The Friday Flyer
From Boone Meadow Elementary School
From the Eagles' Nest:
Upcoming Events
May 1st - NWEA Testing Begins
May 2nd & 3rd - 1st grade classes to Marian University EcoLab (2 classes each day)
May 4th - Boone Meadow Voices Spring Concert @ 7:00 PM in BME Cafe
May 10th - Bike to School Day (more info to come) & Celebrate Nurse Amy Day
May 11th - PTO Meeting - (6:00 in BME Cafe)
May 18th - 3rd Grade Field Trip for Z'ville History Tour
May 19th - Field Day & Crazy Hair day
May 24th - Kindy Celebration (10:00-10:30) & 3rd grade Rube Goldberg Project celebration
May 25th - Fourth Grade Celebration (tentative time - 12:30-3:00)
May 26th - Last Day of School
May 29th - Memorial Day
May 30th - Teacher work day
1st Day School Supplies
Thank You!
Build, Grow, Read Together!
Boone Meadow Elementary is partnering with Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library for a fun-filled summer reading challenge. Start reading when school ends and keep track of your reading on new reading platform called Beanstack! All our reading incentive programs for all ages (Winter Reading, Summer Reading, 1,000 Books Before Kindergaten, etc), book lists, and special activities will be updated on this site. They will be able to sign up anytime and then on June 5th those that want to record online may start. We will continue to have a log so that children can mark their logs. Choose to record your reading: 1) number of books (For Babies- Grade 3 only), 2) number of hours, or 3) number of days (20 minutes or more each day).
Dates: Mon., June 5 - Sat., July 29
Start reading when school gets out
- All readers who have started to record reading by Thursday, June 8th are invited to the Ice Cream Social! 6:30 - 8 PM or Friday June 9th, 10-1 PM!
- Grand-prize winners for Adult, Teen, and Children will each receive a Kindle Fire! See details to learn how to be eligible.
Specific details...
- The first 1,000 readers who have read and RECORDED 3 books, hours or days will receive a Super Punch Balloon!
- Set a goal to achieve "50" books, hours (3,000 minutes), or days and get a chance at the Grand Prize Drawing!
- In August, Zionsville Community Schools’ Literacy Coaches will be having a Popsicle Party for those that reach "50"!
- This program is flexible, fun, and challenging for all reading levels.
- The Prize Zone opens on Monday, June 12th. Earn tokens to spend at each prize level. Trade your token for a book, chance at a weekly drawing or prize in the Prize Zone!
Jog-A-Thon 2017
April Family Tech Talk
ZCS’s new regular school newsletter feature to help you parent in a digital age…and start important conversations with your children about digital safety and responsibility.
Technology has changed the way we spend our time each day. It can help us be more productive, informed, and connected to the world around us. It can also distract and disconnect us from those closest to us. This month we will address how to manage screen time with you and your family. To begin, we encourage you and your children to reflect on your use of technology throughout the week. You can even download the “My Media Log” to see how you use technology during a typical day. It’s a great conversation starter for each member of the family to track one day on a weekday and one on a weekend and then discuss together. Next, consider discussing this month’s Family Tip Sheet. Consider simple questions like these to talk about together:
- How did everyone fill out the “My Media Log”? Do we all have a good balance of “tech time” and “tech-free time?” How do the kids' media logs look compared to their parents'?
- What activities or parts of the day do we think should absolutely be “tech-free time?” Why?
- Do you feel like you can successfully multitask while using technology? (listen to music while studying, texting friends while listening to a conversation, etc.) Why or why not? What does brain research say about people's ability to focus on two things at once?
- Are there times during the day when technology becomes more of a distraction (e.g. school, homework time, dinner time, bed time)?
- Screens have a way of luring us into spending more time with them than we plan. Can you give an example of programs, apps, or games that you find it hard to shut off or end up spending more time on when you really need to be doing something else?
- Are some programs, apps, or games a better use of time than others? Can you make an argument about some program, app, or game that you think is very valuable?
- What are some ways we can help each other manage our screen time and keep it balanced with the rest of our day?
Zionsville Community High School’s two show choir ensembles, the Royalaires and Choralaires, will present three performances of “Finale” on May 12 & 13 at the Performing Arts Center. Performances are scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday evening, and 2:00 on Saturday afternoon.
The popular, annual event is a compilation of the body of work performed over the course of the academic year, and has sold out for the last two years. The Saturday matinee, which is new this year, will be a shorter, modified program, ideal for young families and others who prefer a shorter show. The evening programs will feature solo and small ensemble performances by members of the show choirs, as well as their award winning competition shows.
Tickets go on sale April 17th. Ticket prices are $17.50 for the evening performances and $12.50 for the abbreviated matinee. Purchase tickets at www.zchoirs.com. Proceeds from the event support the show choirs. Group sales are available for the matinee performance by calling 317-733-4833.
For more information, www.zchoirs.com or Jennifer Luczak at 317-408-0203 or jenluczak2@gmail.com.
Hiring Guest Teachers!
Zionsville Community School is hiring Guest Teachers! Quality guest teachers are an important asset to our schools and require special attributes to enhance our students’ learning process. The best guest teachers demonstrate the desire to work well with children ages 3-18, relate well to all students, inspire a love of learning and have a good sense of humor. In addition, they must be flexible, dedicated, patient, kind, fair and consistent.
Guest teachers can manage the days of the week they are available to work through an automated system called Aesop. This user-friendly system is accessible online or through a touch-tone phone which allows ZCS teachers to enter absences and guest teachers to select available jobs.
If you meet the above requirements and would like to start the application process.
After your employment application has been submitted, please send an email to our Sub Coordinator at Subcoordinator@zcs.k12.in.us confirming that you would like to be considered for a guest teacher position at Zionsville Community Schools.
Notes from the Clinic
1- Students MAY NOT bring medication to school. If your child needs to take medicine of any kind while at school an adult must bring the medication to Nurse Amy.
2- Please be advised that, starting with the 2017-18 school year, every student will be required to have two hepatitis A vaccines.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Amy, at x14104.
Thank you!
Smart 911
Boone County has shifted from NIXLE to SMART911. This is a free service that allows you to receive emergency notifications from the county which may include severe weather warnings and traffic alerts. The program will ask for optional personal information that could be used in the event of an emergency situation in your home. Boone County citizens are encouraged to create their Safety Profile with Smart911 today. To create a safety profile and sign up for updates, go to www.smart911.com
School Safety
School Visitor Check-Ins at ZCS
Please be aware that we use a visitor management system known as SafeVisitor. SafeVisitor is a 30-45 second check-in process that cross references against all national sex offender registries and prints a visitor badge. Please be prepared to scan a government issued ID (Driver License) when arriving to campus as a visitor or volunteer. The printed badge should be visible at all times while in the building. Thank you!
Please note: Full background checks are still required field trips. Full background checks cost $15.95 and take at least 7-10 days to process. Limited background checks are still required for lunch visits, volunteering in a supervised area, etc.
**Bullying Video**
All volunteers in our district are also required to complete the bullying module, consisting of a short video and a digital signature as proof of watching the video. This video must be watched for either level of volunteer (Full or Limited). Please click here to visit the BRAVO/Volunteers page where all of these items can be completed.
Contact Us
Email: mcunningham@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/bme/
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow