Deer Canyon Echoes
February 28, 2025
To Do ✅
- Read the minutes from this week's PSO meeting.
- Register for the Read-a-Thon and/or to volunteer.
- Volunteer for the Deer Dash — email us.
- Check out the PSO open positions for 2025-26.
- Contact Ms. Bendix if you can help plan DCES Wellness Week on April 28 to May 2.
- Purchase your DCES Yearbook.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 3/3 - Book Swap, Safety Committee Meeting at 7:45 am in Room 14
- 3/3 to 3/9 - DCES Read-a-Thon
- 3/7 - FUNky Friday at 8:45 in the MPR (no Coffee with the Principal)
- 3/10 - School Site Council Meeting #4 @ 7:35 am (agenda available next week)
- 3/11 - No School for Students (DCES Professional Growth Day)
- 3/13 - PUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 3/14 - DC Dining @ Chuck E Cheese
- 3/21 - Movie Night at Choir Performance
- 3/26 - Incoming 6th grade Parent Night @ Mesa Verde Middle
Principal's Messages 📚
Good evening, Deer Canyon Families:
Today (and always!) Deer Canyon was the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! We enjoyed Disney Day together, and campus was bustling with princesses, Spider-Men, Disney ears, and more! Now, families and loved ones are well into their travels around the globe at Family Heritage Night. More to report on this amazing event next week.
It was wonderful to return to campus on Monday after a week away. On Monday, our fifth graders had the privilege of enjoying their hard work and preparation come together on their BizTown field trip! BizTown is a simulated mini-city where students engage in hands-on learning by operating businesses, managing finances, and participating in civic activities to understand real-world economics. We are very fortunate to have this opportunity nearby!
On Wednesday, various clubs and the entire fifth grade class smiled wide for our panoramic Yearbook photos. I can’t wait to see how they turn out! Finally, on Thursday, fourth graders deepened their knowledge of the Gold Rush through hands-on learning with Julian Mining Company.
I would like to extend heartfelt acknowledgments to our Muslim students and families during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan begins today, February 28, and is a time of reflection, spiritual growth, and communal unity. We understand the significance of this month and recognize the commitment of those observing it. To further support our students during this period, we encourage families to reach out to classroom teachers or the school office if they wish to share information about Ramadan practices or request increased check-ins on their students. Your collaboration helps us create an inclusive and supportive environment for all members of our community.
Next week Deer Canyon will dive into reading during our annual Read-a-Thon! Each morning, I will be sharing class-wide progress and celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our students. There will also be other individual and collective prizes to earn! I am eager to see if we can surpass our schoolwide reading minutes from last year.
Additionally, our Safety Committee meets on Monday, the Westview Ambassadors join us for a fun playdate on Wednesday, and we'll wrap up the week with our favorite: FUNky Friday! Please note: FUNky Friday will be held in the MPR this month. Parents, please plan to join us at the MPR doors closest to the parking lot. Due to scheduling conflicts, there will not be a Coffee with the Principal on March 7. Instead, I encourage you to review the School Site Council agenda, which will be posted on the same day, for important updates and data that would have been discussed during Coffee with the Principal.
Mark your calendar for Wellness Week: April 28-May 2! We look forward to offering morning, classroom, and recess activities for our students. Parents, if you’re interested in getting involved in the planning or execution of the week’s events, please contact me.
TK is a full-day program for 2025-26
We have some exciting news regarding our district’s TK program! Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, PUSD Transitional Kindergarten will be a full-day program.
The range of age-eligibility will also expand -- children who turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025, will be age-eligible for TK. (Students who turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 will be age-eligible for Kindergarten). Enrollment for TK for 2025-26 school year opens on April 1, 2025. Please feel free to share this news with your friends and neighbors who have children in this age range.
Parents of English learners
Today is the last day Poway Unified will be conducting our Family Engagement and Accountability survey to gather input from all families of English Learner students. This survey helps shape the District’s goals and guide priorities for the 2025-2026 school year. Your feedback is extremely helpful as we continue to seek ways to better our English Learner program. Please click HERE to complete the survey.
DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) meeting
Our next DELAC meeting is Wednesday, March 12, at 6 pm at the District Office. You are cordially invited to attend this meeting with your DELAC representative. At this meeting, we will be looking at the results of our engagement survey and will engage with one another to gather input from parents along with brainstorming ways to continue to support our English Learner families. Your time is precious and we would gladly appreciate you attending to support the hard work of your parents!
Have a wonderful weekend, Deer Canyon! I’ll see you in March!
