The Schofield Scoop
May 12, 2024
The countdown is 18 1/2 days of school left for this 23-24 school year, but students and staff are still very busy working, playing, learning and enjoying all Forestdale has to offer. There were so many great photo ops this week - catching students engaged in their activities. I hope you enjoy this week's edition of the 'Scoop.
-Kara Schofield
The Second Graders are doing an ABC countdown to their graduation from Forestdale. This week there was a Dance Party ("D" day) in the bus loop for all the 2nd graders to enjoy. Music was seamlessly played by our own "DJ" Biron. The students wanted to keep the music going, they were having so much fun. G day was Game Day for 2nd graders. Students brought in their own games and shared with their classmates. There was such an amazing amount of teamwork, collaboration, turn taking - so many SEL skills that we continuously focus on here at Forestdale - and at Oakridge too!
Our first graders welcomed little peeps into their classrooms this week. After 21 days of incubating in the classrooms, the chicks were ready to come out! While not every egg hatched, and not every classroom had a chick, the chicks that did hatch went around and visited the classroom that didn't have any. Students from other grades came up to see the fluffy little peepers as well. The lucky chicks went home to live in larger spaces than classroom fish tanks. Thanks to all the families who helped with homing our newest Forestdale members.
Please check out the Lost and Found by the Parent Pick Up entrance at the gym. All remaining unclaimed items will be donated this Friday. Come take a look and see if something belongs to your family?
SEPAC news - training on new IEP presented by B.J. McNamara, Director of Pupil Services. Click on the link below to sign up for this informational virtual presentation.
Sandwich Parent Teacher Association - PTA
Feedback time!
Share feedback here: Thanks for all your great suggestions and ideas.