Fifth Grade Weekly Updates
Week of August 21-25
Meet the team!
We're excited about another week of learning with our 5th graders!
We strive to create an environment that helps our students to meet their highest potential.
Please read our newsletter each week to get important updates and reminders.
Homeroom Teachers
Mrs. Peace 5A
Mrs. Brown 5B
Ms. Bradley 5C
Ms. Underwood 5D
Support Teachers
Ms. Kinney (Reading Specialist)
Mrs. Sledge (IRR)
Mrs. Powell (Math EIP)
Mrs. Stanton-Cooper (ESOL)
Mrs. Turturro
What are we learning this week?
We will continue working on the volume of rectangular prisms. We are also focusing on mastery of multiplication facts.
Social Studies
We will continue to learn about geography. We will practice identifying different types of landforms found in North America.
Our focus will be on mastering informational writing. We will learn how to write a strong topic sentence . We will also practice using text evidence to correctly answer questions about the passages we read.
We will be reading to learn about the U.S. Constitution. We will discuss how the rights and responsibilities in the constitution have changed over time. We will use details from the books we are reading to support our ideas.
What will we be learning next week?
Math- We will be discussing strategies to find the volume of rectangular prisms.
Please also practice multiplication facts daily!
Social Studies- We will be discussing Earth’s geographic features and how we represent and use them to describe locations.
Writing- We will be working on informational writing about the U.S. Constitution.
Reading- We will be reading to learn about important amendments to the U.S. Constitution. We will discuss the Due Process Clause in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. We will use ideas from the passages we are reading to support our ideas.
What is the Constitution and why is it important?
Student Spotlight
Zayden, Dayanna, Queen, and Jeremy update the word wall with vocabulary words from their studies of the U.S. Constitution.
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!
8/22-8/25 MAP Testing
8/23 Vision 2 Learn
9/4 Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
9/14 DLI Math Family Night- 5:00-7:00 p.m.
9/20 Fall Pictures
9/25-9/29 Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)
Fifth grade students will visit Starbase at Dobbins Airforce Base in October.
10/2 - 10/6 STARBASE Field Trip (5B and 5D)
10/9 - 10/13 STARBASE Field Trip (5A and 5C)
Permission slips were sent home in Thursday folders. In order to attend the trip to STARBASE, students must turn in signed permission forms.
Please click the link below to learn more about this exciting educational opportunity!
Weekly Communication
Stay in touch with us!
Weekly Communication Folders are sent home each Thursday, to be returned on Friday. Inside the folders you will find your student's weekly homework. Your student is expected to complete all homework AND read 20 minutes each night. Homework is turned in on Thursdays and will be graded.
Class DoJo
Download and use Class Dojo to communicate with your student's teacher!
Teachers will be using Class Dojo to reward positive behaviors. Students earn points and are able to "shop" with their points to purchase items. Teachers also use Class DoJo to send quick text messages when needed. Please get a code from your child's teacher and sign up if you haven't already!
Reading is the Key to Success!
Join PTA!
5th Grade Families:
PTA is excited to announce that we are now open for memberships! The GA PTA has moved to an online membership system called Totem. The cost to join has increased by $1.00, for a total of $11.00. Here is the link to join PTA:
Once you join, you can download a digital membership card to your phone or print a physical copy. You can also choose to send in $11 cash with your child to put in an envelope at school. The goal of the Park Street PTA this year is to build capacity to support students, families, and teachers!
Arrival / Dismissal
Change of Transportation
If there is a change in transportation arrangements, we require notice from the parent before allowing students to be transported by anyone other than a parent. You may send in a note with your child or email with the details of the change. We do not allow students to walk or to ride home with unauthorized people.
At dismissal time bus riders will be put on the school bus unless a parent is present for pick-up, or the parent has notified the school office of another arrangement.
Students are not permitted to change buses to ride home with friends without a note from their parent. Please make arrangements for your child before he/she comes to school. If you must make a change during the day, notify the school office staff before 2:30 p.m.
Pick-up by Car in the Afternoon
Anyone picking up a child must have his/her Panther Car Tag. If you do not have a Panther Car Tag, you may get one at Sneak-A-Peek or by coming to the front office.
Please do not park across the street and have your child designated as a “walker”.
This is extremely dangerous, and teachers on duty will stop children crossing the street
unescorted by a parent or adult. If you need to come into the building, please park in a parking space.
Tardy Drop-Off
When a student arrives late (after 8:30), an adult must sign the student in at the office.
Early Pick-Up
Please limit early pick-up of children to emergencies and appointments. If a child is out for any portion of the school day, the missed time is recorded as a tardy. A note sent in the morning will help us to have your child ready. To avoid interruptions to instruction, no student
will be released between 2:45 and 3:15. Parents will be asked to wait for the dismissal bell. Come to the office to check out a student. Please be prepared to present photo identification upon request. No student will be released to an unknown or unauthorized person.
Late Pick-Up
Students waiting to be picked up will be supervised until 3:30. After 3:30 they may be sent to the After School Program if they are pre-registered ($10 fee). Regular after school charges will apply. Many parents sign up for the program so their children can attend in case of emergency.