Katie Bendix
Continuing Registration for 2025-2026
Now through March 31: All parents whose current students will continue in Poway Unified for the 2025-26 school year must complete online continuing registration.
Check your email for a stand-alone message about continuing registration!
Caught You Being Kind
Through our Caught Being Kind program, students are recognized by a staff member for exemplifying respect for themself, others, or the environment. Each week, students that were “caught being kind” the week before are announced over the loudspeaker. These students then come to the office for an in-person message from me, an opportunity to “Feed the Herd” and make progress toward our whole-school prize, and we take a group photo together! First-time Caught Being Kind students receive a small prize, which is distributed by their teacher.
I am excited to share with you the names of students who were Caught Being Kind between February 3-February 14! We are almost to a schoolwide prize…I’d project sometime in March! Be sure to swing by the office to check out the Caught Being Kind board and our Feed the Herd bucket!
TK Leo W., Daniella G., Brooklyn, Ben L. Kindergarten Davie G., Ella J., Kase D., Luciana C., Sasha S., Avah S. 1st Grade Mika, Carmelo A., Avery L., Lok Yan A., Mei C., Brodie S., Grayson 2nd Grade Ben P., Arda S., Elle D., Sammy H. 3rd Grade Jay P., Chace C., Ethan H.,Calvin B., Theodore S., Hamza S.,Yazhini R., Aribella C., Jibreel N., Braddock S., Krithish A., Auri D., Gracie W., Andrew V., Kobe L., Jayden M. 4th Grade Evelyn S., Ed P., Damon S., Lincoln K., Noah B., Alekhya M., Callan F. 5th Grade Yahel G., Lennox S., Daniel Z.
Counselor's Corner 🦉
Hello, Deer Canyon families:
I hope you are all faring well in the harsh San Diego winter. Wow, what a beautiful week it was. …And a busy one, too.
In our Second Step curriculum, we’re nearing the end of our Emotional Management Unit. Students were all taught to use three easy steps for when they need to control any intense emotion, be it anger, anxiety, fear, whatever. Ask your student to explain “Stop, Name your feeling, Calm down.” The goal is for students to recognize the onset of strong feelings and use this strategy for maintaining self-control, before they lose their cool.
This trimester’s small counseling groups will be wrapping up shortly, with a few exceptions, due to scheduling. We will be starting with the spring sessions toward the end of March, continuing to focus on emotional regulation, growth mindset, and making friends.
Our DC Leaders were busy as well. On Tuesday, our Inspire Team visited classrooms, promoting Caught You Being Kind and our Feed the Herd Box. Any student “caught” exemplifying respect to themselves, others, or the environment may receive a “CYBK” notice. All those slips are put into the Feed the Herd Box, which is almost full. Once that box is full, the kids will get a schoolwide prize.
They also informed students about today’s Spirit Day (Disney Day), as well as this evening’s Family Heritage Night. Meanwhile, our Positivity team was looking ahead to next week's FUNky Friday prep. I’m also planning for the Beautification team to start on a recycling education campaign next week. I’m still awaiting a delivery date on the spring team’s uniforms, and will share that info with you as soon as possible.
Wednesday, our campus Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Team met with district colleagues to plan for Deer Canyon’s application for state certification. PBIS is a school-wide approach to help students develop positive behaviors and reduce problem behaviors, by focusing on prevention rather than punishment.
If you haven’t yet, please check out the recently launched DC Counseling & SEL website. You will find information about myself, our counseling vision, and a number of helpful resources for parents and students alike. It is accessible via the “Academics” tab of the Deer Canyon website, as well as right HERE.
Remember, PUSD’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term they have different parenting education courses. We recommend periodically checking the website for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Click HERE to view the CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Have a great week!
- Mr. Higgins
Updates from the PSO
Family Heritage Night: Tonight!
Don't miss out on Deer Canyon's Annual Family Heritage Night happening tonight from 5 to 7:30 pm. With tables hosted by countries and cultures throughout the world. Not just that, there will be multicultural performances and a fabulous fashion show.
PSO Open Positions: 2025-26 School Year
We have exciting open positions for the 2025-2026 school year and we'd love YOU to be a part of the PSO!
From the President to the Yearbook Chair, we need volunteers who are passionate about making a difference. Here's your chance to help create the amazing programs that our students love – including Art Adventures, Monster Mash, Readathon, Family Fun Night, and so much more!
Current members are eager to share their experiences and guide new families coming into these roles. With the support of our wonderful volunteers, we can continue to offer these fantastic events that bring our school community together. But we can’t do it without YOU!
