The Scoop!
Cedar Hills Elementary - September 20, 2024

October 4, 2024 - Principal's Note
It's time for fall conferences! Discussing your child's academic and behavioral progress is an important part to a successful school year. Please read the details below regarding conferences.
Monday, October 21:
- Conference times available 4:00-7:30 pm (in-person)
Tuesday, October 22:
- Conference times available (zoom only) 4:00-7:30 pm
Thursday, October 24: NO SCHOOL for students
- Conference times available 8:30 am-4:00pm (Zoom or in-person)
- No conferences scheduled
Conference Format:
As you can see above, there are options for families to choose either a Zoom (virtual) conference, or an in-person meeting. If you prefer to meet via zoom, please be sure to email your child’s teacher so that they can send you a zoom link invitation. If you do not contact the teacher, it is assumed that you will meet in person. Each conference will be scheduled for 20 minutes.
How to Sign Up:
Conferences opened on October 4th through ParentVue. Once logged into ParentVue, families will select the “conference” tab, then “parent scheduled conferences.” From there, families will be able to select a time to meet with their child’s teacher. For families with multiple students, there will be a selection time for each child’s teacher in ParentVue. Once selected, families may choose to email the selections to themselves so that they may be saved for future reference.
🍴Lunchroom Visitors - Change Coming! 🍴
Following conference week, we will ask that lunchroom visitors sign up in advance to attend lunch with their student. We will have a link that allows you to sign up and provide notice in advance. This small change will help us tighten safety and security while ensuring we have enough seating for all involved. While this will be a change for all of us, it will greatly reduce concerns logistical issues for all of CHE. Thank you for your support!
BV Unmuted!
In the latest Blue Valley Schools’ BV Unmuted podcast episode, Dr. Katie Collier, Deputy Superintendent for Learning, is joined by Overland Park Interim Police Chief Simon Happer and Director of Safety and Security Dan Carney to discuss school safety and the importance of understanding threats and their consequences.
To learn more about how families can partner with the district to ensure a safe and secure environment for our students and staff, listen to the podcast: BV Unmuted: Understanding Threats and Their Consequences.
Canvas Resources
Enroll in this course: https://bvusd.instructure.com/enroll/73CN87
The Family Resources Canvas Course is now available for Blue Valley families. This course is designed to help families navigate Canvas, whether beginning or looking for a reminder. Additionally, the course includes Canvas guides for Observers (the role assigned to parents).
Halloween Reminders
As a reminder, PTO and the CHE leadership team have shifted to a volunteer only celebration. If you are not signed up as a volunteer for the celebration, you should only plan to attend the parade.
Families should work with their students to select costumes that are worn for the entire school day and ensure they can use the restroom without assistance. Blow up costumes should only be worn during the parade at the end of the day. We will not be changing or assisting students with costumes throughout the day. Please be advised that students may not wear costumes that contain a weapon (real, play, or fantasy), blood, or scary costumes that are not appropriate for elementary school students.
We are tentatively planned for 2:45pm. Our building leadership team is confirming that next week. Stay tuned for an update soon!
Electric Scooters and Bicycles
We have demonstrated a need to address electric scooters and bicycles used by students coming to and from school. There have been many instances this year already where students around the vehicles are not safe, as well as the students riding them.
For the safety of all, we will implement the following:
- This mode of transportation is a family decision. The school is not responsible for the equipment when left at school or in the bike racks.
- Helmets and locks are highly encouraged.
- While on district property, the scooter or bike must be walked. This goes for the walking path behind the school, service road behind the school, and all CHE and PRMS property in front of the school.
School staff will do their best to support this during arrival and dismissal. We will be reminding students for two weeks and then start to contact families if there are concerns with individuals. If applicable, we appreciate you reviewing this with your student and supporting the safety of all at CHE.
CHE Annual Family Picnic
Our CHE annual family picnic is just around the corner on Tuesday, October 8th from 5:30-7:00 at the CHE green space right behind the school. This year we are so excited - we will be having Bryce's food truck and Irvzilla Hawaiian food truck there!
Also, be sure to bring your kites to fly and canned food to get a start on your class food donation for CHE Cares. One class from each grade with the largest donation will win an extra recess! (See below for a list of your grade's assigned food item).
CHE Cares Food Drive
During the week of Oct. 7-14, Cedar Hills will be participating in a food drive for Community for Kids. Community for Kids is an organization right here in the Blue Valley School District that helps provide for students that live in food insecure homes. Each grade level is assigned specific items to donate (voluntary). The class in each grade level with the most donations will be rewarded with an extra recess! Donation bins will be located in the front entrance of the school the entire week.
See graphic listed for your grade's assigned food item!
Also, MARK YOUR CALENDARS for October 15th! There will be a CHE Cares' event held after school to help sort/pack the food, as well as work on some projects that will help to spread kindness in our community.
Student Code of Conduct
As we begin the school year, we would like to remind you to review the updated Blue Valley Student Code of Conduct. It can be found on our www.bluevalleyk12.org under the “Student Quick Links” section at the bottom main home page. It can also be found on our school website home page.
Down Syndrome Awareness Month - celebrates those with Down syndrome and raises awareness of their abilities and accomplishments. The colors blue and yellow symbolize support for the Down syndrome community.
National Bullying Prevention Month and Bullying Prevention Day (October 2nd) raise awareness about the harmful effects of bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Filipino-American Month - celebrates the heritage and achievements of the second-largest Asian American population in the U.S.
Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year. The observance begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2, and continues through the evening of October 4. Some families will attend synagogue services, eat apples and honey for a sweet new year, and/or abstain from work, school, activities, and technology use.
Yom Kippur - the Jewish day of Atonement (Forgiveness). The holiest day of the year starts at sundown on October 11. For some, families may fast for 24 hours, attend services at synagogue, and/or abstain from work, school, activities, and technology use.
CHE Spirit Wear!?
Head on over to our spirit wear store here, order your gear and when PTO receives the items they will be delivered to your student's classroom.
Student Food or Drink Delivery - Changes!
- We have seen an increase in food arriving from paid delivery services during the school day (ex: Door Dash, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, etc.) or drop offs of outside food/drinks without adults staying to have lunch with their student.
- Food delivery services create a disruption to the learning environment and pose a potential security concern. A variety of doors have been utilized and most delivery service providers have been unfamiliar faces which are difficult to verify.
- We will not accept meals delivered by paid delivery services during the school day for students. These deliveries will be refused.
- If you want to bring outside food or drinks in for your student during lunch, you must stay to have lunch with them. Please only bring lunch for your student. Outside drinks are not allowed in the classroom as they may not meet our nut-safe priorities.
Pets on Campus - Arrival and Dismissal
Please refrain from bringing your pets to the entrance of the school at arrival/dismissal. Please keep pets away from the front circle and no closer than the service road in the back. Some students are very allergic, and others are afraid of animals. Even the friendliest pets can get anxious around a large number of students. We appreciate your help and support with this request.
Civility Reminder
Safe Schools Reporting
Upcoming Events!
October 8th: School picnic 5:30-7:00 pm at the CHE greenspace
October 10th: Rosati's spirit night
October 11th: No school
October 15h: CHE Cares' Event at 4:00 pm in the library
October 16th: Dad's Club carline
Stay in touch!
Email: CedarHillsElementary@bluevalleyk12.org
Website: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/che
Location: 9100 West 165th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 9132393300
Twitter: @cedarhillselementary