Smokie Says....
A bi-weekly newsletter for SHE families
Positive Affirmations! Try these with your kids!
In 2017, after 9 years of teaching 3rd and 4th grade here at Sam Houston, I transitioned into a new role in administration. The most incredible thing about my new position was the chance to walk through all the classrooms on a daily basis. One of the most amazing things I saw when walking through the classrooms at SHE was the use of positive affirmations by teachers! Students were completing their morning work, doing stretches, and repeating statements like, "I am brave, I am kind, I am strong, I am enough."
Some quick research will tell you all you need to know about positive affirmations. They can help kids feel happier, decrease their stress, help them build self-confidence, increase academic performance, and help them believe in themselves. Dig deeper into the neuroscientific research of self-affirmations and you will find studies that say positive self-talk can even increase neural pathways.
Positive self-talk and affirmations can easily become a part of your child's life. It doesn't cost any money and can make a huge difference in how they see themselves. Your students are at the perfect age to benefit from positive affirmations. If you don't use them already you could incorporate them into your daily routines when they are getting ready for the day or going to bed at night. Maybe even say them together as you drop them off at school or wait with them at the bus stop. If we start this practice with our Smokies now we can empower them to approach life focused on their strengths, with optimism and belief in themselves. What a great way to begin a new year!
Thanks for reading this newsletter and thanks for allowing us at Sam Houston the chance to love your child and family.
Take a look at these suggestions with your child or come up with your own!
I am special.
I am kind.
I can do hard things.
I love myself.
I am brave.
I am loved.
I am strong.
I am kind.
My voice is important.
I believe in myself.
I matter.
I am enough.
Together We're Better,
Molly Rice
Dates to Remember: Mark your Calendars!
January 10th- Report Cards go home for the 2nd 9 weeks
January 20th- Holiday (No School)
January 23rd Class Pictures
January 31st- Smokie Way Assembly
February 3rd- One Book Blitz Reveal Day
February 6th- One Book Blitz Open House 5:30-6:30 (Free Dinner provided)
February 17th- Holiday (Professional Development for teachers, no school for students)
February 27th- Spring Pictures
March 10-18th -Spring Break
Check out the video below! A Day in the Life of a Smokie!
Students who receive free and reduced lunch do not need to pay school fees. Please click below to apply for school meal benefits. This is confidential.
School Fees are$45 per child. Please click below to pay those fees. If you need any assistance, just contact or stop by the front desk at SHE. This year all permission slips and field trip fees will be paid online through this link as well.
Sam Houston Elementary - The Best School That We Know!
Location: 330 Melrose Street, Maryville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-983-3241