Howell Happenings
December 2024
Principal Posts: News from Mrs. Alexander
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Winter Break will be here in just a few short weeks. No matter what you celebrate, I hope you enjoy time with family and friends this holiday season. Just a few things for you to know for this month:
- Online Registration is now open for the 25-26 school year! To register, access your ParentVue account and update your information. You are required to have an ID, immunizations, birth certificate, and proof of residency (ID or bill with your current address) in your child's electronic file. Proof of residency needs to be renewed every school year. If you are having issues with uploading documents or getting into ParentVue, please contact Mrs. Lee by email, or phone at 520-232-7203.
- Our garden/chicken program is always accepting donations. We are currently in need of chicken layer feed, straw (preferably chopped), chicken flock block, leaves for our compost bin, crushed oyster shells, corn, pumpkin, lettuce, zucchini. Thank you to all who donate!
- Please see the attached CharacterStrong Empathy Newsletters. Gratitude is our focus trait for the month of November.
Counselor Connection: News from Ms. Bednar
All of our students participated in Kid’s Heart Challenge events during the second week of November. For kinder through 1st grade this included practicing jump rope, hopping over lines, and pretending to be animals that hop or jump. The second, third and fourth graders did single jump ropes, jumping with partners, and using the big jump rope. They also really enjoyed doing some relays with hula hoop challenges. The fifth graders created their own obstacle courses which included elements for cardio exercise, strength, and flexibility. kids were pretty creative and used things like hopscotch, the monkey bars, bear walk and even a slalom course while sitting on scooter. All students were great about participating and trying their best. Our school fundraising goal was $400 and we exceeded that with a total of $506.02! (this was due to a generous donation by one of our parents - thank you very much!). All money raised goes to the American Heart Association and will support research to help people who are dealing with different types of heart disease.
Our counseling lessons are now focused on awareness of feelings, accepting our feelings and the feelings of others, and learning how to deal with both of those. Of course these things take lots of ongoing practice. And during December, we will be using creative spirit, which is all about playing games with others and treating them appropriately. We also focus on solving problems in a peaceful manner. Here’s to wishing all of you a peaceful month of December.
Kindness Squad: News from Mrs. Robles & Mrs. Marcia
We would like to wish our families a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends. Gratitude and empathy have been the theme in our squad these last few weeks. Our highlights this month were playing the Gratitude Game and writing positive affirmations on the playground and sidewalks for our peers. It’s the most rewarding experience for us to see your children display kindness with each other not only when we meet, but also during their regular school days. The Kindness Squad is excited to display its new banner. We would like to send a big “Thank you” to Cirrus Visual for their wonderful contribution to our group.
Special Education Day
Special Education Day commemorates the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) into law in 1975. IDEA granted access to children with special needs to free and quality public education.
Monday, Dec 2, 2024, 08:30 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Get Fit Friday
We can't think of a better way to start the day than playing games! Come join us on the playground for some fun with your student(s)! Thank you to our Student Health Advisory Committee for organizing our Get Fit Fridays.
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 08:00 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Basketball Game
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 04:15 PM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Basketball Game
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, 04:15 PM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Spirit Week
Thank you to Student Council for sponsoring Spirit Week! We will share the flyer of the week's activities, when it's available, via Dojo, ParentLink email, social media, and hard copies to families that requested hard copies of flyers.
Monday, Dec 16, 2024, 08:30 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Grading Day
No School!
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 08:30 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Winter Break
No school December 23-January 3. See you at bright and early on Monday, January 6, 2025!