District Office Newsletter
New Year Edition
![District Office Newsletter New Year Edition](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/3266/thumb-763dea4ba04e98614f5718075aa91971.png)
A Message From Our Superintendent
Dear Shorewood Families and Caregivers,
The end of the school year has arrived! It has been an honor to work alongside such talented colleagues in a community that supports its schools. You can find highlights from the year in our annual report linked below.
We have some time-sensitive information to share with you in the final newsletter of the 2023-24 school year. Please take a few moments to review important updates from our District departments about:
- Construction Projects and Work Zones Around the District
K-8 ELA Curriculum Adoption
Online Activity and Technology Use
Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer & Meal Programs
Equity Updates
Medication Pick-Up, New Immunization Requirements, and Medical Forms
In addition, please review this reminder of district values and policies related to incidents of harassment and bullying in our schools.
Over the course of the summer, we will be communicating about our upcoming strategic visioning and planning processes. Watch for updates on social media or tune into our summer Board meetings to learn more.
I am looking forward to congratulating the 100th graduating class from Shorewood High School this Sunday. Many thanks to all of you - families, teachers, staff members, coaches, and community members - for supporting our students throughout their educational careers. We wish nothing but the best to the Class of 2024!
Laurie Burgos, Ph.D.
Summer Programs & Projects
Check out our Summer Activity Guide!
Explore our summer activity guide to discover fantastic programs your family can participate in! We have recreational and educational classes for children, teens, adults and families-there's something for everyone to enjoy. View our guide, HERE.
Summer Construction Projects
Summer construction projects around the buildings start as early as this Friday. Workers will start roofing projects at SIS and Atwater Elementary beginning June 7. There will be security fencing along the construction area, so exercise caution if you're around the vicinity. As we continue to make improvements to our grounds and facilities, visit our website and social media for the latest updates and closings. Additionally, please be mindful of any posted signs and instructions from the construction crew to ensure everyone's safety. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time of enhancement.
Updates from the Office of Teaching and Learning
Mike Joynt, Director of Teaching and Learning
K-8 Language Arts Curriculum Update
We are excited to announce that after a robust selection process and careful consideration, we have selected EL Education as our K-8 Language Arts curriculum for implementation during the 2024-25 school year. An overview of the EL Education Language Arts Curriculum can be found here: EL Education Language Arts Curriculum.
A Selection Committee of K-8 staff including classroom teachers, literacy specialists, instructional coaches, multilingual teachers, special education teachers, principals, and the Director of Teaching and Learning worked collaboratively to review curriculums for adoption. The Selection Committee reviewed research, attended vendor presentations, piloted lessons, and contacted other districts as part of the selection process. The Committee identified the following areas of strength in the EL Education materials:
Strong alignment to standards
Coherent lesson and unit structure focused on engagement and deep learning
Focus on authentic learning opportunities, character development, vocabulary building, integration of high-leverage teaching strategies, and small-group learning opportunities
Culturally relevant pedagogy in alignment with our commitments to diversity and inclusion
A well-balanced mix of print and digital resources
Assessment tools that provide data and feedback focused on learner growth
The EL Education Language Arts curriculum is one of three early literacy curricula recommended by Wisconsin’s Early Literacy Curriculum Council and the Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) Recommended List of Early Literacy Instructional Materials indicating strong alignment to science-based early reading instruction as outlined in Act 20 (also referred to as Wisconsin’s Right to Read legislation).
Over the summer, EL Education will work with staff to begin planning for implementation and teacher support. In addition to this summer work, staff professional development will include training during the August Back-to-School PD week and ongoing support throughout the school year. We would like to thank SEED for their financial support of the purchase of supplemental curricular materials for students and staff and curriculum development hours as part of the adoption. We look forward to implementing this new curriculum and creating equitable outcomes and achievement gains in literacy for all next year!
Update to the 2024-25 Instructional Calendar
Student Services and Special Education updates
Kate Harder, Director of Special Education & Student Services
As our days lengthen and temperatures warm, I’m sure we are all ready for some time outdoors and maybe even taking a long-awaited vacation. We’d like to congratulate all of our students with diverse abilities who have completed their educational careers with us and are moving on towards independent living or further education. Congratulations graduates and we wish you the best in all of your endeavors!
