theme is "future leaders". Our APEX Coach has been here this week talking to students about leadership skills.
Parents, as always thank you for supporting our school. The money raised goes towards field trips, students incentives and initiatives, guest speakers, supplies for our school, and more. Thank you for all you do to support us. It truly means a lot to the entire teaching staff.
APEX Spirit
T-Shirts for Sale - Orders due Monday, Nov 18th
These are back by popular demand! We have had so many parents ask for t-shirts that we are selling them again. If you are interested in purchasing a Lago Vista Intermediate School T-shirt, they are on sale now! Orders are due by Friday, November 15th to Mrs. Mercado in the office. T-Shirts are $15 and will be delivered to students.
4th Grade Winter Performance
Mark your calendar for December 18th for our 4th Grade Winter Performance and Art Show "A Night at the Movies."
4th Graders had a great time at last week's field tip to Johnson City!
Important Links
- Register to be a volunteer https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCCvXgE6JZa287u8XnQxz02Uxb8tmkt-phHjPtuGzFVtH8pQ/viewform
- If you need to update registration information, you can access the parent portal below. https://portals13.ascendertx.com/ParentPortal/login?distid=227912&fbclid=IwAR0rqcCPO1sS5BRu65Mu2DWsbQKCBZWS8IXdQrjanUewuL02nGK9OfApAEg
- My School Bucks if you need to add money to your child's lunch account. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Our School Day Information
7:15 am - Doors Open
7:40 am - School Starts
9:25 - Official Attendance Taken - Students must be at school at 9:25 in order to counted present for the day. If you are scheduling doctors appointments, please try to not schedule them at 9:25. Otherwise, they will be counted absent for the day (even if you bring them back to school).
10:40 - 4th Grade Lunch
11:15 - 5th Grade Lunch
3:15 - Dismissal
Who Do I Contact
Nurse - Gina Carmichael at gcarmichael@lagovistaisd.net
Counselor - Cynthia Gumbert at cgumbert@lagovistaisd.net
Principal - Bonnie Sullivan at bsullivan@lagovistaisd.net
Follow us on Facebook
Lago Vista Intermediate School
Email: bsullivan@lagovistaisd.net
Website: https://www.lagovistaisd.net/page/lis.Home
Location: 8039 Bar K Ranch Rd, Lago Vista, TX, USA
Phone: 512-267-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lagovistaintermediate