St Cecilia's News
December 2021
Sharing God's love - Respecting and valuing each other - Becoming inspired learners for life
Advent has arrived once again and we have started our preparation in school for Christmas. Many thanks to St John Bosco class for their lovely assembly on Monday morning. School is very busy at the moment as the children enjoy their topics and the various activity days and visits that are taking place. Thanks for your support for our educational visits programme, at the recent PTA meeting we discussed the rising cost of school visits and how we will be limiting them to one visit per term, per class, to reduce the financial pressure on both parents and the school.
We are entering a new phase of the pandemic and uncertainty about future events has returned. We have maintained our cleaning regime in school and thank you parents for keeping in touch with us when COVID affects your family. Hopefully, through working together, we can keep safe through the weeks ahead.
We are hoping that our Christmas events can proceed as usual, in spite of the pandemic, however we will keep advice from Public Health England and the Department for Education in mind when planning events.
If parents are visiting us inside the building for any reason we have been advised that you have a lateral flow test before you arrive and wear a mask whilst here, this will include both indoor and outdoor areas of the Christmas Fair on Friday.
Our Nativity performances, Christmas Carol Concert and Nursery and Reception Christmas Singalongs are still scheduled to go ahead - class teachers will keep in touch with parents of children in these classes via Class Dojo if there are any changes.
Can we ask that just one parent per child attends the Carol Concert, this will help us to reduce numbers and have some space in the hall.
Bottle Mufti Day
As you are aware this Friday is Bottle Mufti Day in aid of the Christmas Fair. The children are able to wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing in bottles that will make up the Bottle Tombola Stall. We would appreciate donations such as large bottles of soft drinks e.g. as Coke, Pepsi, or Tango. If you feel able to send in wine or spirits etc we would be most grateful.
Your contributions will be gratefully received and will make up the prizes on the tombola which is always very popular.
Christmas Fair this Friday from 3.30pm.
We look forward to welcoming you to the fair this Friday after school.
- The PTA have stalls in the hall including the bottle tombola!
- In the playground we have our BBQ and cafe. Sausages and burgers, Irish coffees, mulled wine, tea, coffee and cake available.
- In the Early Years area we have stalls from the children and class teachers.
- If we are lucky, Father Christmas may make a visit to the field area, near Early Years.
Timing and arrangements
- The Fair will begin at 3.30pm and will close at 5.30pm.
- Please bring lots of coins for the stalls.
- We will open access to the stalls as soon as we can once we have dismissed the children to you.
Collecting your child
- Nursery, Reception and Years 1&2 - collect your child as normal please.
- Years 3 and 4 - will dismiss through the front playground classes.
- Years 5 and 6 will exit via the Clarkes Avenue delivery entrance.
To provide more space, this year the Fair will take place in the Early Years area, the front playground and the hall. Please line up to enter these areas, numbers will be controlled to reduce congestion, however if you can return later please do so, the fair is quieter from 4.30pm. There may be showers on Friday so please make sure to bring a brolly!
- Please follow the one way system in the EYFS area. Enter via the Y1 gate and exit via the side of Nursery by the coloured gate.
- Buggies - if possible please do not bring your buggy on Friday. We ask that buggies are parked up in the playground. They are not permitted in the building or EYFS area. Please use a papoose other baby carrier for younger children.
In light of the continuing pandemic:
- The Council have advised that parents and children over 11 should have a lateral flow test before attending school events this winter.
- Please wear a mask
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19 please do not attend.
- Please follow the instruction of staff controlling the flow of people into the hall and EYFS area.
After school club
- The club will be in the library, for safety reasons children will not be permitted in to the fair. Please come straight to the library to collect your child. You are more than welcome to take your child in to the fair after you have collected them, please remember that the fair closes at 5.30pm.
- Parts of the school building will be closed, please make sure that you remain in authorised areas. If older siblings are attending please make sure that they remain in your supervision and in the authorised part of the school, the hall, the EYFS area and the front playground.
PTA Helpers
If you can help please contact them on
Thank you!
Cardinal Hume Centre - Our Advent Charity for 2021
The children will be asking many questions. What can we do to support the homeless? How does society them? How do they feel, why are so many people homeless - how does it happen?
We wish Year 6 well with their week and thank them for supporting such a valuable cause. You can find our more about the work of the Cardinal Hume Centre in their video below.
To support Year 6's Mission Week please pray for the homeless, remember the work of the Cardinal Hume Centre in London and Sutton Nightwatch locally.
During the week of 6 December Year 6 will also be collecting items for Sutton Nightwatch. If you can donate any of the following items please leave them in the supermarket trollies at the entrance gates. Many thanks!
Choc bars
Cereal bars
Cans of drinks
Sleeping bags
Thermal underwear
Dates to the end of term
WW2 workshop for Year 6
Wednesday 8th December
Year 6 Mission Week Sleep Out for the Homeless
Classes will visit our Year 6 pupils who will be setting up camps around the school to learn about some of the issues facing homeless young people in our community. If your child would like to donate to the Cardinal Hume Centre, our charity for the homeless, please send them in with some coins / your donation in an envelope.
We will also be accepting donations for Sutton NightWatch, see above.
Thursday 9th December
Netball match v Dorchester School at home
Friday 10th December
Christmas Swap Shop - see attached flyer
Monday 13th December
Christmas Jumper Day - children can wear their festive jumpers, the brighter the better!
Children's Christmas Lunch - please pack a festive packed lunch and cracker if your child is not having a school lunch.
Tuesday 14th
St Angela's Class Nativity - 0915 in the hall, coffee served beforehand.
Year 2 Nativity from 2pm - booking required - see Class Dojo
Wednesday 15th
Reception Christmas Singalong from 2pm.
Nursery Christmas Party
School Carol Concert from 6-7pm ( 1 adult per child please)
Thursday 16th
Nursery last day and Christmas Singalongs
Y2 Nativity from 0915 - booking required - see Class Dojo.
Christmas Parties from 2pm - Class teachers will contact you with further details.
Friday 17th
A final advent reflection for the children in the morning.
We sing the 12 days of Christmas!
School closes at Midday.
Events are subject to change as we follow the latest guidance, please check Class Dojo for updates.
School photographer
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566