Valley News
March 2025
A Note From Mrs. Chivington:
Dear Valley Families,
As we move into March, we are excited about all the learning and growth happening in our school. Spring brings new opportunities for students to showcase their hard work, and one important part of this season is state testing for our students in grades 3-5. These assessments provide valuable insight into student progress and help guide instruction to best support their academic success.
Please mark your calendars for the following testing dates:
- ELA Testing (Grades 3-5): April 9 & April 10
- Math Testing (Grades 3-5): April 15 & April 16
- Science Testing (Grade 5): April 23 & April 24
We kindly ask for your support in ensuring students are well-rested, have a healthy breakfast, and arrive on time on their testing days. Encouraging a positive mindset and reminding them to do their best can make a big difference in their confidence and performance.
In addition to testing, we look forward to many other exciting events this spring, such as classroom projects, field trips, and other special school activities. Thank you for your continued partnership in making our school a great place for students to learn and grow. If you have any questions about testing or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Sarah Chivington
Valley Fun
Writing Club members after presenting to the Board of Education
First graders at work
Fun in Music Class
Fifth Graders on Play Day
Fifth Graders Studying Force & Motion with Paper Helicopters
Fifth Graders at Work
February SHINE Award
We are very excited to announce that 2nd grader Colson Rawlins is Valley’s February recipient of the SHINE award for the 2024-2025 school year. Our Character Education program is a key component to helping our students understand what it means to lead and to be good citizens. Every month, we honor one student who consistently demonstrates two or more pillars of character which are: Citizenship, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Respect, and Responsibility. To recognize these students for their efforts, Beavercreek City Schools has created the “SHINE Award – Highlighting Outstanding Students of Character.”
This is how Colson’s teacher, Mrs. Ernst, describes him:
Colson demonstrates positive character in so many ways. He is a student who works diligently at tasks and puts forth his best effort. He is a kind friend to others, often being spotted helping them when needed and showing concern when they are discouraged. That caring personality is evident in other ways, as well. Multiple times, I’ve observed Colson cleaning up stray paper towels in the boys bathroom without being asked. He’s the leave-it-better-than-you-found-it kind of person, as Mrs. Strait put it, and as his classroom teacher, I couldn’t agree more! He is respectful in his interactions with adults and classmates, and shows responsibility within those relationships. I am so proud of how Colson’s character shines through, being a great model to those around him!
We are so proud of you, Colson! Thank you for being such a great role model!
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year
Beavercreek City Schools (BCS) will be holding kindergarten registration March 4-6 2025 only by appointment at the Board of Education’s new office located at 4029 Executive Dr. (No children please). Families must complete online enrollment forms and sign up for an appointment via sign up genius.
The dates for kindergarten registration are as follows:
March 4 – 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
March 5 – 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
March 6 – 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Please visit www.gocreek.org/kginfo to begin the online enrollment process. This webpage will direct you to the OneView link where you will create your parent account or sign in to your existing account. Once you are logged in, select the “New Student Registration” option. Once you have submitted your online enrollment information, please review the required documentation (listed below) and bring it with you to your appointment.
Required Documentation:
Original/Certified Birth Certificate, Passport or Birth Record (no other documents are
Custody documents if applicable (appointing custody, residential parent, etc.)
Adoption paperwork (Birth certificate listing adoptive parents or copy of adoption decree)
Immunization Records
Parent/Guardian must provide government issued I.D.
Proof of Residence (AES, CenterPoint or Water bill, not more than 60 days old – No other bills
are acceptable)
- A new rental/lease agreement signed by the parent/guardian and the person or company renting the property can be used for initial registration (lease in effect for less than 45 days); however, a utility bill must be provided to the student’s school within 30 days of enrollment.
- A Residence Affidavit is required if the student meets any of the following criteria:
- Student (less than 18 years of age) and parent/guardian are living with a family member or friend who resides within the district.
- A Superintendent Agreement form is required if any of the following criteria applies:
- Parent/Guardian is in the process of building, purchasing or renting a home and
is not physically residing at the address until after the registration process; a signed purchase contract or lease is still required and must show the approximate move in date. Per ORC, the occupancy date cannot exceed 90 calendar days from the student’s first day of school.
Kindergarten eligibility: Your child must be five years old on or before August 1st of the year in which he/she applies.
Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 School Year
The Beavercreek Preschool Center will hold enrollment for typically developing children the week of March 3rd - 7th. Registration will be online, the link will be available beginning March 3rd at 8:00am.
Children must be:
Three years old on or before August 1st
Potty Trained
Demonstrate clear verbal skills
Demonstrate positive social skills
To register online:
Go to: www.gocreek.org
Select: Schools
Select: Beavercreek Preschool Center
Click: Registration Information for Typical Peers
Spaces are limited and students will be selected according to age and needs of the program through a lottery basis. Tuition for the four, half-day sessions this year are $450.00 per quarter. Next year’s tuition is pending board approval and is anticipated to remain the same at $450.00 per quarter. Notification of placement will be made in April, at which time a non-refundable $75.00 deposit will be due.
