Bulldog Paw Prints
February 14, 2025
E-Learning Day
Thank you for your support during our e-learning day this week. Our attendance, overall, was very strong, and it was great to see the students signed in and participating in their classrooms throughout the day. The younger the students are, more adult support is needed. Your helping hands and at-home encouragement didn't go unnoticed, and our older students did a great job as well.
I'm sure this gave you a glimpse into the classroom, and I hope you were able to see a bit of work your children are accomplishing this year.
Helping Children Grow Award
The Downers Grove, Grove Foundation continues to support District 58 schools by providing the Helping Children Grow award. "Helping Children Grow" is an award given to one fifth grade student from each classroom to recognize unique qualities not always present in traditional school awards such as work ethic, positive attitude, friendliness, and other character attributes. As one 5th grade teacher wrote: "The award comes at a perfect time when students are still figuring out things about themselves. It helps them learn about who they are and their impact on others of all ages. The award gives direction and motivation to boys and girls who may never experience the opportunity to realize their uniqueness." Among other things, recipients receive a framed Award Certificate and book selected to fit their interest and reading level. This year’s recipients were recognized this week.
Please help me congratulate Stephanie and Jaxon!
Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open
District 58 opened 2025-26 student registration on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Please look for an email from Megan Hewitt with registration details or visit www.dg58.org/registration for more information. Some families have already completed their registration for next year! (THANK YOU!) We are asking all families to complete registration by March 31.
Student registration is vital to classroom rostering and district budgeting, and I thank you in advance for working through this as soon as you are able.
New this year, we will ask families who are leaving District 58 to please complete registration as well; you will only need to answer a couple of questions confirming your withdrawal.
Kindergarten Roundup 2025
Downers Grove Grade School District 58 invites parents and guardians of soon-to-be kindergarteners to attend Kindergarten Roundup at their future school this March. Kindergarten Roundup gives parents and guardians the opportunity to visit their child’s future school, meet the principal and staff, and ask questions.
Children who will be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025 may attend kindergarten during the 2025-26 school year. Parents and guardians are encouraged to directly call or email their neighborhood elementary school prior to Kindergarten Roundup to request to be added to any school-specific kindergarten contact lists.
Families may visit www.dg58.org/kindergarten to access the District 58 Kindergarten Resource Guide. This guide includes school boundary maps, kindergarten registration information, immunization requirements, kindergarten curriculum information, the two-way Dual Language Program for kindergarteners, and much more. District 58 will continue to update this page throughout the winter and spring.
Belle Aire School is set to host our roundup on Thursday, March 6, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Information will be directly shared with our incoming families as the event nears.
Winter Weather; Outdoor Recess
As the weather changes, I'd like to send a couple recess reminders your way.
-As in past years, we will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months so long as the weather permits AND so long as the real feel temperature is zero degrees or above. It will be important that students come to school dressed for the weather and that they have the appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear to stay safe and warm.
-At the times when we have snow, students will be able to head off of the blacktop to play in it. The key to that is that they are prepared. In order to play in the snow off of the blacktop areas, the students need to be wearing snow boots and snow pants/snowsuit.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 18: All-School Meeting (wear team colors); BAM Theater
Wednesday, February 19: Gr. 3 Field Trip; Lunchtime Book Club (Grs. 5-6)
Thursday, February 20: Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 2); Young Authors Club; Student Council Mtg. (3:00 - 3:25)
Friday, February 21: PTA Fun Lunch (for those who ordered)
February 28: No School