Madison Park Middle School
NEWSLETTER - September 30, 2024
Madison Park Middle School
Location: 1431 E Campbell Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85014, USA
Phone: 6026647500
Dear Amazing Families of Madison Park,
Dear Amazing Families of Madison Park,
As we end the final week of September, it’s a good time to reflect and see all the great work, strengths, and generosity our students, teachers, staff and families bring to Park. Together we can continue to bring out the best in our students. It is so hard to believe we have one week left in the first quarter. Please try your best to help our children to turn in any classwork and/or homework needed as we work towards the final stretch of the grading period.
Please mark your calendars as parent-teacher conferences are rapidly approaching. The conference schedule is set for Wednesday, October 23th through Friday, October 25th.
Also, help support our school spirit by encouraging our students to demonstrate pride in our school by wearing “Blue and Gold” every Friday!
Best regards,
Priscilla Gossett - Principal
Rebecca Galindo - Assistant Principal
ROAR Grade Level Team Building Events - Volunteers Needed for 10/3/24
Looking for great ways to help our students? Spend some timey helping to support our students working together and competing in team building activities on Thursday, October 3rd. Students who have been following our PBIS ROAR Expectations are invited to attend. Click the link below to view the help we need for this event to be super successful . Please add your students name and grade level in the comment section. Sign-up Here
Madison Park Middle School earns a 2023-2024 AZPBIS Level 3 Award!
We are proud to share the exciting news that Madison Park has been awarded the AZPBIS Level 3 Award for the 23-24 school year for its implementation and follow through of Positive Behavioral interventions and supports for our students. There are 4 award levels and level three is the second highest award that can be earned. Only one other school in the Madison School District along with Park earned a Level 3.
Madison Park cares about providing a positive and safe learning environment for our students and community. The 2023-2024 AZPBIS Awards recognize schools for successful implementation and outcomes with school-wide systems of Positive Behavior Interventions.
This award recognizes the dedication of school staff and our community to uphold our school expectations every day: Respect, Outreach, Achievement, Responsibility. Together we are building a school culture that is more positive, proactive, and supportive for all our students so that they can be successful citizens and future leaders.
Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Being in class every day is super important to your child’s success in school. Missing too many days can make it hard to keep up with learning and can even affect future opportunities. Let’s work together to make sure your child is here on time and read to learn every day!
Arriving to School on Time:
Arriving at school on time is important. School begins at 8:25am and ends at 3:40pm. Students should arrive no earlier than 8:10am. Students who are late to school must be signed in by their parents/guardians in the main office. Student who have better attendance have better grades and better success at school.
Madison Park Zen Garden- Save the Date!
Now Hiring! Madison School District Community Education
Our families need your help! Madison Park Middle School has students on the MAC waitlist for Wednesdays only. Your schedule allows you to work the 90 minutes of TCT in MAC. This is a recreational program and you would be supervising a group of students. You will be paid for the time worked in MAC. You will be required to get a TB test to work in the MAC program. If you are interested in working Wednesdays (or even some of them) please contact our MAC Site Coordinator to get information on how to add these hours.
Keep at Home
A friendly reminder to our students and families the following items should not be brought to school. Please check your student’s backpack to ensure they leave these items and other all non-educational items at home. Feel free to reach out to your school with any questions.
A Message from our PTO
"Friday, Movie Night: The PTO’s Friday Movie Night is planned for November 15th, 2024 on the basketball court with an outdoor screen. We encourage all staff, students, parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents, neighbors, and friends to attend this fun night." This is a family night, all students must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
In order to help this event to be successful! We are seeking donations of the following items:
Cases of Water
Items donated will be sold and all proceeds from this event will support Madison Park PTO to host exciting school events!
Join us in our donation drive to support those that are unhoused. The District Office is putting together a Socktober fundraiser for the entire month of October. Our plan is to raise as many NEW socks to then donate to our community in need.
Our schools donation box will be located at the front office.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
The site with the most pairs of socks will receive a jean day Please keep in mind it is not about winning, but warming feet to those in need!
Important Dates - Please mark your calendars for the following dates and stay tuned for more detailed information.
- 09/30 Boys Soccer vs. Wilson (Due to the excessive heat we have been experiencing, please look for email notifications for updates or changes to the games. Park has only cancelled one game due to the heat, what often happens is that the other school will cancel the game first due to the heat. Remember we will take more water breaks when the temperatures are higher than typical.)
- 09/30 Boys Soccer Home vs. Wilson
- 09/30 Girls Soccer @ Wilson
- 9/30 Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Wilson
- 9/30 Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball Home vs. Santa Maria
- 10/01 Varsity Girls Volleyball vs. Atkinson (Double Header)
- 10/01 Boys Soccer @ Atkinson
- 10/01 Girls Soccer Home vs Atkinson
- 10/01 Cross Country @ Granada Park (the meet has been moved to Granada Park due to construction at Washington)
- 10/03 JV Girls Volleyball @ Madison Traditional Academy
- 10/03 Grade Level ROAR Team Building Games, Volunteer Here
- 10/04 No School-Teacher Planning Day
- 10/07-10/11 Fall Break No School
- 10/15 Governing Board Meeting 6pm @ District Office
- 10/16 High School Night @ the Madison Center for the Arts, it is recommended that all 7th & 8th Gd. students and parents. (See flyer above)
Save the Date- Parent Teacher Conferences
October 24, 2024: Parent/Teacher Conferences-Half Day/Evening
October 25, 2024: Parent/Teacher Conferences-Half Day/Schedule
Message from our School Social Worker, Ms. Lopez
The holidays are right around the corner and at times our families need support. Below are some community resources that if in need you could benefit from. If you do find yourself in need this year during the holidays please fill this form out to ensure that someone from our school contacts you for support.
Park Holiday Assistance Request Form 2024
Salvation Army Christmas Angel Registration
Read more about Madison Park Middle School Support Service Team
A Message from our Library Associate, Ms. Nesbeitt
Our library’s Book Fair is coming up in November, from the 12th to the 15th! This is a fantastic way for students to enrich their time at school, get new books at a great price, and support our school library, all at the same time. It’s also a great way for Park families to get involved in their students’ school experience! The Book Fair will be open during school days and on Friday evening at our Movie Night event, and we’re looking for volunteers to help us keep it running smoothly. Sign up here or email our librarian Ms. Nesbeitt to find out how you can help!
Library Notification
Dear Parents:
We’re excited to let you know that we’ve added new books to our library. To keep you in the loop, we’ll be listing these titles on our district website for the next sixty (60) days. The review period will start on October 4, 2024 and end on December 3, 2024.
If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your involvement and support! (A.R.S. 15-721/A.R.S. 15-722).
Steps to Locate Lists
Step 1- Log onto
Step 2- Click on Families and then Family Resources
Step 3- Click on Parent Access to Library materials
Step 4- Select the school
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001
Information for Parents click on the link for more information.
Madison Park Student/Parent Handbook
Please use the Park Student/Parent Handbook link above to access information about the school and find answers to the following questions:
What are the cell phone practices? (pg. 12 & 16)
Can I have lunch delivered to my child? (pg. 11)
Can I have lunch with my child? ( pg. 21-22)
What is the Student Dress Code? (pg. 14)
How do I report an absence? (pg. 9)
What resources are used to teach the different classes? (pg.13-14)
What dates are early release and no school days? (pg. 4)
What is the bell schedule? (pg. 6)
What are the ROAR Expectations? (pg. 7-8)
What are the school fees and what are they used for? (pg. 13)