Warrior Newsletter
2023-24 Volume 7
A Note from Principal Marvel
Fourth quarter is upon us and with that spring is here and the end of the school year is right around the corner. Warrior Nation continues to positively represent our community, boasting another State Championship this year with Lady Warrior basketball winning the 4A State Championship this past weekend. But that is just the icing on the cake. Our Boys basketball team won the 4A award for the highest average GPA - one of the highest, I believe, honors a team can receive because it shows that student-athletes are not just leaders on the court, but in the classroom. Additionally, Warrior Nation continues to lead the district in student achievement. Students have access to both high quality CTE (Career and Technical Education) and AP (Advanced Placement) courses. Want proof? Since 2022, over 400 students have received at least one NC3 certification. These certifications are industry recognized and give our students an advantage when they graduate high school. Moreover, our first NC3 signing day will happen on April 18th during 4C in the WHS theatre. Similar to an athlete signing day, we have fourteen seniors who will ink their names and sign on with industry or a trade school. We continue to be the only NC3 leadership school in the state of Alaska and the only high school in the nation who is part of the NC3 network that is doing something of this nature. It's exciting. If you want to know more check out www.nc3.net. On the Advanced Placement side of the house, 61% of students (499) in our school are enrolled in at least one AP class and we will be administering 727 AP exams this spring. Just for perspective, in 2021, we had 57 students taking an AP exam. Exciting things are happening at Warrior Nation and I'm hopeful that our community continues to spread the good news about the opportunities we are providing for students. Happy Spring!
Email: Jason.Marvel@matsuk12.us
Office Phone: 907-352-8214
Cell Phone: 907-232-7849
Jason Marvel
Wasilla High School
Alaska Construction Career Day
Summer Student Workers Needed
Mat-Su Employer Expo
NC3 Signing Day
1st Annual WHS Interview Fair
UAA PreMed Summit
Boundary Exempt applications for the 2024/25 school year are now available through your ParentVue account. Since schools can receive over 200 boundary exemption requests each year, requests submitted before May 1st have the best chance of being accepted. Please remember that if you currently have a student that is on a boundary exemption, you need to fill out a new application every year. However, students from out-of-boundary schools must provide their own transportation. You must submit the Boundary Exempt request and receive approval from the school PRIOR to filling out an Online Registration. You will see two different versions of the Boundary Exemption application, one for this school year and another one for the next school year. Follow the instructions for online registration and select the packet labeled “2024/2025 Boundary Exempt Request” to submit a boundary exempt request for next school year.
Once you are logged in follow these steps.
1. In the top right corner, Click on: Online Registration
2. On the bottom, select: Boundary Exempt Request
3. Click on: Begin New Registration and input the necessary information
4. When you reach the STUDENTS section, select APPLY for the student you are submitting an exemption for and/or Add New Student
5. Input necessary information.
6. On the School Selection tab: input the school you are requesting an exemption for. Up to 2 selections can be made
7. If there are any additional students you are submitting an exemption for, select APPLY next to their name and/or click: Add New Student and repeat the process if needed
8. REVIEW/SUBMIT all necessary information and click: Review and then Submit
9. Once the information is processed by the front office of the school you will be notified.
Senior Parents!
Grad Blast meeting April 2nd in the commons. Come help plan a great night for our graduates.
Travel Opportunity to Japan
Do you want to visit Japan during spring break 2025?
Sign up online using the QR code to be part of this adventure!
Travel Opportunity to France
If you are interested in travelling to France, Switzerland, and Germany during the Spring Break of 2025, come to our first informational meeting on March 28th at 6PM in room 215
For more information - see Ms. Gabbard in room 215
Note: Meeting was rescheduled - it will be on March 28th @ 6:00 PM
WHS 1st ever Fishing Club
WHS Drama Presenting
The Outsiders
Friday, April 12 @ 7:00PM
Saturday April 13 @ 7:00 PM
Congratulations to newly inducted members of the National Honor Society
Students were inducted into the chapter on Wednesday, March 6.
Zorn D. Allen
Ocelia F. Bell
Kyleigh N. Boling
Claire N. Bredberg
Kinley M. Bruno
Eureka Nina M. Casas
Mia R. Christensen
Isaac K. Darnell
Matthew H. Derr
Jackson S. Evans
Kaitlyn C. Hample
Jayde D. Jerue
Cooper R. Kotyk
Caleb W. McElvain
Kade A. Russell