District Bulletin
Prepare Challenge Empower
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How I feel as a parent with school starting Tuesday.
How my child/children feel about school starting Tuesday.
- We value all students and their well being. If there are issues that are occurring at school where you suspect potential harassment/bullying or concern for a students welfare there is a system to process this. Please report this to our Public Works system.
- The online reporting system and the 1-866-listen2me phone system are for staff, students and parents to report concerns which may affect the peace of mind of students or jeopardize the safety of people or school facilities. Concerns may include, but are not limited to, bullying, abuse, bomb threats, cyber crimes, discrimination, drugs, health concerns, suspicious behavior, vandalism, fighting, & weapons. Helpline information helps us maintain school environments that are safe and conducive for learning.
- The ability to report Bullying and Harassment can be found on our website at the top right corner indicated by the blue hand (see graphic above).
- Once a student, parent, or staff member reports an issue it goes directly to the principal of the building for investigation.
- Administration will coordinate the appropriate investigation and communicate findings and outcomes to those involved.
- Administration will document the investigation and outcome in Public School Works.
6 Units Strong, 1 Wildcat Family
Our Message to NULSD Staff
Dear Wildcat Families,
I hope that this message finds you all well and that you are enjoying the last bit of summer before the hustle and bustle of school starts this coming Tuesday. Many of our students have already started sports, band, FFA, and VEX. We already have the high school and 6th grade open house completed with the 7th & 8th grade coming up Monday night. We now that there is a lot that goes into starting the school year for our families, the running from here to there, school supplies, school shopping, and just getting on a routine. WE ARE THANKFUL FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! I am sharing with you the message that I shared with our staff going into next week. I think that it also is very comparable to what our own family units become at home. Families really are teams in the end. We are looking forward to welcoming our 1486 students back in our district on Tuesday!
Our Message to NULSD Staff:
I don't know about you, but I love the Olympics! I love the passion, the spirit, the comradery between teams and nations, but what I love most about the Olympics is that it really is about family. The video above is from the last Olympics, but its message rings true today, individually we may be small, but together we are giants! Our vision continues, PREPARE, CHALLENGE, EMPOWER. Our mission has not changed, "Together with our community, preparing students for a changing world, challenging students to grow, empowering students to achieve with purpose." It's what we do, its what I will talk about at our convocation on the 12th. Our message of 6 units, 1 family will be the way we operate and live under the umbrella of our mission and vision. The Olympics are a clear example of team and family. Consider the United States Women's gymnastic team. If you have been watching our team it has been nothing sort of amazing! We have a team with amazing individual talents, some talents are specialized others are all around but all contribute to the team. They celebrate for each other, understand each others pain and do the same for those outside of the USA. They are the definition of Team and Family. What individual talents do you bring to our wildcat family and team? Are you a specialist? Are you the personality that is the glue that keeps everyone together? Are you the leader that stands up and puts words into action? Whatever your talents may be, they are instrumental for what we do here. I think our high school has a quote that is appropriate to this idea, "Everyone counts or nobody counts." I'm excited to be back and see all of you, lets make this the best year yet!
Go Wildcats!
Mr. Justin Ufferman
The Run Down
District Updates
Human Resources
- NULSD: All administrative jobs have been hired. We welcome Spencer Klautky from the University of Kentucky! She will be joining our district as an additional social worker for all of our buildings.
- NUHS: We are excited that Christopher Jacky will be joining both NUHS and NUMS as our next choir teacher! We are also excited to welcome Kelly Wagner as our new Nursing Instructor and Alexander Pankiewicz as our new LA teacher.
- NUMS: Liz Hake will be joining our wildcat family as the our NUMS AP/AD. We also have several new teachers on staff: Adam Brown, 6th Science; Sydney Bacon, 7th ELA; Casey Daum, 7th Science; Mason Holland, 7th SS; Ryan Welch, 8th Science.
- NUES: Vicky Clark, who was our Interim NUMS principal last year assumes the helm at NUES with Brent Markham this year.
- NU Operations: We welcome Rita Ford to the custodial crew at NUMS. Mr. Nauman has been busy interviewing substitutes this year for both bus drivers and custodial help.
- NU Athletics: Fall sports are in full swing. Newest head coaching additions are Mitch Loomis for girls varsity basketball and Austin Terrill for boys varsity basketball. Brandi Miller has also joined as the head 7th grade volleyball coach.
- We will be adding an additional district social worker and BRYT staff member by way of grant funding from AWARE and the MHRBUC through our ESC. We believe we have secured both of these positions.
- Wow the buildings look awesome! So do the grounds!
- NUES and NUMS lots were sealed this summer.
- The loop has been fixed and from any rain that we have had, it looks as though the flooding issue has been resolved.
- NUHS and NUES will be receiving an audio upgrade starting August 26 and finishing up over fair break.
- Jared Evans and his staff completed several projects throughout the summer keeping up on our technology upgrades.
- Chromebook distribution was about on point with what it is generally every year.
- Computers and laptops have been reimaged.
- Many printers were replaced throughout the district, the upgrades are awesome.
- We are implementing a new attendance reporting program (Redrover) that replaces Frontline system. You can also find attendance reporting through the NU app below. You will be receiving more information about this through your building communication.
- State testing will take place in April.
- Buildings are currently building their schedules for next year.
- Students should be scheduling for classes next year.
- Pre school screening took place at the board office this past week. It was great seeing littles working with our staff. We had a great turnout and look forward to welcoming our new wildcats next year!
More information to come as we receive it.