Consider joining the PSO and help keep the magic alive for our kids! Contact us today to learn more and get involved.
If you have any questions or want to get involved, email president@deercanyonpso.org. You can also talk to any current member you know!
- President
- VP of Fundraising
- VP of Programs
- Art Adventures Chair
- Book Fair Chair
- Communication Chair/Echoes
- Family Fun Night Chair
- Family Heritage Night Chair
- Holiday Shop Chair
- Marketing Chair
- Monster Mash Chair
- Performing Arts Chair
- Promotion Chair
- Readathon Chair
- Yearbook Chair
Nothing Bundt Cake Sales Update
Thank you to all families who ordered cake for Valentine’s Day. We hope it made your day extra special. The DCPSO earned $219.50 from the proceeds. It was a sweet success!
PSO Mid-Year Update
Your PSO has been working hard this year to enhance the DC student experience. There is much progress to celebrate and share at this time of year. Please take a look at the brief snapshot below that reflects the generosity of our community and the enhancements we've made as a result. None of this is possible without your support, and we are truly grateful.
We are getting closer to meeting our annual goal of $99,000, which is critical to achieve in order to fund three significant staff positions and their supplies (PE, STEAM, Performing Arts), as well as teachers’ classroom supplies, all student and family events, and so much more. (For more DCPSO budget information, see pie chart below and click here.)
As we kick off our annual Read-a-Thon next week and Deer Dash in May, we invite you, your families, friends and employers to support our DC students in order to help us fill the significant gap between the money PUSD and the State of CA provide and what we actually need in order to maintain and enhance our DC experience every year. All contributions, big or small, help a lot and together they make a big difference.
Call for Deer Dash Committee Members
Deer Dash is our school's fun run fundraiser, taking place this year on May 1 during Wellness Week. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help contribute to planning the event.
If you are interested in helping out with small event tasks, mostly on your own time, we would appreciate your help! Please contact Vickie Merlo at deerdash@deercanyonpso.org. Thank you!
Upcoming Events 📆
Dive Into a Good Book at the Deer Canyon Read-a-Thon!
The annual Deer Canyon Read-a-Thon begins on Monday, so be sure to register today! This year's event runs from March 3-9! Every minute counts, so be sure to encourage your student to track their time read through their FundHub page, as well as share their page with friends and family to raise dollars for our school. Remember: reading aloud with friends and family count toward minutes read, so all Deer Canyon students can participate!
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to support opportunities for Deer Canyon students, such as art, physical education, and of course a well-stocked library! If we reach our goal, Deer Canyon students will enjoy a fabulous Under the Sea glow party for families -- and many more fun prizes along the way.
Students can win individual prizes for both reading minutes and fundraising, and there are also prizes for classrooms with the highest participation and meeting fundraising goals.
Share your student’s fundraising page five times for an opportunity to win an Under the Sea Squishmallow, and be sure to have your student stop by the front gate each morning with their bingo cards to enter to win amazing prizes, such as tickets to Birch Aquarium!
Looking for another way to support our fabulous readers? Consider volunteering for the Read-a-Thon -- there are multiple opportunities throughout the week!
Movie Night and Choir Performance - March 21
Our next Movie Night is coming Friday, March 21, in the NPR with a special performance from our very own Deer Canyon Choir. Kids get to VOTE on the movie at the next FUNky Friday -- "Moana 2" or "Inside Out 2."
Doors open at 5 pm and the Choir will take center stage at 5:30 pm, with the Movie starting shortly after.
More details to come as we get closer.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night: March 26
Attention incoming 6th grade Mesa Verde Middle families. Please mark your calendars for this informational parent night on March 26.
DCES Yearbook: Order by April 30
Hold on tight to those Deer Canyon memories!
Have you ordered this year's yearbook? If not, it is not too late! Deadline to purchase the yearbook and customize the 2 free-custom pages is Wednesday, April 30.
Questions: Contact the yearbook co-chairs Donna Cordero and Razan Lin at yearbook@deercanyonpso.org
How to Purchase:
To purchase a yearbook:
1. DOWNLOAD the Treering App or go to https://auth.treering.com/
2. LOG IN or SIGN UP using School Code 1015490278194159
3. CLICK "Explore (or "Purchase") Yearbooks" and select your child's name at the top.
4. SELECT soft or hard cover in the drop down.
5. CUSTOMIZE your two free pages by April 30, 2025 (you can purchase now, and will have till April 30th to customize your free 2 pages).