Callahan Family Newsletter
December 14, 2022
Report Cards
Term 1 report cards have been published to the Aspen portal last Friday, December 9th. Please contact if you need help accessing your child's Aspen account.
Spirit Week
Monday, December 19: Silly Day
Wear your favorite or silliest socks, hairdo, or hat
Tuesday, December 20: Winter Wonderland Day
Wear something cozy like your favorite winter sweater!
Wednesday, December 21: Rainbow Day
Wear as many colors as you can
Thursday, December 22: Sports/Norwood Day
Wear your favorite sport team gear or Norwood colors (Gold & Blue)
Friday, December 23: Pajama Day
Wear your favorite PJs
School Start Time
Outdoor Recess
It's December! There could be snow on the ground! If students would like to play in the snow at recess, they need to wear snow boots. We also recommend snow pants, gloves or mittens, and hats.
Tech Tips from the Norwood IT Department
1. Create strong passwords for all of your online accounts! Use lyrics from a song, a series of words, the first letters of words in a sentence, and include misspellings and symbols. For example, chewbacca and pizza can become ch3wbAccAp!ZZa, or “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose…” becomes cr0a0fJFnay&n - they're long, tough to guess, and include symbols, letters, capital letters, and numbers.
2. Check out “Family Link”, a resource Google developed to help families maintain safe, healthy digital habits.
Early Release - Friday, December 23
Friday, December 23 is an early release day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Dismissal is at 11:10am. There is no Extended Day. Students will be able to get a Grab and Go Lunch that day. *Please note the earlier dismissal time*
PTA News
Reminder: Giving Snowman Gift Cards Needed
The Callahan PTA is looking for gift card donations ranging from $10 - $50 for our Giving Snowman. Our Giving Snowman will be on display during the PTA sponsored staff luncheon before December break. Staff will be able to enjoy lunch and pick a gift card from the snowman (similar to last year's poke-a-tree that we did).
We need at least 50 gift cards to make sure every staff member receives one (gift cards will be chosen randomly by the staff member).
Gift cards can be purchased and sent into school in an envelope labeled PTA or you can send donations through Venmo (@Callahan-PTA) and write SNOWMAN in the comments.
All donations are requested by December 16 (new date)
Thank you for supporting the Callahan Staff & PTA!
Attendance and Dismissal Changes (REMINDER)
Important dates
December 20 - Winter Concert 12:30pm (band students)
December 23 - Early release 11:10am
December 24 - January 3 - Winter break