General Information 24-25
William Davies Middle School- September 2023

Vision: If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons.
At Davies Middle School, we believe in the empowering spirit of our motto: "If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons."
This theme reflects our commitment to equipping our students with the strength, courage, and determination necessary to face life's challenges and emerge victorious. The strong sense of camaraderie and belonging we experience here makes the learning journey even more enriching and enjoyable. We have a supportive network of teachers, staff, and fellow students cheering our dragons on every step of the way. Together, we conquer challenges and celebrate victories, ensuring that our dragons are well-prepared to indeed conquer the world.
Some Important Links:
Student Concerns
- Student Council
- Class Officers
- Student BOE Representatives
- Student Surveys
- Grade Level Student/ Administrative Meetings
Dragons Take Flight!
Get Involved
Must be with a teacher as a part of a club or activity if staying after school.
Students may not “wait” for an event game to start. All students must exit the building, take their regularly assigned school bus home, and then return for the start of the event.
If you are absent without a doctor’s note, you may not attend after school events.
The Fire that Fuels us is the Fire that Guides us...- Principal Dr. Holmstrom
Dear Dragons,
Welcome back to William Davies Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you're enjoying a wonderful summer break filled with fun and relaxation.
I am Dr. Jennifer Holmstrom, your principal for this academic year. With 25 years of experience in education, I am dedicated to ensuring your success and providing a nurturing learning environment.
Let's dive into some important updates and exciting news for the upcoming year:
Assistant Principals to Support You:
- Mr. Brown: 6th-grade Assistant Principal
- Mr. Levine: 7th-grade Assistant Principal
- Mr. Diorio: 8th-grade Assistant Principal
Positive Behavior Program (PBIS): Our PBIS Student and Staff Recognition Program is back! Let's celebrate and encourage positive behavior, making our school environment supportive and respectful.
Attendance and Punctuality: Remember, regular attendance and punctuality are crucial for your success. Prioritize school attendance and arrive on time for each class.
Stay Informed: Visit our website for updates. Access the Genesis Parent Portal for grades and attendance. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news.
Contact Us: Have questions or concerns? Call our office at (609) 476-6600, ext. 6242.
Join us for Coffee & Conversations with the Principal: Learning about High School Choices before Back to School Night (9/9) at 5:00 pm.
As we get closer to school, I wanted to share our theme for the year: "If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons."
This quote highlights the importance of having strength, courage, and a supportive community. Our Dragons symbolize the power within each of us and the collective strength we share as a school. Embrace your inner Dragon, face challenges head-on, and remember that you are never alone in your journey. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and achieve great things.
Enjoy the rest of your summer break, and I look forward to seeing each of you on the first day of school!
As always, "Go Dragons!"
Dr. Jennifer Holmstrom
Student School Supplies Lists:
There are no required supplies. We will provide them in September. We ask you to replenish pencils throughout the year.
Every student will be given a Chromebook during their classes. If you need one to bring home, please contact guidance.
Questions from the Lair:
1. Can I carry my bookbag with me?
Only if it is clear. If it is not, it must stay in your locker or cubby.
2. Do I have to change for PE? Is there a uniform?
No, changing is optional and there is no uniform. However, all students must wear sneakers for PE.
3. What is GRIT?
It is a time to work on Second Step, homework, and to get extra help for classes.
Any more questions?? Please submit here
Grading at the Lair
The Numeric Breakdown for grades 2-8:
91-100 = A
83-90 = B
75-82 = C
67-74 = D
66 and below = F
Grade Categories
Primary assignments will be 60% of the student's grade. Example (not limited to): Tests/Projects, etc.
Secondary assignments will be 30% of the student's grade. Example (not limited to): Quizzes/Small Projects, etc.
Supporting assignments will be 10% of the student's grade. Example (not limited to): Classwork, Homework, Exit Tickets, Participation, Effort, Edmentum, Reflex Math, ETC
In addition...
Each mid-trimester period, students will receive a mid-trimester period Interim Progress Report. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may also access this report via the Genesis Parent Portal. The Interim Progress Report communicates the student’s progress in all subject areas. The Guidance counselors are always available to discuss these reports or the report cards. Failure to receive a warning of a failure does not guarantee a child is passing.
