February 2025
Primary Education Center Newsletter
From Mrs. Larson's Desk
One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise.
Dear Lewiston-Porter Primary Education Center Families,
In January we teach our primary students about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy and “Dream” for our nation. They are exposed to the monumental "I Have a Dream Speech" and students discuss his legacy further in the classroom. Our students read about the principles of non-violence and we promote acts of daily kindness throughout the year by celebrating student’s who make a difference by practicing the 8 Habits (Sean Covey, Happy & Healthy Kids).
February is now upon us and we will celebrate Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of black individuals in our country’s history. We all benefit from learning about the contributions of our citizens because that is what makes our Nation’s mosaic rich. At the PEC, we will focus on the rich contributions of African Americans who have shaped our history and will infinitely have an impact. It is hoped that this pride of culture and exploration of our diverse history will extend all year long. To celebrate and learn we plan to watch videos, read books and participate in rich book talks in all grade levels. Student writers will enrich our entire student body by writing and reciting biographies about famous African Americans on our morning news broadcast.
In addition, the first grade team is celebrating Black History month with a traditional family project. Student chose a famous African-American and created a representation of that person. These sculptures will be on display in the PEC front foyer. Everyday these sculptures create a storyboard that begin conversations for our whole student body. Thank you First Grade Families!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Tamara Larson
Principal, Primary Education Center
One District, One Book
We are tallying the votes for our One District, One Book reading adventure...which book will win? Find out at our Community Reveal on Wednesday, February 12th at the Lewiston Library. See the flyer below for details. But the excitement doesn't stop there! Come along on our reading adventure for 5 weeks from February 12th-March 21st...with weekly trivia questions, mystery readers, community business specials & scavenger hunts, family packet of activities & questions, and an opportunity to enjoy a book together as a family! And SAVE THE DATE: Friday, March 21st for our Family Night Reading Celebration!
Upcoming Days Off!!
FEBRUARY 11--PEC/IEC dismissed at 2:25
FEBRUARY 17--District Closed
FEBRUARY 18--Recess Day due to Remote Instruction, District Closed
MARCH 7--Parent-Teacher Conferences, No Student Attendance
MARCH 18--Early Release Day for Elementary Students at 2:25
Tips From Nurse Katie
Many parents ask, “When is my child sick enough to stay home from school?”
This is not always an easy question to answer! We hope that these tips can help!
A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place for your child to stay if he/she is ill.
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has:
- Fever (100.0 or higher) in the past 72 hours (Must be fever free without medication)
- Vomiting in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Strep Throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
- Pink Eye – redness, itching & drainage of the eye(s)
- Bad cold, with a very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night
- COVID - follow CDC recommendations. See the Lew-Port website.
- Head lice – until your child has been treated according to the nurse or doctor’s instructions
If your child becomes ill at school and the school nurse evaluates that the child is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to pick-up the child from school. It is essential that your child’s school have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the year, please notify your child’s teacher immediately.
Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.
Health Office
4061 Creek Road, Youngstown, NY 14174
Phone: 716-286-7225 Fax: 716-286-7855
Thank you for a great season! Go BILLS!
Miss Peters' Buffalo Bills fans!!
Mrs. Gawrys & Miss Jasek
Ms. Cassavaugh, Caden, & Ms. Fitzgerald
Lunch Crew!!!
Mrs. Allen-Thomas & Miss App
Miss Mosier and second graders worked on an original piece to cheer on Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills for their AFC Championship Game.
Chinese Lunar Year Spring Festival Celebration!
Lewiston -Porter celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year with a Spring Festival Celebration. This was an opportunity for our students in the Chinese Enrichment Program to show how much they have learned about Chinese culture and language and celebrate the New Year!
Ms. Orsi’s Math Musings
February, 2025
The Hundredth Day,
The Hundreds Chart!
The hundredth day of school is coming! What a great time to focus on all the amazing ways a simple hundreds chart can be used to support math skills. The fabulous thing about a hundreds chart is that it can be used by students of all ages. Here is a list of some of the many ways you and your child can use a hundreds chart to build their math muscles:
Counting - many different ways including forwards and backwards, by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s etc.
Finding patterns - skip count by a certain number, color the squares you land on and look for patterns.
Adding and subtracting - start at a certain number and practice adding and subtracting (+1, -1, +2, -2, +5, -5, +10, -10, etc.) Notice which direction you move as you add and subtract.
Noticing which numbers are greater than (larger) or less than (smaller) than other numbers. This is about noticing the distance between numbers.
Simply naming numbers - can your child find the row and name all the teens, thirties, forties, etc.
Talk about and notice 1-digit numbers and 2-digit numbers. This builds place value concepts. For example, notice all the numbers with a 1 in the ones place, all the numbers with a 4 in the tens place.
Play a guessing game using a “Mystery Number” and have your child ask questions using words like greater than, less than, more, less, larger, smaller to figure out the mystery number.
There are many ways that a hundreds chart can be used. I am including a link to a website for those of you who may be interested in downloading hundreds charts and getting some more ideas for ways you can play with numbers to help your child build their math muscles!
Hundreds Chart Ideas and Printable
If you have suggestions for math topics that will help support you and your child at home, please reach out to me at rorsi@lew-port.com. Until then, remember MATH ROCKS!
