RMS Wildcat Weekly
July 25, 2021
Renaissance Middle School
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hagansa@fultonschools.org
Website: www.renaissancemiddle.com
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
Welcome Back to the 2021-2022 school year
Greetings Wildcat Family!
I am honored to welcome you to our 2020-2021 School year! On behalf of the entire Renaissance Middle School faculty and staff, I would like to express our excitement about returning to the building. We are fortunate to live in a strong and caring community and together we will not only face our challenges, but we will also overcome them. During this unprecedented time, we want to make sure that you remain well-informed and that you understand our efforts to maintain a continuity of learning for students. Currently, school leaders and teachers are working on new ways to provided educational opportunities while respecting the physical distancing guidelines established during this pandemic. Beginning Monday, August 9th, face-to-face instruction will resume for all RMS scholars. Teachers will also be utilizing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to maintain communication with parents and students. Therefore, we encourage you to ensure you have downloaded and can access the app (Parent Portal Setup). Please join us on August 6th for the RMS Open House, where you learn all about our instructional program offerings, our plan for keeping your scholars safe during the pandemic, and strategies to support and track your scholar’s learning through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. We ask for your continued patience as we work through the logistics of developing safe practices for scholars. Please continue to refer to the district website, www.fultonschools.org, the Renaissance Middle School website, https://www.fultonschools.org/Renaissancems, and our Twitter page (@RMS_Wildcats) for additional information. Finally, we wish you all good health and we look forward to the return of our Wildcat Scholars. Until then, please know that if no one has told you today, please know that the RMS Faculty and Staff loves you and excepts nothing less than your best! We look forward to seeing you on August 9th!
RMS will experience a change for the upcoming year, with the acquiring of a new principal. Mrs. Hawk will be leaving the position of principal at Renaissance Middle School, to pursue other opportunities outside the district. As a part of the process, the district has created a survey for parental feedback and will host a parent meeting to discuss the results on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 6:00pm.
Please take a few moments to complete the Principal Survey to provide feedback, as your input is vital to the selection process.
Please view the attached file to join the Virtual Parent Meeting on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 6:00pm.
Wildcat Training Camp - Rising 6th Graders and Virtual Learners
Thank you for registering your scholar for this year’s Wildcat Training Camp! Those students who opted to take advantage of this opportunity will be able to learn the Wildcat Way and other important expectations prior to the start of school. Scholars will have fun at no cost to you. Also, they will have a chance to meet some of our school staff members. They will learn or review how to find their way around the building, and how to change classes before the first day of school begins. Additionally, our students will learn how to open their lockers so that they feel more comfortable and at ease when school starts in August.
The Wildcat Training Camp is scheduled for Monday, August 2, 2021, from 9 AM – 3 PM. If you have questions/concerns, please contact our front office at 470-254-4330.
One additional note, our school is currently under construction, and it is our hope that the construction is completed before August 2, 2021, so that the Wildcat Training Camp may be face-to-face. However, in the event that the construction is not complete, we may have to host the camp virtually through Microsoft Teams. We will be sure to keep you informed. We hope that you and your scholar stay safe and continue to enjoy a wonderful Wildcat Summer. We look forward to seeing each of you soon!
You are cordially invited to the RMS OPEN HOUSE ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 6TH
RMS 2021-2022 Bell Schedule
School Supply List
RMS will resume selling lockers this school year and all lockers will be paid for electronically via OSP. Lockers can be purchased prior to August 2, 2021, by accessing the Online School Payments. Please select the grade level locker link for your scholar. OSP will send a payment receipt notification for each hall locker purchase. The school will also receive a receipt notification and will use this information when issuing lockers to the scholars.
This year, we are combining the hall and PE lockers into one payment to simplify the payment and distribution process. Each PE student will receive a locker on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please contact the school at (470) 254-4330, if you have any questions.
CLICK BELOW FOR the 21-22 "Who Do I Contact" list
Let's Get Our Devices geared up for the start of school!
Greetings Wildcat Parents,
As we prepare to begin the 2021-2022 school year, it is imperative that we ensure that all scholars have access to a fully functional device. If your scholar has a school-issued device please have them log into the device from home, do the updates if they are prompted, and leave the device on for 30 minutes daily. Please also check the device for technical issues, missing parts, and/or other physical damage. If your scholar has a school-issued device and is experiencing hardware or login issue please contact the Fulton County Schools hotline at 470-254-2300. Please use option 8 for hardware issues or option 9 for log-in assistance or password issues.
Additional information will be forthcoming in reference to device distribution for students who do not have a device. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 470-254-8542. Thank you, and have a wonderful Wildcat day!
School Nutrition
Apply Beginning August 1, 2021!
Did you know free & reduced-price meal applications benefit your family and your school?! Families may qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast & lunch. Each year parents must complete a new Free and Reduced application, or if your income has decreased for any reason since you last applied, or if your household size has increased. Only one application is needed per household.
Beginning August 1, 2021, apply online at: https://nutrition.fultonschools.org/
It’s easy & takes only minutes to complete!How do i access my scholar's GTID number?
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org