Hoboken High School Weekly Update
September 6, 2024
Greetings Redwing Families,
I hope everyone had an amazing summer filled with a nice balance of rest and fun. I am so thrilled to have our classrooms and hallways filled with children again. Everyone looked great, and a big shout out to my new group of freshmen. They were a little confused with where to find their classrooms, but by Monday they will have it down pat.
Our fall sports are all opening up this week, and over the weekend. I look forward to catching all the action, and I hope you all can join us for some of these exciting games.
I wanted to introduce so new faces at HHS:
Mr. Kristian Dumicic - Math
Mr. Jens Kopastch - Science
Ms. Claire Malajian - Special Education/History
Ms. Patricia Agamez - World Languages Spanish
Mr. Frank Cagiao - 9th Grade Guidance Counselor
Ms. Brianna Pecora - 10th Grade Guidance Counselor
Ms. Argenis Gutierrez - Teacher Apprentice
Mr. Paul Pesenti - Teacher Apprentice
You will have the opportunity to meet them all at our Back to School Night on Thursday,
September 26, 2024. Mark your calendars.
I wanted to share the reason behind our new cell phone policy, so parents have a clear understanding of where our decision came from. At the start of the summer we discussed using the Yondr phone pouches, which have been recently all over the news. While I loved the idea of students disconnecting from their cell phones, I also did not like the idea of them not being able to access them at all throughout the day. I know as parents I am responsible for your most precious commodity, your child, and in the event of any emergency you must be able to contact them. Also, as the Principal, I am responsible for providing your child with a distraction free learning environment so they can engage with the classroom instruction. I have created a policy that has all students securing their phone in a phone storage case at the front of the classroom. If they use the restroom, they cannot bring their phone with them. When the period ends, they take their phone and proceed to the next class and follow the same process. In the case of an emergency, students have immediate access to their device. They are never more that 25 feel from their phones, which allows the easy access. During lunch, they are permiited to use their devices, but when in class they must check them in. I am confident we will see positive results in student performance due to this policy, which is why I am making this mandatory. Failure to comply will result in a disciplinary referral and a parent coming in for a meeting.
I hope this helps in your understanding behind my decision. I look forward to year filled with great accomplishments for your child and Hoboken High.
Please remember to fill out the lunch form. Whether you are interested in lunch or not, it is imperative that we get a completed form. I am attaching below for your convenience.
Picture day is Monday, September 9, 2024. Students will take their pictures during their regularly scheduled PE class.
All the best,
Ms. Picc
HPEF Back-to-School Community Run
HPEF is proud to announce our inaugural Back-to-School Community Run, a city-wide event taking place on Sunday, September 15, 2024, starting at 8:30am at Pier A in Hoboken. All are welcome to join this family event that includes a kids fun run, 1-mile walk/run, and 5k. Visit https://bit.ly/HPEF5k to learn more and register today! You can also stop by HPEF's table at the Arts & Musical Festival this weekend to learn more about this event.
We are stronger and better together! We welcome all parents and guardians to join the PTO and come out to volunteer. We have so many great things planned for the school year that we want you to be a part of. Please reach out to our PTO board if you want to join.
Mr. Angel Quinones - a121781q@gmail.com
Ms. Ilia Cruz - Icruz@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Ms. De La Rosa gdelarosa@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Hoboken Public Schools - A District Dedicated to Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships
Our Vision
The Hoboken Public School District will be recognized as a premier educational choice and widely known as a best-practice model for academic growth, high quality instruction, innovative and equitable programs, engagement, facilities and personalized pathways that are essential for college, career and life-preparedness in our ever-changing, interconnected global society.
Our Mission
The Hoboken Public School District will prepare confident and resilient graduates who value academic achievement, embrace challenge, honor diversity, appreciate collaboration, and respectfully contribute to their local and wider communities.
Our District Goals
The Hoboken Public School District will implement a rigorous, relevant and responsive curriculum that meets the needs of all students, fosters personalized pathways for learning, and ensures continuous academic growth.
The Hoboken Public School District will support its diverse staff in professional growth, encourage them to serve as role models, and empower them to provide the highest quality of instruction for our students.
The Hoboken Public School District will develop and implement unique and innovative programs that promote global learning, ensure equitable access, and foster the social, emotional and academic growth of each student.
The Hoboken Public School District will engage and communicate with families and the wider community to bridge understanding and advance partnerships.
The Hoboken Public School District will operate well-maintained and safe facilities that respond to our growing student enrollment, support our academic and co-curricular programs, and promote pride across the city.
Email: District@Hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: www.hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 524 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: (201) 356-3600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoboken.schools/
Twitter: @HobokenSchools
Information on Lunch Program
Your child received a hard copy of the lunch form. It is very important that we receive these forms back. If you completed online, no need to return. If you didn't, you must complete, even if you are not interested in the lunch program.
Parent payment (or prepayment) options are:
PaySchools Online: Pay by Credit Card or Electronic Check @ https://payschoolscentral.com
(Please note that there is an online convenience fee for all transactions through PaySchools)
In-Person: Payments (Cash or check) may be dropped off at the main office of your child’s school. Checks should be made payable to “Hoboken Board of Education Cafeteria Account” and include your child’s ID# in the memo line.
Technology Assistance
Chromebook Insurance
Chromebook Insurance
Optional Chromebook Insurance is now available to purchase for 2nd to 12th graders. If you think your children might be eligible for free and reduced-cost school meals, just sign in to your www.payschoolscentral.com account and fill out a free-and-reduced application (one form per family), as Chromebook insurance is of no cost to children who receive free or reduced lunch. If your child's Chromebook is broken, please fill out Hoboken Public School Technology Help Request for Parents, Guardians and Students.
Technology Assistance
This link can help you address some of the frequently asked questions during the first weeks of school, Hoboken Public Schools Parent Tech Site.