News from the Nest
October 11, 2024
The Weeks Ahead
Monday, 10/14
-Act 80 Day for Teachers – No School for Students
Tuesday, 10/15 (Day 4)
-Veterans Day Program invitation Sent Home
Wednesday, 10/16 (Day 1)
Thursday, 10/17 (Day 2)
-Service Hawks - 8:00 - 8:30am
-Fun Run Fundraiser - Wear Neon Colors
Friday, 10/18 (Day 3)
-Vernfield Spirit Day - Wear Pink
-1st Grade Presentation
Monday, 10/21 (Day 4)
-Character Counts! Week - Wear Purple for Citizenship
Tuesday, 10/22 (Day 1)
-VF Parent/Teacher Conference Forms Sent Home
-Character Counts! Week - Wear Green for Responsibility
Wednesday, 10/23 (Day 2)
-Character Counts! Week - Wear Gold for Respect
Thursday, 10/24 (Day 3)
-VF Parent/Teacher Conference Forms Due
-Character Counts! Week - Wear Blue for Honesty
Friday, 10/25 (Day 4)
-Character Counts! Week - Wear Red for Caring
-Hat Day for Character Counts! Week - $.50 donation goes to the Indian Valley Character Counts! Coalition
-Visiting Author
Vernfield Spirit's Fun Run Fundraiser has begun!
Vernfield Elementary families!
This week we kicked off our Vernfield Spirit's Fun Run program and our school community is so excited! Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE!
Here are some other FUN rewards we can earn as a school:
The Top Donating Class = Outside Lunch
The Top Donating Grade = a Pizza Party
Our Fun Run will also have a 90’s NEON theme! Get those outfits ready and JOIN US on 10/17*!!!
*weather permitting
On average, 70% of donations from this fundraiser come from outside the home. You can simply share your donation page by personalizing a student star video, sending emails, sharing to Facebook, and utilizing other easy share tools on the website.
Keep an eye out for daily communication on updates and how you can help our school! We are grateful for your support as we raise funds for student events, school maintenance & supplies, teacher support, and other school needs throughout the year.
Vernfield cookbook recipes due October 15th!
Have you ever attended a gathering and wished you could have the secret family recipe of your favorite dish? Do you have a tried and true recipe that everyone asks for?
Well, the Vernfield Home and School Association has the solution!
We are pleased to announce the creation of a first annual Vernfield Cookbook, "Cooking with Spirit"!
We are asking all Vernfield families to support our students by submitting a recipe online for inclusion! Bring your best recipes to share, it takes only a few minutes to enter them online for printing.
Please submit recipes via the following link by October 15th:
Username - VernfieldHSA
Password - Contribute2024
If you are looking for great recipes to try, the cookbook is available for preorder as well, via the below link:
More information can be found in the accompanying flyer for details!
Questions? Contact Laura DiNardo at laura.j.dinardo@gmail.com.
Fall Costume Parade and Socials
On Thursday, October 31st, Vernfield will hosting its Fall Costume Parade and Socials. Students are welcome to bring their costumes to school in a bag labeled with their name.
Later in the day, students will dress in their costumes for a small parade. After the parade, the students will return to their classrooms for a social. Weather permitting, parents and guests are allowed to report to the playground to watch the parade. More information to follow.
Thank you to all family members who have volunteered to help organize the classroom socials. Please note that in order to volunteer in the school, you must provide a completed Volunteer Registration and Disclosure form on the districts website AND have your license scanned by the front office. You can save time on the day of the social if you come to the school on a prior day to complete these items.
Senior Hawks is Coming Soon
Calling all Vernfield 3rd - 5th Graders!
Please join the Vernfield HSA for the Sr. Hawks Enchanted Event, on Friday, November 15th from 6pm-7:30pm in the school gym.
Pre-register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczIFKHWmW9-UbRG2S_CuaTOdXkikrOg9WLqWD43uFGcp5UnA/viewform?pli=1
Magician Kevin Shelly will be performing a magic show and snacks will be provided. More information can be found in the accompanying flyer.
*Please note that no siblings are permitted and that all children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. This is not a drop off event.*
If you are available to volunteer during the event, please sign up here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0B44A8AA2EA7FA7-51768304-volunteers
A Big Hospitality Thank-You
Thank you to everyone who contributed time and supplies for the Staff Spirit Day on Friday, October 4th! It takes a village to put these events together, and our village never disappoints.
The winner of the Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament was...(drum roll please)...Ms. Brown!
Look out for the next hospitality events - Conference Lunches for teachers during conference week, and also our December Staff Spirit Day on Friday, Dec 13th!
October Counseling News
The month of October is Bully Prevention Month and to kick off the month, students will be participating in Bullying Awareness and Prevention lessons throughout the month of October. I will be teaching classroom guidance lessons in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
Here is an outline of what will be taught!
-In Kindergarten we focus on ways to be a good friend and get along with each other. I will do a read aloud in First Grade of the book, Thea the Yellow Tomato by Stephanie Brown, focusing on accepting ourselves and others. We will focus on the first R of bully prevention; Recognize (is it unfair, one sided, happen over and over, makes you feel sad/scared).
-In Second Grade students will learn about the second R in bully prevention, refuse. We will read the book, The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman and Jackie Urbanovic and practice ways to refuse a bully, ask them to stop, ignore, walk away, report to an adult.
-In Third Grade students will review the 3R's to bully prevention: Recognize, Refuse, and Report. Students will practice assertive communication skills and I-Messages (I feel... When you.. Please..) to communicate their needs.
-In Fourth Grade students are empowered to stand up to bullying and practice changing negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
-In Fifth Grade we hone into cyberbullying which is a critical piece as our children get older and learn to stop, block and tell when someone is breaking the rules of cyber safety. Students are always encouraged to report to a trusted adult if they are unsure of what to do.
Nicole Wagner, School Counselor
HSA Executive Board Members
President:Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Danielle Rostick; pharmgirl19130@gmail.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Kendra Luther; itpmentor209@yahoo.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Stephanie VanHeyst; lasinss16@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield