September Weekly Update
Updates and News 09/17/2023
Week 6 - Fall Semester
I would like to Thank everyone who attended and supported our school to Back to School Night. We had approximately 140 families who came and met with teachers and staff. Know that our school community appreciates your participation and support!
Families will receive the report cards this week. Let us know if you have any questions!
Please see below for news, announcements and excellent opportunities!
Marly Escobar Suarez
Estimadas familias, estudiantes, personal y maestros,
Me gustaría agradecer a todos los que asistieron y apoyaron nuestra escuela a la Noche de Regreso a la Escuela. Tuvimos aproximadamente 140 familias que vinieron y se reunieron con maestros y personal. ¡Sepa que nuestra comunidad escolar aprecia su participación y apoyo!
Las familias recibirán las boletas de calificaciones esta semana. ¡Háganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta!
¡Vea a continuación noticias, anuncios y excelentes oportunidades!
Marly Escobar Suarez
Important Announcements for Families & Students
- Picture day is Monday! Be camera ready for your ID photo. Students will be taking their pictures with their English class.
- The 5 week report cards were mailed home this past Friday.
- A Tentative Coffee with the Principal will be this Thursday at 9:00am both in-person at the Parent Center AND on Zoom!
- 25th Day of School Pizza Party on 9/20th students with Perfect attendance will be invited to eat Pizza during lunch!
- Next Monday, 9/25th there will be no school.
- Lockers will be passed out to Advisories when 100% of students in the advisory have turned in their enrollment or re-enrollment paperwork.
- Having tech trouble? Fill out a Tech Ticket HERE (make sure you are using your LAUSD account) to get help from Mr. De Leon!
- Students - keep your friends and our campus safe, See Something? Say Something! by talking to an adult right away or filling out this anonymous form on our website!
- Families - want to leave us feedback? Have a non-urgent question? Use the Parent Feedback Form on our Website!
- Parents and employees can choose to Opt back into receiving Outreach (general) messages by calling (855) 502-7867 from any phone number that was previously Opted-Out. You can also sign up for Parent Portal and get notifications on the Schoology App!
Anuncios Importantes para los Estudiantes y Familias
- ¡El día de Foto es este lunes! Prepárate para tu foto de identificación. Los estudiantes tomarán sus fotos con su clase de inglés.
- Las boletas de calificaciones de 5 semanas fueron enviadas a casa el viernes pasado.
- ¡Un café tentativo con la directora será este jueves a las 9:00 a.m., tanto en persona en el Centro para Padres como en Zoom!
- ¡25th Dia de Escuela - el 9/20 ¡Los estudiantes con asistencia perfecta serán invitados a comer pizza durante el almuerzo!
- El próximo lunes, 25/9 no habrá escuela.
- Los casilleros se entregarán a Advisories cuando el 100% de los estudiantes en el asesoramiento hayan entregado su documentación de inscripción o reinscripción.
- ¿Tienes problemas técnicos? Llama a la escuela para obtener ayuda del Sr. De León!
- Estudiantes: mantengan seguros a sus amigos y a nuestro campus, ¿ven algo? ¡Di algo! ¡Hablando con un adulto de inmediato o completando este formulario anónimo en nuestro sitio web!
- Familias: ¿quieres dejarnos tu opinión? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta no urgente? ¡Utilice el formulario de comentarios para padres en nuestro sitio web!
- Los padres y empleados pueden optar por volver a recibir mensajes de Alcance (general) llamando al (855) 502-7867 desde cualquier número de teléfono que haya sido previamente excluido. ¡También puede registrarse en el Portal para padres y recibir notificaciones en la aplicación Schoology!
📆 Opportunities and News
STEM Academy Expectations
See Something? Say Something!
Narcan is Available on Campus
Writing Cafe
College Center Hours
The UC Application is Now Open
Metro Youth Summit
Cumbre de Jovenes de Metro
Tech and Entrepreneurship
Community Wellness Festival
Pre-Register to Vote at Sixteen
Algebra 1 Tutoring
Attendance Achievement
Student Presentations Topics
Important Dates
Fechas Importantes
- Picture day is Monday! English teachers - please take your classes down to the auditorium after taking roll.
- 9/20th STEM Blood Drive - See Ms. Vandervort if you have any questions.
- Continue to Administer iReady for ELA and Math and reach out if you need support.
- St. John’s Health Truck will be here next Friday! The first 20 students to return a packet to Ms. Claudia in the College Center will get appointments (there will be no day-of sign-ups)
- Next Monday, 9/25th is a holiday and there will be no school
- SENIOR ADVISORY TEACHERS: Please remind your seniors to submit their contracts by 9/29th.
- Please update the Tutoring Schedule as soon as possible.
- Astembly date has been changed from 9/26th to 9/28th.
- Please review this newsletter with your students, there are announcements & reminders for staff at the top student section also!
- Take accurate attendance in each class within the first 10 minutes. Ensure you indicate the time of arrival for those students who are tardy.
- ALWAYS sign in at the STEM office first thing in the morning.