Kindergarten Nature in Winter
The Kindergarten students had a wonderful hands-on learning experience learning about nature in winter on January 14th and 16th. We had special guest speakers from the Niagara Parks and Recreation Department to give each Kindergarten class an amazing presentation about nature in winter. We saw a PowerPoint presentation showing how animals, plants, and people respond to the cold weather by either migrating, hibernating or adapting to survive. The PowerPoint even had sounds of different animals and birds so we could hear what a skunk, bear, coyote, snowy owl and other animals sound like in the wild!
The children then had the chance to view and touch different types of skulls and furs of animals that live in this area and compare how they are the same and different. We even had the opportunity to touch a bear pelt! Our last activity was to make a track rubbing book to take home. The children made track rubbings of different animals and labeled each in a book so they can go track hunting in the snow, sand, mud or other soft ground. Who knows what they will find!
Thank you so much to our amazing Niagara Parks Staff for making this one of our favorite winter learning presentations! We would also like to thank our very generous PTSA for providing the funds for this presentation. Happy Winter everyone!
PEC Music!
In music class, Kindergarteners are learning the rhythm of the words and drumming out syllables to the months of the year.
They learned chants and poems and one was about their birthday. They get to play a drum solo when their birthday month comes up in the poem.
Miss Mosier has her Second Graders having fun learning about Martin Luther King Jr while playing rhythms, keeping a steady beat and dancing!
Did you know you can stay connected to our school community by viewing our Daily Morning Announcements?
Our morning announcements are uploaded by 9:30am every day and are organized by monthly folders. Each week, a different class leads our school pledge. We celebrate birthdays, leadership, and special events on our student-led Morning Announcements. Click the below link to view. Please remember to never post our videos to social media in order to protect the privacy of other students. For any questions, please contact Mrs. Lindahl, our Morning News Producer, by email hlindahl@lew-port.com.
UPK and Kindergarten Registration Information
Pre-Kindergarten Registration Info
2025-26: Application will open March 24, 2025.
Deadline to apply is April 11, 2025.
Application does not mean acceptance to the program.
We have a limited number of spots available. If applications surpass the number of available spots we will hold a lottery to determine eligibility.
District registration should not be completed until acceptance to the program is granted.
Kindergarten Registration opens February 1, 2025 for September 2025!
LEADER IN ME Nominations
Cora practices Habit 4: Think Win, Win
Cora is a very thoughtful friend. As we were cleaning our toolboxes, getting ready for the new year she overheard that a friend didn't have any extra crayons. Immediately she offered her extra box. She is always looking for ways to help others and make sure they feel included. She makes our classroom a better place!
Autumn practices All the Habits!
Autumn is a very kind and loving friend. She is always offering to help any friend in need. Autumn goes out of her way to make others feel better! Mrs. Jasek says: "We are so lucky to have Autumn in our class! So proud of you!"
Grayson Practices All the Habits!
Grayson is an amazing leader. Throughout the day Grayson is constantly showing our classmates how to be a leader. He is kind, loving, and supportive. Grayson is an incredible friend. We are so lucky and proud to have Grayson in Ms. Jasek's class!
Habit #6 "Synergize!"
As part of our ongoing UPK/K team monthly collaboration project, this morning students in Miss Sharpe's UPK & Mrs. Gawrys' Kindergarten classes learned that when we Synergize, working together is better ! :) We had a very special winter morning filled with snowman themed stories, music, and art. Students had lots of fun and participated in six hands-on math & literacy centers in the PEC Kindness Cafe. Happy winter!!
As a Leader in Me School, we have 5 Core Paradigms that drive our decisions, behaviors, and results. A paradigm is simply the way we “see” things. Open this link and take a look at the paradigms and how you can incorporate them into your family discussion time.
💘Walls in the Halls🥰
Parent Portal Resource Page
This page is dedicated to helping parents get started with Parent Portal. Having access to Parent Portal and using the app can be an extremely helpful way to receive important information regarding your child's grades, missing assignments, and other important updates. It can also be used to verify your contact information in our PowerSchool System.
Helpful Resources:
1. Links to the apps:
PowerSchool App (Google Play Store)
PowerSchool App (Apple Store)
2. Video on how to get set up with PowerSchool (see below). Written instructions are also available here.
3. Presentation that walks you through the steps of updating your contact information.
4. Presentation showing you how to update New York State mandated Digital Equity information.
What do I need to get started?
*Parents will need a working email address, and a PowerSchool Access Code. This is provided by the school at the start of the year. If you need that information, please contact the main office of your child's school. For the app, you will also need the district code CSXQ.
Here's how to add a student to an existing PowerSchool Parent Portal account:
- 1. Sign in to the Parent Portal
- 2. Select Account Preferences from the left menu bar
- 3. Click the Students tab
- 4. Click Add
- 5. Enter the student's name, Access ID, and Access Password
- 6. Select the student's relationship
- 7. Click Submit
District Code: CSXQ
Mobile Hot Spot
Dear Families:
At Lewiston-Porter we have made a strong effort to ensure that all students have equitable access to digital materials while they're at school and while they're at home. To that end, we have partnered with T-Mobile to offer free mobile hotspots to families that are in need.
If you would like to request a hotspot please complete the form below.