Thank you for returning Library books! ๐
It's here....the end of the 2023-2024 School Year ๐ค๐งก
May 3 - PTO Walk-A-Thon
May 6-10 - Staff Appreciation Week
May 8 - Combo Classes going to The Planetarium
May 9 - Band, Orchestra, & Choir Concerts - 2:15-3:00pm
May 15 - Last PTO General Meeting, 6:30 PM , School Library
May 16 - Last day for GATE
May 17
- All library books are due
- 6th Grade Promotion 9:30-10:30am
- Early Release K-6 1:15 PM
May 21
- Field Day
- All book fines are due to the library
May 22 - K-5 Final Awards Assembly - 2:00-3:00pm
May 23 -
- Kindergarten Graduation
- Last Day of School - Early Release K-6 1:15 PM
- Report Cards Go Home
- Yearbooks Distributed
PTO News and Upcoming Events
Hello Bengal Friends and Families!
April came and went, but we had SO much fun at the Aloha to Spring Dance. A BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Purdy for being the BEST DJ and making the night memorable (as well as to all of the volunteers who helped). Also to our generous Sponsors who donated prizes for the raffle and the delicious Pina Colada lemonade: Meridian Speedway, Goody's and Kanak Attack!
On April 17th, we held our monthly PTO meeting, and voted in three new Board members for the upcoming school year. We're happy to announce that Chelsea Sulser (President), Shannon Allen (Vice President), and Holly Warren (Secretary) have accepted the roles. Amy Curtis-Schaeffer will continue to serve as Treasurer. Lane Gillespie (outgoing Secretary) and Vanessa Gamma (outgoing Vice President) have faithfully given of their time and will complete their 2 year commitments at the end of this school year. Please join me in extending your thanks to them!
It has been my privilege to serve as PTO President for the past two years. My heart has been to provide spaces to bring our school community together to build relationships, and raise funds to give back in a variety of ways to our teachers, staff, and students. Thank you for your support as we've held events and worked to extend our appreciation for those who show up for our kids, each and every day. I will always be thankful for the memories and friendships I've made along the way.
With gratitude, Heather Guizzo (outgoing President)
AND: May is here! Before we know it, school will be over. BUT, before then, join us for some fun end of the year events. Items are still needed to stock the staff lounge, and volunteers for Walk-A-Thon, Staff Appreciation set-up and Field Day. Sign up here:
Do you have gently used Bengal Spirit wear that your kids have outgrown? We'd love to pass those along to other students in our school. There will be a bin in the foyer for the remainder of the school year to donate.
May 1st-3rd: Drop off "Stock the Staff lounge" items on the black cart in the school foyer.
May 3rd: Walk-A-Thon
THANK YOU to those who have signed up to volunteer and for helping us raise funds!
May 6th-10th: Staff Appreciation Week
THANK you to BOISE FAMILY EYE CENTER and BOISE TURNKEY for generously sponsoring two days of Staff Appreciation!
May 14th: LAST PTO General Meeting, 6:30pm, School Library.
May 21st: Field Day
Many volunteers are needed to make this day possible!
May 23rd: Kindergarten Graduation
Bengal of the Month for April 2024- Character Trait: Perserverance
Mrs. Strickler's Class
Mrs. Kinney's, Mrs. McFarland's & Mrs. Bourgeau's Classes
Mrs. Holmes' Class
Mr. Purdy's Class
Mrs. Newell's, Mrs. Kinsley, Mrs. Brown's & Mrs. Thornton's Classes
Assessment season has arrived!
Along with the April showers, and May flowers, 4th quarter is also the season of assessments! There will be a variety of state and district assessments given to students in the coming weeks so we can monitor the growth of our individual students, the school as a whole, the district as a whole, and even how we as a state are doing! We've been working hard all year, and it's time to celebrate how much our kiddos have learned! Here are a few things families can do at home to help their child get ready for testing!
๐ฆAre you moving schools next year?
๐Library News
๐นFUN AT THE LIBRARY: April was National Poetry Month and prizes will be awarded in the Library for very creative poets.
๐CALLING ALL BOOKS: May is the saddest month of the school year. It is time to find all the books and return them to the library. There will be a prize for the most overdue book finally being returned to its place on the shelf. Is it yours? All books are due May 17 and any unfortunate lost book fines are due May 21. Please contact Mrs. Bostrom if you have any questions.
๐ชLOST BOOK FEES: If your child has lost their book, please keep an eye out for information on the cost to replace the book from our librarian. If your family is unable to pay the book fine, please reach out to the librarian Mrs. Bostrom, or the principal Mrs. Meyerhoeffer. Please note that report cards will be held by the school until all library fees are cleared.
Overdues by Shel Silverstein
What do I do?
What do I do?
This library
book is 42
Years overdue.
I admit that it's
But I can't pay
the fine--
Should I turn it
Or hide it again?
What do I do?