Things To Watch For This Summer
Navigating the ever changing world of our online presence and the increased time that we may be spending in the “virtual world” can be challenging to us all, adults and youth included. While there can be benefits such as our ability to access information or connecting with loved ones who may not physically be near us, with increased time spent online, youth especially are also at increased risk for human trafficking. Human trafficking is a serious and complex issue that is not only a national issue, but also a local one as it is present in not only Milwaukee county, but in every county in the state of Wisconsin. Surprised? It occurs in cities, suburbs, and rural areas, and is more common than many people realize. So what should parents and concerned community members know or do about it? It starts with knowledge and awareness and leads to reporting when there are concerns.
Individuals of all ages and genders have been trafficked. Still, it is common for traffickers to threaten people the youth cares about, or to threaten to expose past behavior of the youth to loved ones. Students who are homeless, runaway, or living in out-of-home care placements are especially vulnerable, though students of all backgrounds have been involved. Many youth who are being trafficked do not see themselves as victims or may not realize they are being trafficked. The average age of first exploitation is 12-14. (WI DPI, January 2019)
As such, it is important for parents and families to remain vigilant in monitoring your child’s online activity. Known as “grooming,” child predators (including traffickers), may use online means to establish trust with children in order to persuade them into engaging in risky behavior. This is one important reason for parents and caregivers to monitor their child(ren)’s internet usage and content now and into the summer.
What should you do if you have concerns or suspect that a child/youth is being targeted for trafficking? Talk to someone; you can contact the County Department of Children and Families to make a report or discuss your concerns. If you are a parent or guardian, you can reach out to the school district to discuss any concerns that you have about your child. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. For more information about human trafficking in Wisconsin, please visit the WI, we need to talk website.
Additionally, as a District, we have several systems in place to monitor student behavior and to teach and reinforce appropriate use of technology.
We model appropriate technology use to our students through teacher use of technology and meaningful classroom assignments.
We respond to student, staff, and family concerns regarding inappropriate online behavior with an investigation and, if necessary, appropriate student behavior consequences.
We provide an anonymous reporting tool (StopIt) available to concerned individuals including students, staff, parents or other community members to share concerns about potentially harmful behaviors.
We provide parents access to GoGuardian Reports in order to be able to monitor all internet activity on district devices for your student(s).
We utilize the Gaggle alerting system so that we receive timely notifications when students express concerns related to self-harm, drug/alcohol use, or other adult content/themes.
Your Child and Technology
We value your role as parents in promoting and monitoring appropriate technology use and encourage you to check the activity for your child(ren) regularly and use the information within those reports to guide conversations about expectations and appropriate use. Over the summer, it is equally as important to monitor your child(ren)’s activity online and have frequent conversations with them regarding their online presence. Likewise, consider the amount of screen time that your child uses over the summer, including all of the following devices: television, computers, tablets, iPads, phones and video games as well as what your child views during screen time in order to ensure that content is developmentally appropriate. It is advised to avoid content that condones or promotes profanity, violent themes, sexualized behaviors, and drug/alcohol use. Content should be chosen that fosters prosocial behaviors and educational enrichment.
As alternatives to screen usage, we encourage families to participate in other options over the summer in order to promote health socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development, including:
Participating in active learning experiences through clubs, parks and recreation, camps or other special events
Building reading and writing into everyday activities
Watch TV with the sound off and closed captioning on
Read directions for how to play a new game
Help with meals by writing up a grocery list, finding things in the grocery store and reading the recipe aloud and/or cooking together
Exercising (e.g., bike rides, sports, walks, swimming, etc.)
Geocaching, earthcaching or other outdoor activities
Participating in community service/volunteering activities together to build self-confidence and self-esteem
Playing interactive card and/or board games with family or friends
Watching a garden grow and journaling about what you see
Visiting Libraries, museums or other local areas of interest (even virtual visits can be fun!)
Completing arts and craft projects (See Arty Crafty Kids, Gathered, Highlights, Pinterest, or PBS Parents for creative ideas)
Engaging in imaginative, pretend play (child-directed)
Building activities (legos, blocks, puzzles, etc.)
