NB (Almost) Friday Update
NB's Weekly Newsletter 10/11/24
Important to Know:
We showed our respect this week through cross-age buddy activities, lessons, and spirit days.
Please remember that there is no school for students on 10/11 and 10/14. Enjoy the long weekend!
WizFit Challenge
Today we did a live Zoom call about the WizFit Challenge. You should have received an email with more details about the fundraising program. (In the email that went out, please disregard the part about purchasing tickets for a Wizards vs Teachers game at Green Brook Middle School. Obviously that was a mistake!)
Please see the letter below for Halloween guidelines and parade timelines (preschool will have its own parade).
Important Dates
If you are looking for the date of a future event at NB, please check our website calendar. There are dates for music shows, moving up ceremonies, and HSA meetings, etc for your planning purposes.
Please scroll for additional information about the upcoming events and activities.
This Week at NB
Kindergarten Literacy Night
Kindergarten Literacy Night
Kindergarten Literacy Night
School News
Governor's Educator of the Year
School Pictures
School picture retakes will be held on 10/25.
Food Service Information
Please see the link below for more information from Pomptonian, our food service provider.
Attendance Matters!
As a school, this year we are looking for students to attend school regularly. Chronic absenteeism is when a student has been absent 10% or more of the school year (18 days or more). We look forward to partnering with you to reduce the school's rate of chronic absenteeism. Please see the information below and contact us if you need assistance with attendance or if you have any questions. At the end of each month, we will be sending letters to inform parents of students who have reached a certain number of absences or tardies.
Unsure of when to send your child to school or keep them home? See the chart below (click to enlarge):
HSA News
Please visit our webpage for more information: www.nbshsa.org
District News
Nurse Corner
From Mrs. LaTempa:
Offer your child a rainbow of snacks…choosing healthy options at snack time provides modeling healthy choices! Choose options such as apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes and strawberries. Carrot or celery sticks, colorful bell peppers, sliced cucumbers and grape or cherry tomatoes. Chickpeas or hummus spreads, whole grain crackers, cheese, low sugar yogurt, sunflower butter, hard boiled eggs will add a variety of proteins. And the best choices for a drink are water and milk.
Please be mindful of choking by avoiding hard, round or slippery foods, chunks of food, whole nuts, popcorn, uncut grapes or hotdogs. Cut foods into small pieces and remind children to chew and not speak while eating.
Information and resources can be found at: https://www.healthychildren.org/english/healthy-living/nutrition/pages/default.aspx
The American Academy of Pediatrics
Get your Flu Vaccine! The best way to protect against the flu is to get a yearly flu vaccine for yourself and your preschooler. Children under 59 months are required to have a documented flu vaccine before December 31 to stay in school. This is a NJ State mandate per N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.19. Please submit evidence of your child receiving their vaccine to Lorraine LaTempa, our school nurse. Let's have a healthy classroom this year! Wash hands, block coughs and get the flu vaccine today.