Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 25 February 28, 2025
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: Building SuperReaders!
Freaky Friday snapshots...
Student of the Week
5 Red - Harper John-Thuecks
5 Orange - Liam McBride
5 Purple -Easton Kohls
5 Blue - Emalyn Randolph
5 Yellow - Adalyne Ries
6 Red - Camryn Kendl
6 Green - Emma Gutjahr
6 Yellow - Harper Crosby
6 Purple - Aiden Polze
6 Blue - Violet Spors
Art - Olivia Huyser
World Language - Matthias Fischer
Music - Paisley Chesbrough
PE - Willow Bauer
Staff of the Week
This week's Staff of the Week is helpful and kind. He keeps Silverbrook at its best and always has a great joke to share. Every time you see him in the hallway he greets you with a smile. Congratulations to our Silverbrook custodian, Mr. Baker!
Your opportunity to nominate a Silverbrook staff member!
Do you know of a Silverbrook staff member who has made a positive impact on your child? Parents and students are encouraged to nominate a staff member of the week. Please use this form to submit a nomination. Every week the nominations are reviewed and announced on Monday mornings, along with the Students of the Week.
Silverbrook Yearbooks
Preserve this year's memories by ordering a yearbook for only $15.00 or 30 Viking Pride Cards (make checks payable to West Bend School District)! Orders must be turned in to your child's morning meeting teacher no later that Thursday, March 20th. Late orders will not be accepted. A limited amount of extra yearbooks will be available for purchase the last week of school (dates to be determined) at a cost of $20. Order Form Link
Family Night - March 7
Silverbrook is hosting wheelchair basketball on Friday, March 7. Doors will open at 6:45pm and the action begins at 7:00pm. Silverbrook teachers have created a team to play against a Wisconsin Adaptive Sports Association (WASA) team. There will be student raffles, a mascot race, 1/2 court shot contest and more. The admission is FREE for the entire family, sponsored by the Silverbrook PTO. We hope to see you there.
Winter Cleanings on March 5th
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Silverbrook Intermediate 403 on:
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
It is not too late to enroll if you are not already enrolled! Get your Winter smiles ready!
As a reminder we accept enrollments for all students Head Start-12!
Sign up online at:
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
- Oral Screening
- Dental Cleaning
- Fluoride Varnish Application
- Dental Sealant Placement
- Silver Diamine Fluoride Application
- Sealant Retention Checks
- Oral Health Education
- Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) Accepted!
(Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Funds made available through your FSA/HSA account may be utilized as a form of payment, please check with your carrier for specific terms and conditions.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email clinicalcare@bbsmiles.org.
¡Reciba atención dental en la escuela!
El programa Bridging Brighter Smiles ofrece:
- Examen Oral
- Limpieza
- Aplicadorde Flúor(decaimiento prevención)
- Selladores(cavidad prevención)
- Fluoride Diamino de Plata
- Educación para la Salud Dental
- Referencia de Ayuda
Bridging Brighter Smiles ofreces servicios de prevención dental en lasescuelas para estudiantes desde Head Start hasta 12 grado.
En promedio, el servicio es dado a los estudiantes participantes dos o tres veces por año escolar.
Recordatorio que aceptamos inscripciones para todos estudiantes de Head Start-12 grados.
Forward Health(BadgerCare) acepta!
(No aceptamos seguros dentales privados)
Fondos disponibles atraves de su FSA/HSA cuenta pueden ser utilizados como forma de pago, por favor revisen con su provedor para terminos y condiciones especificos.
Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones sobre sus derechos de privacidad contenidos en esta Notificación, favor de contactarse alOficial de Privacidad de Bridging Brighter Smiles al 262-896-9891 o mandar un correo electronico a clinicalcare@bbsmiles.org.
Volleyball Opportunities
Please see the attached links for 3rd-4th grade volleyball and 5th-6th grade volleyball opportunities.
Second Step
Week of 3/5/2025
5th Grade
Lesson: Putting it All Together
Summary: In this lesson, your child will use the STEP process they learned in this unit to solve an interpersonal problem. STEP stands for S: Say the problem, T: Think of solutions, E: Explore the outcomes, and P: Pick a solution.
Try This at Home: Ask your child to tell you about the STEP process and give an example of what someone would do in each part of the process.
6th Grade
Unit Description: Recognizing Bullying and Harassment
In the next unit, students learn how to recognize bullying and harassment, stand up safely to bullying, and respond appropriately to harassment. This unit’s content helps students develop empathy, understand the impact of bullying and harassment on individuals and their communities, and examine social and environmental factors that contribute to negative behaviors as well as identify solutions for preventing those behaviors.
Lesson: Common Types of Bullying
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will discuss different types of bullying, and increase their awareness that bullying can look and feel different in each situation.
Upcoming school activities
Week of March 3
Activities and clubs run from 3:10-4:05
March 4
- Spanish Club
- Workspace
- Intramural Football
March 5
- Bridging Brighter Smiles
- Strings of Steel
- Trading Card Club
- Viking Attack
- Bravo!
- Winter Guard (3:10-6:00pm)
- Workspace
March 6
- Bridging Brighter Smiles
- Student Council
- Yearbook
- VIking Voice
- Intramural Football
- Workspace
- PTO Meeting in the Silverbrook library
March 7
- Viking Attack @PTO Family Night
- Family Night (7:00-10:00pm)
March 8
- Winter Guard (9:00-3:30pm)
March 9
- Winter Guard Practice 12:30-5:30pm