Creating music (e.g., have kids create a concert for the family)
Now more than ever, doing what we can to provide an environment at home with routine and expectations for all family members to contribute to chores has many benefits, including a sense of stability during uncertain times, providing an increased sense of responsibility, contribution to the family as a whole, independence, and a sense of accomplishment. It is also beneficial to encourage sitting down for family mealtime without the presence of screens. In fact, the summer months are an ideal time to choose one or two days per week to have a “screen-free” day. Instead, consider the above suggestions to choose an activity for your family to do together during that time. Common Sense Media is a great resource for parents regarding tech accountability and education.
Business Services
Heather Heaviland, Director of Business Services
Summer EBT
If your household income qualifies your children for free or reduced price meals in the Shorewood School District, they may qualify for the Summer EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) Program. Summer EBT is an income-based program that helps families buy food while school is out by providing them with $120 in benefits for each qualifying child.
If your child already gets free or reduced price meals in our school district, you do not need to do anything to get Summer EBT. If they don’t, to obtain Summer EBT:
You can apply for free and reduced price meals for them. If you are approved before August 29, 2024, then you will get Summer EBT.
You can participate in a state benefit program. If your child is school-aged and your household participates in FoodShare, W-2, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or an income-based Medicaid program, then they are already qualified for Summer EBT. If you apply and are approved for one of the eligible programs by August 29, 2024, then you will get Summer EBT. To learn more about applying for state benefits you can call 211, visit access.wi.gov, or contact your local or tribal agency.
You can apply directly for Summer EBT. You can apply for Summer EBT. You will need to meet the income requirements for the program. The application will close for this year on August 29, 2024.
Note: This information is for children that attend Shorewood School District. If you have another child that goes to a different school, the steps might not be the correct ones for them to qualify for Summer EBT.
Getting Summer EBT will not affect whether your child can get other benefits, such as meals offered through the Summer Food Service (SFS) or Seamless Summer Option (SSO). To learn more about meal sites near you, visit wisummerfood.org or call 211. You can also text ‘food’ to 304-304. Receiving Summer EBT will not affect your children or families’ immigration status.
If you have questions about the Summer EBT program, please call the Summer EBT team at 833-431-2224 or email dhssebtsupport@wi.gov. Visit the Summer EBT webpage to learn more.
To find free summer meal locations:
-Call 211 to locate meals in the area
-Text ‘food’ (in English or Spanish) to 304-304
-Check the Site Finder Map
Summer Meals Site Finder - English
Summer Meals Site Finder - Spanish
o Visit the Summer Food Service Program webpage
Equity Update
Shari Tucker, Director for Equity
Celebrating Jewish Heritage Month
As the month of May ended, we were reminded of the rich cultural tapestry that is Jewish heritage. National Jewish Heritage Month was a time to discuss the contributions, and traditions, Jewish people made throughout history.
Throughout the centuries, Jewish individuals have made profound impacts in various fields, including art, science, literature, and politics. At our intermediate school, students worked to honor the impacts and importance of individuals that contributed to our society. Through education, dialogue, and celebration, we can honor the legacy and promote understanding and appreciation for Jewish heritage. Teachers throughout the year have included teaching about Jewish history as well as contemporary issues that impact not only the Jewish community, but the larger community.
Happy Pride Month!
The month of June marks Pride Month, a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community's resilience, diversity, and contributions to our society. The Shorewood School District is committed to working on fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels accepted and valued for who they are. Throughout this month, we'll be recognizing and honoring the LGBTQ+ community through various ways. We encourage everyone to participate and show their support for equality and acceptance. Let's stand together in solidarity, embracing diversity and promoting love and respect for all. Happy Pride Month! Together, we can create a world where everyone can live authentically and proudly.
As a District we encourage everyone to engage in conversations, events, and activities that celebrate the diversity and richness of the world. Together, let us foster a spirit of inclusivity, respect, and unity within our communities.
District Health Office
Kelly Barlow-Eichman, District Nurse
Medication Pick-Up
If your student has medication in the health office, please plan to pick it up by the end of the day on Thursday, June 6th. This includes all prescription and over-the-counter medication.
Controlled substances must be picked up by an adult and will not be sent home with the student.
