Lincoln Family Newsletter
September 2023
Note from the Principal
It's hard to believe that we are already a full month into school and halfway through the first quarter! We are off to a great start!
All students K-6 at Lincoln have received green vinyl folders to help with communication between teachers and parents. Please check your child's folder nightly for notes, letters, and newsletters from school.
Most teachers have classes set up on Class Dojo. This is a great way for families and teachers to communicate. If you haven't joined your child's class yet, please let their teacher know that you need instructions on how to sign up.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Webb
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 4
- No School- Labor Day
Friday, September 8
- PTO Parents' Night out 6 PM-9 PM (See info below)
Monday, September, 11
- School Mall Fundraiser Begins (More info to come)
Thursday, September 14
- PTO Cookies and Canvas 6 PM (See info below)
Friday, September 15
- Grandparents' Day Breakfast 7 AM-8 AM
September 18-23
- Homecoming Spirit Week
October 9-13
- Fall Break
Lincoln Green Thumbs
No Green Thumbs on Tuesday, September 5th.
Green Thumbs Sponsor: Mrs. Jamie Hooten.
Robotics Coach: Mrs. Jamie Hooten
Running Club
Running Club Coach: Mrs. Carlen Guthrie
Student Council
Charli Guthrie
Judd Umphress
Aubrey Burke
Sophie Payne
Kadence Hendrix
Jaden Baldwin
Mollet- 5th
Elli Super
Willow Stancombe
Ella Nicholson
Owens- 5th
MaKenna Chastain
Jesse Porter
Trey Easterday
Perry- 6th
Levi Thompson
Bentley Hendricks
Cooper Evans
Jayvyn Hout
Linkin Guthrie
Emma Rogers
Student Council Sponsors: Alexis Mollet and Jessica Bellush
Homecoming Spirit Week
September 18th-23rd
Monday- Sweatpants/sweatshirts
Tuesday- Crocks and socks
Wednesday- Hat Day
Thursday- Jersey Day
Friday- Red, White, and Blue Day
September Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Lunch Accounts
Flyers were sent home for the PTO Parents' Night out and Cookies and Canvas. You can use the QR codes to sign up or send the paper back in with the completed information.
Lincoln Elementary School
Location: 2014 F Street, Bedford, IN, USA
Phone: (812) 275-6311