Parents can monitor their child/children’s progress by logging into the Genesis parent portal, which will provide access to grades in all subject areas. Please see the William Davies Middle School web page for a Genesis link.
Promotion and Retention
Students shall be promoted from one grade level to the next if they have attained a reasonable level of proficiency in the prescribed subject matter. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must be informed if the student is having difficulties prior to the end of the year. Parents will have met with the I&RS (Intervention & Referral Service Team ) team by the first trimester.
If a student in the middle school grades fails both Language Arts and Math or they are absent more than 29 days (unexcused), they will be retained. Parents will be notified within 48 hours of the last day of school for the final determination.
DISTINGUISHED HONOR ROLL - "A" in all subjects, including Related Arts, Physical Education, and Health.
HONOR ROLL - "A" or "B" in all subjects, including Related Arts, Physical Education, and Health.
Membership candidates eligible for election to the Nassau Chapter of NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY will be based on a weighted GPA system. This scholarship level of achievement shall be required for candidacy. As part of the application, students will be asked to write an essay that demonstrates a student's worthiness for acceptance. Students will also be required to submit letters of reference by both teachers and non-family members adults.
A student's eligibility shall then be considered based on his/her character, leadership, citizenship, and service. Potential members must indicate any activities where he/she played a leadership role. Each student must have been actively involved in school or school/community activities. Potential members must list all activities on a Student Activity Form. Students must demonstrate integrity, positive behavior, ethics, and cooperation with classmates and staff.
Selection for membership is by a faculty committee vote. All staff members contribute remarks to the committee. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Failure to do so may result in removal from NJHS at the decision of the administration, NJHS adviser, and faculty committee.
- Parent Drop Off
The back doors behind the cafeteria are open at 7:40 AM. All students are allowed to enter the building at this time. Students eating breakfast are to take breakfast from the “Grab & Go” designated areas and report to their homeroom/ first block class.
- Bus Drop off
School rules are in effect- not throwing things out the window or on the bus, fighting, touching students, etc.
Appropriate behavior is a expected - it’s a privilege to ride the bus- not a right.
Food & Beverages
During the hours in which classes are in session, students are not permitted to have open food or beverage containers in the hallways. Closed, sealed lunch containers may be kept in lockers during the school day and retrieved before moving to the cafeteria. Students are not to leave the cafeteria with open food or beverage containers.
NOTE: Under no circumstances are students permitted to place calls for delivery of meals to outside fast-food establishments.
Lockers and Student Classroom Storage
Each student at Davies Middle School may be assigned his/her locker with a lock mounted on the door. This will be their locker for the remainder of the year, and they are responsible for its maintenance and condition.
The administration suggests that students do not share the combination of their locks or lockers with any other students. This may result in the loss or theft of books, clothes, valuables, etc.
The student lockers are a part of the school building and are under the supervision and jurisdiction of school officials. The lockers are subject to administrative inspection in the interest of school safety, discipline, and enforcement of school regulations.
NOTE: Usage of locker between classes is not an excuse to be late to class. The administration reserves the right to alter the above locker usage procedure if necessary.
Gym Lockers
Gym lockers are only used for physical education classes, athletic practice, and games. Any locks left on a locker overnight without prior approval may be removed at the administration's direction.
Student Bag's ( incudes gym, book, or purse)
All student bags must be secured in the student’s assigned locker during school hours. Students are prohibited from carrying book bags from class to class unless it is clear and completely see-through.
This bag- can be carried in the hall.
This type of bag must stay in your locker.
Cell Phones or Electronic Devices
No cell phones, headphones, beats, or buds permitted for any reason while transitioning in the hallway.
Cell phones need to be off and in your clear book bag or in locker.
They should not be out at all.
Using a cell phone to record or video tape is prohibited and may result in consequences described in our student handbook.
We are not responsible for missing cell phones, buds, or any electronic devices.
cell phones, headphones, beats, buds, or unapproved electronic devices may be confiscated for the safety and security of students and staff!
E-Hall Pass
You will follow the procedures set up by your teachers on how to enter a pass.
You may be stopped in the hall ensuring you are going to the correct location using the shortest path possible.
The passes are timed.
If there is continued failure to follow expectations in the hallways pr the bathroom may result in pass restrictions.
Dress Code
1. Shorts are permitted all year.
2. Outerwear such as coats or hats are not to be worn to classes.** Bring a sweatshirt- some rooms are cold.
3. No midriffs, tank tops, or cut-off shirts are to be worn at any time;
4. Shirts advertising alcoholic beverages, weapons, tobacco, or those with obscene printing on them are not permitted;
5. No hats or hoodies worn on head
6. Excessive short skirts are not permitted;
7. Flip-flops are not permitted.
8. We no longer require students to change for gym, but they must wear proper shoes.
9. Improper wearing of clothing is not permitted
When a concern arises, please follow the proper chain of communication:
1. Request a meeting first with the teacher and/or guidance department.
2. If the teacher and/or guidance department are unable to resolve the concern, you may request a meeting with your Grade Level Administrator.
3. If the concern is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you may request a meeting with the Building Principal.
4. If the concern is not resolved at the building level, a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools should be held.
5. Only after attempting to resolve the concern in this manner should the Board of Education be consulted.
School Messenger
School Messenger and Remind will be used as a mode of communication with parents. Please make sure your contact information is updated on the Genesis Parent Portal. You can also visit www.hamiltonschools.org and social media pages on Instagram and Facebook.
Dragon Honor Code
One of the most important lessons education should teach is self-discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. Self-discipline is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. “Under NJSA 18A:37-1, students are expected to submit to the authority of teachers and other officials, exercise an appropriate degree of self-discipline in their words and actions, constructively resolve conflicts, respect the persons and property of fellow students and the school, comport themselves with honesty, and report violence, vandalism and other improper or unlawful activity to a person in authority.”
These ideas can be achieved through agreement on everyone’s part (parent(s)/guardian(s) are especially important in this process. Since the school exercises the right to act “in loco parentis,” that is in place of the parent(s)/guardian(s), the cooperation of parent(s)/guardian(s) is of the utmost importance). Examples of disciplinary action may be taken are:
1. Warning
2. Lunch Detention
3. After-School Detention
a. Teacher:
b. Administrative:
**After School Detentions take place Monday through Thursday based on the “Activity Bus” schedule. All detentions (teacher or administrative) precede over all other school activities and clubs.
4. Saturday Academy
**Saturday Academy is 4 hours.
All detentions (either teacher or administrative) take precedence over all other school activities and clubs. Parents are responsible for pick up and drop off.
** If a student missed 2 Saturday Academy, a student would be removed from the Saturday Academy program for a period of 3 months.
5. Behavior Academy (ISS)
6. External Suspension
• Students will not be permitted to participate in any after-school clubs, activities, etc., for those days.
General Principles
The goal of student discipline is to teach students to behave in ways that contribute to academic achievement and school success and to support a school environment where students and staff are responsible and respectful. The following principles guide successful school discipline:
● School discipline is best accomplished by preventing misbehavior before it occurs, when possible, and using effective interventions and consequences.
● School safety and academic success are formed and strengthened when all school staff and personnel build positive relationships with students and are actively engaged in their lives and learning.
● School staff should promote high standards of behavior by teaching, modeling, and monitoring appropriate behavior and by fairly and consistently correcting misbehavior as necessary.
● School discipline paired with meaningful instruction and guidance offers students an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and contribute to the school community. It is more likely to result in student engagement.
● Effective school discipline maximizes the number of times students spend learning and minimizes the number of times students are removed from their classrooms due to misbehavior.
Reasonable Consequences
The HTSD District will make every reasonable effort to correct student misbehavior through school-based resources and to support students in learning the skills necessary to enhance a positive school environment and avoid negative behavior. The vast majority of disciplinary issues should be addressed at the classroom level by teachers. In all instances, school discipline should be reasonable, timely, fair, age-appropriate, and match the severity of the student’s misbehavior.
Social Media
Off Campus Incidents can be addressed in school.
Important 8th Grade Information
(Eligibility pending Final Exam grades and final averages)
8th Grade Graduation Policy:
It is our sincere hope that all of our students attend. However, the following criteria will exclude a student from attending one or all three ORIGINAL event dates:
_______Student has been assigned or is serving an internal/external suspension five or less days before any event (original date) hosted by the William Davies Middle School will be excluded from that event preceding the suspension.
_______Student has a combined total of 2 or more occurrences related to vaping or substance usage/possession will result in the exclusion from the 8th Grade Cove.
_______Student has a combined total of over 4 occurrences external/internal suspension from school will result in the exclusion from the 8th Grade Dinner Dance.
_______Student has a combined total of over 6 occurrences external/internal suspension from school will result in the exclusion from the 8th Grade Dinner Dance and the Cove (HTSD Policy and Regulation 5600.)
_______Student has a combined total of over 8 occurrences external/internal suspension from school will result in the exclusion from any end of year, 8th Grade events. This includes walking for graduation.
_______Student has exceeded the district policy of 29 unexcused absences will result in the exclusion from 8th Grade events.
_______Student failing 2 or more Core Content classes will result in the exclusion from 8th Grade events until the grade is brought up to passing.
• Any student who violates the 3 Day Rule will not be allowed to attend.
The Guidance Department exists for the benefit of every student. The guidance services, including personal, educational, and vocational counseling, are available to all students. The doors to the guidance office are always open to students. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are also welcome to confer with the school counselor. The purpose of the Guidance Department is to
1. Help each student get the most from his or her class work.
2. Help each student to find his or her place in the extra-curricular program.
3. Help each student interact with teachers and other students to the best of his/her ability.
4. Help each student work with his/her problems.
5. Give students information on high school.
6. Administer intelligence, aptitude, interest, and achievement tests to help students realize their capability.
7. Act as a liaison between parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, and students whenever necessary
What do we do?
Individual Counseling
Group counseling
Academic counseling
Crisis Counseling
Guidance Counselors
6th grade - Mr. Rosario
7th grade - Ms. Brown
8th grade - Ms. Volk
Extracurricular Activities
A student must comply with the following guidelines to participate in extracurricular activities:
● Passing coursework as of the most recent marking period trimester average.
● Maintaining attendance expectations by not exceeding the allotted absence days of 9.
● In good standing with behavioral expectations regarding administrative disciplinary measures.
Sportsmanship plays a major role in developing our students and athletes through interscholastic athletics. Students who violate common standards conduct unbecoming as a dragon may be addressed through school administration . We appreciate and encourage your positive support of our student-athletes and your attendance at their contests.
Activity Buses
On designated days, Activity Busing will be provided so that students may participate in activities after the school day has ended. The above rules apply for Davies Activity Buses, and students must observe good behavior and adhere to all responsibilities with riding the bus. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of Activity Bus privileges. DAVIES ACTIVITY BUSES DO NOT RUN THE SAME ROUTES AS THE REGULAR TO/FROM SCHOOLS BUSES. ACTIVITY BUSES TRANSPORT THE STUDENT TO THE GENERAL AREA OF HIS/HER HOME.
School Dances & Social Events
Individual classes or organizations may sponsor dances or other evening events. Students are not permitted to leave a dance early unaccompanied by a parent. Appropriate attire is required. The administration reserves the right to prohibit a student from attending for additional disciplinary reasons.
NOTE: Students who are absent (unexcused) on the day of an extracurricular event will not be permitted to attend
Various Policies
Attendance Appeals Committee
Please be advised that parents/guardians may petition the Attendance Appeals Committee at William Davies Middle School regarding student attendance status. To appeal the attendance status of your child, you must present a written letter to the school administration preferably no later than five (5) school days after notification of policy violation. Any material to be considered as a basis for an appeal must be delivered to a school administrator before the assigned hearing date. Data should include documentation for all days absent, not just those days in excess of the policy. The doctor’s notes and any pertinent materials not received upon the student’s return to school could affect the outcome of the appeal.
Principal: Dr. Jennifer Holmstrom
8th Grade Vice Principal: Mr. Michael Diorio
7th Grade Vice Principal: Mr. Ian Levine
6th Grade Vice Principal: Mr. Ian Brown
“Sacrificing time and energy for a greater good on behalf of kids is easy when those wonderful intangible outcomes and achievements are so great.”