If your child has rescue medication at school (ie: EpiPens, asthma inhalers, Diastat and glucagon), please do not pick it up prior to Thursday, June 6th.
Medication will be disposed of at the end of the day on Friday, June 7, as the school district cannot hold medication over the summer months.
Medication is not transferred to summer school or any summer program with the Shorewood Recreation Department.
Feel free to contact your child's school health office for more information.
Prep For Next Year-Vaccines
Vaccinations For ALL Grade Levels
If your student has a well-child check up over the summer, be sure to obtain a current copy of your student's immunization record!
All physicals for sports should be sent to ATHLETICS.
For Seniors - If vaccination records are needed, you may access them online through the Infinite Campus portal or on the Wisconsin Dept of Health Services -Immunization Registry Website HERE
Forms For Next School Year
Asthma action plan, anaphylactic allergy plan, vaccination record/waiver form, medication and HIPAA Release form for 2024-25 can be found on the SSD Website.
Physician's may fax, mail or email updated health plans, school related medical records and/or vaccination records over the summer to:
Kelly Barlow-Eichman, RN
Shorewood School District Nurse
Mailing Address: 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211
Fax Number: 414-963-1469
Email: KBarlow@Shorewood.k12.wi.us
School Health Office Contact Info:
Lake Bluff: 414-963-7976
Atwater: 414-963-5121
SIS: 414-963-6954
SHS: 414-963-2890
School Highlights
8th Graders at SIS Create a Space Museum
Students at SIS created exhibits for a museum about space. The exhibits span across 3 different rooms displaying various phases of space.
So Long, Seniors!
As another school year comes to a close, Shorewood High School has had a great time celebrating the class of 2024! We kicked off May with decision day, the seniors marched the halls of their Shorewood elementary school, and there were a few front lawn celebrations and cookouts to round out May. Thank you to the teachers, staff, and our students for making this school year a great one!
Field Day at Atwater!
Hot Dog Day at Lake Bluff!
Hot Dog Day was a success at Lake Bluff Elementary this year! The front lawn was filled with families having picnics, enjoying the great weather and listening to entertainment by the famous Hot Dog DJ! Ms. Church also had a dance mob! Thank you to all our volunteers, families, and community sponsors for continuing to make Hot Dog Day a great event!
Join Us For The All Alumni Reunion Picnic!
Please join us for campus tours, the first Alumni Showcase, a nostalgic journey through past yearbooks and Ripples archives, a food truck and much more! The DJ for the event will be Brandon Hemphill, from the SHS class of 2006!
Share Your Lake Bluff Story!
Lake Bluff Elementary School will mark its 100th anniversary at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year! Join us in commemorating this milestone by sharing your memories and photos with our community. We welcome you to participate in our centennial celebration. Simply click the button below to share your cherished moments with us!
Register for the Greyhound Open Golf Outing
The 6th Annual Greyhound Open Golf Outing is coming up on Monday, June 17th at Brown Deer Golf Course. We are excited for a great day of golf to raise money for Shorewood Athletics. This event generates most of the Booster Club's budget. As a reminder, the Booster Club provides athletic teams with funding for our athletic trainer, all uniform purchases, and additional items for the athletic department/teams throughout their seasons.
We would love to see as many families as possible involved in this event! Please consider registering a foursome (singles also welcome) for a great day of golf! Sponsorships and donations are also welcome.
Below is a link to the registration site where you can register for and/or sponsor the event:
Please contact shoreoodgolfouting@gmail.com with any questions.
Thank you for supporting Shorewood Athletics!
FREE Community Education Class-Water Safety!
Join Us on Social!
Attending a sporting event or after school activity? We want to see your photos! There is a lot that happens in the SSD community, and we enjoy using photos of our students in newsletters and communication. You can email your photos to mcampbell@shorewood.k12.wi.us
Scroll with us on Instagram!
Like us on Facebook!
Watch the Shorewood High School Graduation...LIVE!
Please make note of these District wide dates. Please see your specific school for more specific information.
6/9: SHS Graduation, 2:30 pm
6/17: Summer School Begins
6/19: Juneteenth Day: No Summer School, District offices closed
6/25: District Board Meeting