Bear Blast
For the Week of June 17, 2024
Working together; succeeding together.
It Is Time for Nostalgia
It has been a great year, a crazy, strange year, but a great year. It has been great because of the things that we have done, the progress that we have made, but most importantly because of the people that we got to do it with. It has been a challenging year with lots of uncertainty for families and students. Throughout all of it, our families were amazing in their understanding and support. All of the politics aside, we all care about the kids and what is best for them. As a community we work together for our kids and the results are evident as we have some of the most amazing kids as well. Thank you to all of our families who have shown us so much support and stepped up when we needed you to to help out. It was not a perfect year, but it was still a pretty great year, thanks to the hard work of our school community and the communities which make up our school communities.
Looking for Coaches
Bears Athletics is looking for coaches for the upcoming school year, mainly Sr. Boys Basketball and an assistant for Sr Girls Volleyball but if you are interested in others let us know. Please contact Mr. Bloski for details.
Can You Guess What I Am
Each week, Mr. Mielke will post a pic of a strange object. Submit your answers of what you think it is to All the correct answers will be put into a draw for a weekly prize.
Last week's winner Miss Palaniuk.
This week, can you identify this infamous logo from the early 2000s?
Around PPCS
Grad Week
Future Me Day - dress up as your future career.
Dress Up as Your Favorite Grade - honor one of our grads, but dressing like they do. Show them how much the mean to us.
Sign A Senior - Grade 12s wear a white shirt that everyone else can sign.
Outdoor Ed Thank Yous
Thank you to Porcupine Wildlife Club for a $1000 donation towards our outdoor programming .
Also thank you to Anna Stupak of Yorkton who has donated an assortment of outdoor gear such as dry bags, water jugs, paddles for our canoeing and camping endeavors .
Batoche Trip
Unfortunately, due to sanctions, we were forced to cancel the Batoche trip for the grade 5s. Thankfully we live in an amazing community. Some of the grade 5 parents felt that the trip and the history associated with the trip was too important for our kids to miss out on. The parents, led by Wade Thorpe and Darwin Thorpe along with the local Metis Society worked together to make the trip happen. As a result our grade 5s got to experience all that Batoche had to offer. Huge shout out to Wade, Darwin, Rachel, Sasha, and Teleah along with the Metis society who stepped in when we couldn't This is one of the many reasons that our community is awesome.
PE 20/30 Canoe Trip
Grade 2 Science - Butterfly Life Cycles
The students cleaned the butterflies habitat. After a week they released the caterpillars into the enclosure. We hope that Monday, we will find chrysalis.
Around the Community
Swimming Lessons
Larwood Shaw Memorial Pool is very happy to be able to offer swimming lessons this summer. Several local youth have completed the needed training to be instructors and are ready to get going. To register visit
Next Staff vs. Student is
Family Calendar
Volunteers and Athletes of the Month
Volunteer of the Month
Autum and JR get the nod in our final month of recognition. A huge thanks for them for keeping the athlete picture board updated and helping out with an odd job now and then to keep Bears Athletics rolling. Best wishes to Autum as she leaves us this year and we are sure you will leave your own mark on Athletics.
Athletes of the Month
Harleigh Pohl
Harleigh is a no brainer for our Athlete of the month with her strong performance at Nessac track. I was only able to watch from a distance but she flat out smoked her competition in the 100 and 200m. She also physically dominated long and triple jump. She is very motivated and works very hard at practice and on her own so we are not surprised of her accomplishments. Keep up the training Harleigh and good luck in Stoon.
Breanne Strnad
Breanne Strnad is new to Bears Athletics but as proven to be very goal oriented and dedicated. She is in the gym jumping whenever she can and takes her practice and performance very seriously. With her work ethic she will be one to watch in the future as she will only continue to improve. Great attitude Breanne.
Hot Lunches
Check Your Punch Card Balance
Please note, as we get used to this new system, please be aware that punch card balances may be up to 1 week behind.
Once you click the link below and find your child's account number, you will see a number to the left of their account number (i.e. 17). That number will not change, so you only have to remember that number going forward.
We hope that this will help our families.
Scan me to check your punch card balance.
Jigs and Carolines are Back
Wednesdays - Jigs
Pizza (Pepperoni or Cheese)
Fridays - Carolines
Grilled Cheese w/ Fries