What do I do?
A Note from the Nurses' Office
โ๏ธPLEASE PICK UP MEDICATIONS FROM THE NURSE: Please remember, on the last day of school, you must pick up your student medications that have been kept in the health office this school year!
A required physical exam to participate in PE/Athletics
- Physicals need to be done AFTER May 31st and BEFORE August 14th
Access form here: Physical Form
Register on Aktivate: Aktivate
7th grade required immunizations: Tdap, Meningococcal
Please provide the updated record by August 14th to the Fairmont Junior High School Nurse Katie Singleton, RN Or Riverglen Junior High School Nurse Heather Andrade, RN
Update Health Information and Permission for OTC medication in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for the 2024-2025 school year
๐งฅThe Lost and Found is full, again!
Please have your child check the lost and found! There is a large pile of coats and sweatshirts, now that the beautiful weather has arrived! Any unclaimed items will be donated at the end of May.
Safety Patrol News โ ๏ธ
We are training our new 2024-2025 Safety Patrol Squads. Please drive attentively when in the school zone. Please slow down and watch for students and crossing guards. Everyone is working to get your student home safely.
Mountain View staff and students want to thank Mrs. Hine for her 23 years of service as a sponsor, supervisor, trainer, and chaos coordinator. She deserves a standing ovation for her many years of dedicated patience. Here's to a happy retirement free of withstanding cold weather and having to dress in many layers each morning. You are "CLEAR" to go and have some much-needed relaxation and fun!
Idaho Battle of the Books News ๐
46 teams from the Region competed on April 20. Da Darkest Chupacabra Quesadillas finished in the top 10 and the Lime Green Pickle Eating Soccer Playing Bunnies finished 32. Both teams were impressive competitors. Thank you to the families for their support. Thank you to all of the students who participated this year. Mountain View Library is a happy place when all the students spend time reading and battling it out in Idaho Battle of the Books
๐ K-8 Girls Basketball Camp at Capital High
Date: June 10-12
Time: 9am-12PM
Cost: $60
Application Due: June 1st
Apply online by opening the flyer below!
๐ Incoming 6-8 Volleyball Camp at Capital High
Date: June 17-18
Time: 11am-2pm
Cost: $100
Apply over email by opening the flyer below!
Capital High Fundraiser to Benefit the Weight Room
- Golf Tournament
- Friday June 7th
- 9am Tee Time
- Quail Hollow Golf Course
EVERY DAY MATTERS at Mountain View!
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Student Handbook
Tina Akpan
Behavior Support Specialist
Bryce Baker
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Melissa Ball
1st Grade Teacher
Breanne Balukoff
Lizzie Blackwell
Learning Coach
Amy Bostrom
Jill Bourgeau
3rd Grade Teacher
Kelly Brown
6th Grade Teacher
Lisa Cutler
4th/5th Grade Teacher
Jane Delamarter
Kindergarten Teacher
Denise Dillion-Johnson
Madison Delion
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Mike Driscoll
Primary Excel Teacher
Ciarra Elguezabal
Office Assistant
Elizabeth Fathke
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Jane Godfrey-Wold
Tina Gould
Administrative Assistant
Kristi Handley
P.E. Teacher
Kristy Hansen
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Tim Harker
Occupational Physical Therapist
Vicki Hine
Resource Room Assistant
Morgan Holmes
1st Grade Teacher
Toni Islas
School Support Assistant
Jeni Jacobs
Resource Room Special Education Teacher
Cristy Johnson
Health Teach
Shawn Jones
School Social Worker
Rose Keely
Food Services Manager
Arde Keshavarz-Rahbar
Food Services
Amy Kinney
Kindergarten Teacher
Taylor Kinsley
5th/6th Grade Teacher
Peter Marx
Intermediate Excel Teacher
Wendy McFarland
3rd Grade Teacher
Peggy McGorty
Music Teacher
Eva Meyerhoeffer
Tia Newell
5th Grade Teacher
Chris Purdy
2nd Grade Teacher
Angela Schlautman
School Psychologist
Todd Sprague
Band Teacher
Gina Strickler
2nd Grade Teacher
Brandon Swinford
Head Custodian
Jessica Thornton
4th Grade Teacher
Vasiliy Tsupa
Brenton Viertel
Orchestra Teacher
Lynnette Weller
GATE Teacher
Brenee Williams
Speech Language Pathologist
Go to bed early!
Research shows elementary students need 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Create a bedtime routine that your child can follow, and make sure those screens are put away.
Eat a healthy breakfast!
It's hard to concentrate when you're hungry, and too much sugar can cause a crash, so make sure your kiddo gets a healthy breakfast each day!
Reduce anxiety with a growth mindset!
Some children may experience negative thoughts and self-doubt around testing time. Remind your child of the breathing tools we use at school, and remind them that a test is just a snapshot in time, and we'll always have another opportunity to show our learning.