Weekly Message
an Update from Dr. Barbara A. Russell 4/22/22
Greetings PV Families,
PV's Path to Health & Wellness program is well underway! This past week we enjoyed three virtual evening presentations centered on the theme: Building Community – Respectful Interactions. On Tuesday, Dr. Kelli Harding, author of The Rabbit Effect, spoke about the science of kindness. On Wednesday, Dr. Tara Parr presented information for parents about Social Media and teen use. And, finally, last night, Dr. Krista Leh shared information about bullying and steps to establish a Culture of Connection.
If you were unable to attend any of these sessions but are interested in the information...No Worries! Each one was recorded and can be viewed on our District YouTube page. I am also providing links here for convenience:
- The Rabbit Effect - session recording 4/19/22
- Social Media for Parents - resources and session recording 4/20/22
- Interrupting Bullying & Establishing a Culture of Connection - session recording 4/21/22
Next week's theme centers around Substance Use. Join us for a virtual evening session Thursday, April 28, titled Cannabis (it’s complicated, especially for kids!). This online program, presented by Be A Part of the Conversation, will address the effects of increased THC levels, social norms, availability, and the impact on a young, developing brain.
The following week, the week of May 2, will focus on Anxiety and Depression. There are three virtual evening presentations planned, including:
- Parenting on Your Feet + Mock Teen Bedroom, 5/3/22
- Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Our Children, 5/4/22
- Student Assistance Program (SAP), 5/5/22
Visit our PV Path to Health & Wellness webpage for more information including links to the upcoming virtual sessions.
Dr. Barbara A. Russell
Love Your Mother 5k Run/Walk
The first annual Love Your Mother 5k, will be hosted by PV Woods' Muhlenberg Woods in partnership with Perkiomen Valley School District Foundation. This 3.1-mile race will be held on Mother's Day Weekend, Saturday, May 7th, starting at 9:00 am at Perkiomen Valley Middle School West, located at 220 Big Road, Zieglerville. In addition to the race, there will be fun activities for kids held by the High School Take Action club!
For more race information visit Love Your Mother 5K. Proceeds of this event will support the PV Woods' revitalization efforts.
PA State Assessments
Students in grades three, four, and five in our elementary schools and six, seven, and eight in our middle schools will be participating in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) during late April and early May. The PSSA is made up of three separate tests which assess to what degree our students have become proficient in English Language Arts (reading and writing), Mathematics, and Science. For additional information regarding this year’s assessment, please review our parent letter and frequently asked questions document.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires the annual administration of Keystone Exams. Keystone Exams are state-required, end-of-course assessments to determine proficiency in Algebra, Literature, and Biology. The exams are a graduation requirement for students in the class of 2023 and beyond. Students who are currently enrolled in Algebra I, English 10, and Biology will take the associated exam this spring.
- Middle School students needing to take the Algebra I Keystone Exam will complete the exam across two testing days, May 24 & 25 (one module per day), as part of their routine school day. Middle School principals will provide additional details to the families impacted by testing as we approach the end of May. Students not enrolled in Algebra I will participate in their normal daily routine.
- At the High School level, we will be scheduling one day for each exam. Test takers will report onsite for scheduled test days. One module will be completed in the morning and the second after lunch. Lunch options will be available for onsite students. On test days, only students needing to take the Keystone Exam and special education students who are served in our low incidence district wide program classrooms will be onsite. All other high school students will participate in instruction asynchronously on these days. Tests will be scheduled as follows… Literature (English 10) on May 16, Algebra I on May 19, and Biology on May 24.
Given the complexity of schedules this year and the requirements from PDE for assessment and graduation, please review our Frequently Asked Questions document for information specific to Perkiomen Valley’s assessment plan and PDE’s graduation pathways. In addition, PDE has developed FAQs regarding Keystone Exams in general which you may find helpful. Finally, please review the information about electronic devices during the assessment.
Art & Food Truck Festival
Art is for everyone! The 2022 Art and Food Truck Festival will host a wide range of artists and vendors from within and outside of the Perkiomen Valley community. Our event is open to professional and student painters, woodworkers, ceramists, jewelry designers, photographers, fiber artists, etc.
We believe the arts in our community fosters social connection that bonds people.
Summer Program- LIFT
Plans for our summer LIFT (Learning Is Fun Together) program are well underway! We are planning to offer remediation, enrichment, and credit recovery options this summer. We are finalizing offerings in each area and plan to launch programs in mid May. Programs will be scheduled on Mondays - Thursdays throughout the summer. For your planning purposes the following dates have been identified for each program.
Elementary & Middle School Remediation ~ June 27 - July 27
Elementary & Middle School Enrichment ~ Weeks of July 11th, 18th, & 25th
High School Credit Recovery ~ June 27 - August 4
Our libraries will also be open on various dates throughout the summer for book selection and activities.
We hope you will consider joining our LIFT programs, so we can LIFT up our students through fun learning experiences.
- Elementary LIFT remediation will focus on English Language Arts and Mathematics through weekly themed units and hands-on activities. Students will be invited to participate upon review of their progress throughout the school year. Through a partnership with Penn State University, we will also be offering week-long enrichment camps focused on STEM related topics to engage our elementary students.
- Middle School LIFT remediation will also focus on English Language Arts and Mathematics for students demonstrating a need in these areas. We are also creating week-long enrichment opportunities for middle school students.
- Our High School will continue to offer credit recovery options.
Stay tuned! We plan to share more details about each of these programs in May.
COVID-19 Dashboard
As a reminder, we have made changes to our district COVID-19 dashboard. In alignment with reporting to the Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH), PVSD data will now be shared weekly, on Mondays, to reflect onsite positive COVID cases for the previous week (Saturday through Friday). The information, broken down by level, includes onsite positive cases for students and staff. To view, visit District COVID-19 Dashboard.
Upcoming District Dates
- Thursday, April 21: Safety & Operations Committee Meeting @ 7pm
- Wednesday, April 27: Education Committee Meeting @ 7pm
Superintendent's Office
Email: brussell@pvsd.org
Website: https://www.pvsd.org/about/superintendent/
Location: 3 Iron Bridge Drive, Collegeville, PA, USA
Phone: (610)489-8506
Twitter: @BarbaraARussell
Having Tech Issues? See Below for Details
- Chromebook malfunctions/damages: Email the helpdesk@pvsd.org
- Forgotten student passwords: Go to https://accounts.pvsd.org
- FAQs about Chromebooks can be found on our website
As a note, in addition to always encouraging our students to share questionable or concerning information with a trusted adult, they can submit an anonymous tip through the Safe2Say Program. Tips are typically related to a variety of challenges our students experience or witness, such as bullying, harassment, disrespectful language, safety concerns, etc. When a tip is received, the State (who runs Safe2Say) immediately follows up with the respective building administrator and the information is investigated.
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