October TAP Times

October 2024
Noticias from Mr. Macias🎤
Yes, Fall Break is here! We are hopeful that summer’s heat grip begins to loosen and fully welcome cooler Fall weather! We hope that our students take this opportunity to sleep in for the week and recharge and reengage for the next quarter.
As we look forward to October end of Quarter 1, it’s also a good time to look back and reflect of what we accomplished this past quarter and what we want to do in Quarter 2. Many of our students had great strides both academically and in attendance this past quarter and we thank for the support that parents have provided. We also hope that you post those certificates proudly on the refrigerator!
We truly believe that it will always take a Village to help our students succeed. Please, please, please continue to reiterate the importance of attending school every day and on time. We understand that life happens and will always throw those surprises and thank you for communicating any struggles or barriers that you are experiencing.
When we return from Fall Break, we return to a opportunity to review our benchmark data and see what adjustments we need to do to prepare our students for testing in the Spring. We truly want for our students to have an opportunity for the next stage in their educational journey and that includes college if they wish that. For our school, benchmark scores provide us with very valuable information on where our students currently are and where we want to go.
Sincerely and proud principal,
Mr. Macias
Kanga Crew🫂
At the beginning of September we heard from Emerge Center against Domestic Abuse so students could learn about warning signs of domestic abuse and the different ways it could look. Students also heard ways to get support if they need.
National Dating Abuse Helpline 866—331-9474
National Domestic Violence Hotline 888-428-0101
Emerge Hotline (Local) 888-428-0101
Following that we started to look what all students have in common and what all staff have in common. These lists are hanging up near Ms. Sarah’s office. Students noted that all students here are parents and that they care about their children. They also noticed that all students have both goals and responsibilities that they are striving to meet by being here.
As for staff, the overwhelming response was that they are helpful and supportive – and they always have snacks! These common threads unite us and are the basis for our TAP village, our community. We discussed the wisdom of, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and listed what types of things happen in a village as they relate to raising and caring for children.
We will continue this discussion in October as we consider how we want to be in our village to create the kind of environment we want for babies, students and staff.
Joey Crew 🍼
Below are some forms we keep on hand in the nurseries. Please check in that they are turned in and completed!
Thank you Brie from Quincie Douglas Library for leading Joey Crew Story Time!
Babies and students participated in mirror play and finger play to develop literacy.
The whole school participated!
Pumpkin Request!🎃
We have our annual nursery Pumpkin Exploration activity for joey crew the week of Halloween. We would appreciate donations of pumpkins so the ICS team and volunteers can pre cut and gut out the seeds from the pumpkins. We then place the guts back in and let the babies have fun exploring the smell, taste and feel of them. This will take place on October 30th.
Picture Perfect 📸
Thursday Groups
In scrapbooking, students continue working at their family scrapbooks with pictures of their babies and families. In Spooky Bash Club, students are engaging in a multi-step process to make Halloween decorations.
Our crawlers are reaching milestones: drinking from a straw.
Using a spoon!
Engaging in books!
The following students had an A average this first quarter:
Savannah Knight
Meghan Martin
The following students had consistent attendance first quarter:
Julia Cheno
Meghan Martin
Briseyda Valenzuela
Jonah Riggs
Class News 📰
Welcome Ms. Ashley Osborne!
Ms. Ashley Osborne has served as TAP's nurse and is now our Home Health Aide and Parenting Teacher! Her parenting classes will be doing labs in the nurseries during 2nd quarter.
Our events this month📆
Village Night
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024, 05:00 PM
102 North Plumer Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
PSAT Testing - TAP
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 08:30 AM
Resources for you 🧰
Follow us on Social Media 📱
Thank you to all those who came to conferences and our resource fair!
Thank you to all the vendors who were present!
Pictured is Project MORE and TAP's Army Recruiter, Timothy Birdsong, who is a Project MORE grade of 2015.
Thank you to all who donated for this event to be possible!
Pictured is Mr. Flores, who helped grill all the hot dogs!
We had a great turnout of students and their families.
Tip of the Month💡
Relationships around the dinner table!
For more information, read this article from The Family Institute.