For further questions regarding preschool enrollment, please contact Kristine Montague at 937-458-2508.
Summer School Registration
March Character Education Focus: Trustworthiness
This month, we will be highlighting the important character trait of "Fairness." Families can practice fairness at home in simple yet meaningful ways. Parents can emphasize the importance of taking turns, sharing, and listening to different perspectives with an open mind. Encouraging children to treat others with kindness and respect—regardless of differences—helps them develop a strong sense of justice. Discussing the value of playing by the rules, accepting outcomes graciously, and standing up for what is right reinforces the importance of fairness. Modeling and praising fair behavior, even in everyday situations, helps create an environment where everyone feels valued and treated with equity.
Staff and students are encouraged to wear ORANGE on Wednesday, March 4th to recognize the trait of "Fairness"!
Outstanding Educator Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for Outstanding Educator and Outstanding Support Staff for our annual Outstanding Awards Program.
Nominations will be accepted through Thursday, March 6th, 2025.
Read-a-Thon is Underway!
Our Read-a-thon has officially started and we are already 1/4 of the way toward our $10,000 goal! Students can earn prizes for minutes read, donations collected, and for sharing their Read-a-thon page with friends and family. Funds raised are used for assemblies, transportation for field trips, student and staff incentives, and more!
Pizzaaa With a Teachaaa
Valley Elementary is working toward raising funds to support our partnership with
Hannah's Treasure Chest and the Giving Angels program, which allow us the ability to
provide several of our students and families with clothing and household items
throughout the year as well as gifts during the holiday season.
For this fundraiser, students will purchase a ticket(s) for 50 cents each from their
classroom teacher. They will write their name and their homeroom teacher’s name on
each ticket. Students will place their ticket(s) in the container of the staff member that
they would like to eat lunch with. Containers will be placed in the lobby throughout
the week of the fundraiser.
Students may purchase tickets from their classroom teacher between Monday,
March 3rd and Thursday, March 6th. One lucky winner will be drawn from each
container and announced to students on Monday, March 10th. The pizza lunch will
take place on Wednesday, March 12th.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Julie Smigel, School Counselor, at
Thank you in advance for your child’s participation!
Disconnect to Connect
PTO Glow Dance
Yearbook Orders
Attendance Information
Attendance at school is an important part of your child's education. Ohio House Bill 410 has strict attendance guidelines, and you can read more about those requirements here. Our Building Office Assistant, Shannon Wyatt, has created a helpful list of do's and don'ts to help your family avoid a truancy or chronic absenteeism letter. Please call her at (937) 429-7597 with any questions!
Attendance Do's and Don'ts
- DON'T forget to report an absence to the office! Call 937-429-7597, option 1 OR email valleyattendance@gocreek.org. If the absence is not reported by 10:00am, our automated calling system will call home for any absent student who we have not heard from.
- DO keep your student home until they are 24 hours symptom free, without medication.
- DON'T forget to get a doctor's note and turn it into the Valley office when your student visits the doctor during school hours. Each student has 10 absences per school year that a parent can excuse, however, if you get a doctor's note, the absence does not count against the 10 you are allotted. Doctor's notes should be turned in within 5 days of the absence.
- DO let us know in advance of any absences due to a vacation. The district is no longer using vacation request forms, therefore, an email to valleyattendance@gocreek.org is the best way to let us know about an upcoming vacation. The district excuses 5 vacation/out of town days per school year.
Thank you for making your child's attendance in school a priority!
Community Opportunities
March Events
3-6 - Pizzaaa with a Teachaaa Ticket Sales
3-17 - Read-a-thon Fundraiser
4 - Math Club
5 - Character Ed Day - Wear ORANGE for Fairness!
5 - Student Advisory Council @ 9:30
6 - 5th Grade and Kindergarten to Air Force Museum
6 - End of 3rd Quarter
7 - Teacher Work Day; No Students
11 - Writing Club RM 53
12 - Pizzaaa with a Teachaaa lunch
12 - PTO Meeting @ 4:15
13 - Literary Lunch Club
14 - Third Quarter Reward Movie
14 - Beaver Buck Boutique
15 - PTO Glow Dance @ Ankeney Middle School (6:00-8:00)
17 - Spring Pictures, Classroom Group Pictures, and 5th Grade Panoramic Picture
17 - BookMobile Visit (1st Grade)
17 - Irish Dancers @ 11:00
18 - Math Club
19 - Writing Club author Visit
20 - Student Council Meeting @ 8:10
20 - STEM Assembly (All grades)
21 - Principal’s Pizza Party Reward
24-28 - Spring Break