Weekly nEWSletter
September 6, 2024
A Message From Your Principal
Greetings from Eames Way!
What a terrific first week! The smiles throughout the building this week were wonderful to see! We look forward to experiencing more joy, excitement, and energy every day this school year with your children! Read on to see a few captured memories from our first week together, as well as important information and updates about events in the coming weeks.
We look forward to seeing even MORE smiles during our Picture Day on Monday and hope that all of our families have a fantastic weekend!
With Best Wishes,
Ms. Bishop, Principal
Important Back to School Information
* NEW * Eames Way School Hours 2024-2025
Start Time:
- 8:45 AM
- Note - Dining Hall Door #3 opens for morning drop off at 8:35 AM
- 3:25 PM - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 1:10 PM - Wednesday (early dismissal every week)
Eames Way School
Website: mpsd.org
Location: 165 Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 834-5090
Dates and Events to Remember
- Monday, 9/9: SMILE! It's Picture Day!
- Tuesday, 9/17: First EWS PTO Meeting of the Year @ 7:00 PM!
- Thursday, 9/26: Elementary Curriculum Night
- Friday, 9/27: "Protecting All Smiles" Dental Visit
Click Here for: Marshfield Public School Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Picture Day is Monday 9/9!
Go Gold Week!
PTO News
Aspen Parent Portal
IMPORTANT - ALL EWS Families, please complete the "Student Workflow" and "Parent Workflow" in Aspen ASAP. If you have more than one student, please update each individually. And, even if the information hasn't changed, we still need you to confirm it's correct.
It is imperative that Aspen accounts are updated. To clarify, ALL of the requested information needs to be provided, including emergency contacts, physician, and health information, as it is required for our School Nurse to have on file.
New families should have received their login information via email from our Aspen team. Please check your email for your credentials. All families can contact aspen@mpsd.org if you have any questions accessing the parent portal.
Click here for instructions on our Aspen portal.
Message from Band & Strings
It’s not too late to sign up for Band and Strings at EWS, if you have not yet done so.
Please email Mr. Canzano directly and ASAP with the following information:
Monday, September 9th, 2024 - Deadline for new student sign ups
Week of September 16th, 2024- First Lesson for 4th Graders
Information on the Band/Strings Program: TinyUrl.com/MPSDInstrumentalMusic
Band: Mr. Canzano (jcanzano@mpsd.org)
Strings: Ms. Schoepflin (lschoepflin@mpsd.org)
Library News
Now that summer has come to a close please send in your summer reading “logs”. I will except the town wide reading challenge pamphlets that went home in your child's backpack the last week of school or a list of all the books your child read over the summer. I will be handing out prizes starting next week. Thank you to all the students that visited me over the summer. It was wonderful to see all your smiling faces!
Volunteering Opportunity
If you would like to volunteer in your son or daughter's class during library please email me. lclancy@mpsd.org *Requirements are that you need to have a CORI on file with the school and are able to commit to every other week for 45 minutes through the school year. I still have some openings left in the following classes:
Mrs. Stys - one opening Mon. 12:30
Mrs. Devin - one opening Wed. 12:30
Mrs. Daley - two openings Mon. 2:30
Mrs. Tates - one opening Thur 2:30
Mr. Flanagan- two openings Mon. 9:00
Mr. Marshalls- one opening Wed. 9:00
Mrs Zayac - two openings Mon 9:45
Thank you for your ongoing support of reading whether it be in the library or at home on the coach, I so appreciate all that you do as a parent.
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Clancy
Eames Way School Librarian
Gianna Our Assistance Dog!
PickUp Patrol (PUP)
Eames Way School will continue to use PickUp Patrol to manage attendance and dismissal plans efficiently and accurately. It eliminates the need to call, email, or write notes. Families conveniently use PickUp Patrol to notify EWS if your student will be absent, arriving late, leaving early, or with end-of-day dismissal plan changes. Teachers receive an email in the morning with attendance updates and a personalized email in the afternoon with dismissal plans for their classroom. If you have any questions you can review the EWS PickUp Patrol Overview or visit PUP Parent Guide.
Bus Transportation Update
MPSD Transportation provided the following update for bus routes: 2024-2025 Transportation. This will provide you with detailed information regarding your bus route, including timeframes for both morning and afternoon. Bus times will become more predictable after the first few weeks of school. Please be patient as bus routes settle into a routine. Families can help by being on time and getting students on/off the bus quickly and efficiently. For questions regarding bus stop and routes, please contact transportation@mpsd.org.
Boys & Girls Club - Before & After School Programs
The Boys and Girls Club (BGC) of Marshfield offers before and after school programs, which are independently run by BGC. The before school program is held onsite at all five elementary schools. The after school program offers two options – one is held onsite at EWS and the other is held offsite at the BGC at 37 Proprietors Drive, Marshfield, MA 02050. For more information and pricing, please contact them directly:
For More Information, Please Contact:
Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield
Phone: (781) 834-2582
Email: membership@bgcmarshield.com
Volunteering at EWS
Lunch Menu
Introduction of New Individualized Education Program (IEP) Form
Presented by Amy Scolaro, MPSD Assistant Superintendent of Student Services and the Marshfield Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).
When: Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Where: Seth Ventress Building, 76 South River Street, Marshfield, MA 02050
Register: Please click HERE to register
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form, which is being implemented this school year in all school districts. It is important to understand that while the IEP form will look different, the special education process remains the same.
The new IEP document's intent is to support teams in developing a more personalized education plan for students receiving special education services. The new IEP form will enhance collaboration and provide clear and comprehensive documentation of your child's strengths and special education services.
For more information about the new statewide IEP form, please visit the state webpage at: https://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/improveiep/