Renner Middle School eNews
April 9, 2021
STAAR Testing Day Reminders
Please be aware that the school will operate on an adjusted schedule on testing days and we will be a closed campus. We cannot allow visitors or parent deliveries on these days.
Testing Days:
- Tuesday, April 13th - 7th Grade Writing (rescheduled from April 6)
- Tuesday, May 4th - Algebra I EOC
- Thursday, May 6th - 8th Grade Science
- Friday, May 7th - 8th Grade Social Studies
- Tuesday, May 11th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Math for F2F & AP Spanish
- Wednesday, May 12th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Reading for F2F
- Thursday, May 13th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Math for S@H & AP Spanish students
- Friday, May 14th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Reading for S@H
We have some important reminders for both students and parents for these days:
- All STAAR testing will be completed on student Chromebooks. Students must bring their Chromebook and charger every day.
- Students are not allowed to have electronic devices in the testing rooms. Cell phones should be left at home or powered off and placed in designated buckets in their testing classroom on testing days. If there is a family emergency, please contact the front office at 469-752-5800.
- We strongly encourage students who are testing to bring their lunches on test days. Students are also encouraged to eat a good, healthy breakfast. Breakfast & Lunch will be served FREE on testing days!
- Because of strict testing security measures, we may not allow visitors in the school on testing days.
- Parents, this means that lunches need to be sent to school with your child. Please do not drop off lunches or other materials on these days. We know this may seem inconvenient, but it is essential that we provide a safe, secure, and quiet environment for all students who are testing.
- Students cannot leave the building and return later to complete their tests. If your child has an appointment on any of the testing days, please try to change the appointment.
- Students should bring a hardback or paperback book with them on the day of testing. E-readers, such as Kindles and Nooks are not allowed on testing days.
If you should have any questions, please contact your child's counselor. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Renner STAAR Testing Schedule
Future STAAR Testing Information
Tuesday, May 4th - Algebra I EOC
All F2F and S@H Math Rocks 7 & Algebra students will take Algebra I EOC on campus
All F2F Math 7 & Geometry students will follow their normal F2F schedule on campus
All S@H Math 7 & Geometry students will follow their normal asynchronous schedule from home
8th Graders
All F2F and S@H Algebra students will take Algebra I EOC on campus
All F2F Math 8, Math Rocks 8 & Geometry students will be asynchronous from home
All S@H Math 8, Math Rocks 8 & Geometry students will be asynchronous from home
All F2F students will follow their normal F2F asynchronous schedule on campus
All S@H students will be follow their normal S@H asynchronous schedule from home
STAAR Letter & Calendar (English)
STAAR Letter & Calendar (Spanish)
April 12 - Renner PTA Board Meeting
April 26 - Bad Weather Make Up Day
May 4 - STAAR Algebra I EOC Test
May 6 - STAAR 8th Grade Science Test
May 7 - STAAR 8th Grade Social Studies Test
April 26 Inclement Weather Make Up Day
Help us Celebrate Earth Day by Donating to World Wear Project
Our school will receive an extra $100 if we can collect 2,500 lbs or more during the month of April.
- Place items into kitchen sized bags
- Place one bag in at a time
- Bring only things that fit into the chute in the bin
- Don’t leave items on the ground
- We can’t accept mattresses or furniture
- Come back later to donate if the bin is full.
Renner PTA Earth Day Clean Up
2021-2022 Renner Football & Athletics
Follow this link for a message from two of our Athletics students, Sebastian Langley and Shane Parker, regarding 2021-2022 Boys Athletics at Renner Middle School and the Renner football program - https://youtu.be/LPjq91czgHM.
For more information, contact our Athletic Director, Kevin Kelln at kevin.kelln@pisd.edu.
Shepton High School Information for 8th Graders
Shepton 8th Grade Parent Info - https://www.smore.com/qgc41
Student Clubs & Organizations
Renner Middle School 2020-2021 Athletic Event Information
Please read the following information carefully if you or your student(s) plan to attend athletic events. Remember that rides home for student spectators should be arranged in advance and should be timely in their arrival to pick up students when the game is over.
- Tickets will be sold on a week-by-week basis
- Ticket sales will open up to the General Public on Monday at 8:00am for all games occurring for the current week
- Tickets are required for school-age children kindergarten through 12th grade
- Ticket prices: Adult-$4, Student $2
- A maximum of 2 tickets can be purchased per transaction
- All ticket sales will be online
○ If available, tickets can be purchased on a mobile device by using the QR code at the gate
- You will purchase your tickets on the home team event site
- There will be no passes accepted at the gate
Tickets can be purchased at https://www.pisd.edu/Page/23044
- All spectators must wear a face covering in order to enter.
- All spectators must complete the COVID-10 self-screening
The PISD bag policy will be in place.
- Social distancing is expected in all areas of the stadium including the student section
- Congregating in the concourse area or walkways will not be allowed.
- At the conclusion of the B-Team game, spectators and participants will be asked to exit out of the designated doors. The A-Team spectators will then be released to enter the gym.
- Tickets are available online only
- Rides should be arranged in advance for transportation home in a timely manner
Game Schedules
Track Meet Schedule
All meets take place at Tom Kimbrough Stadium
Field events start at 4:30
To arrive on time, athletes will be taken out of class some time during 8th period
- The bus is available to ride to and from the meet, with the athletes being picked up from Renner after the meet is over
- If parents would like to drive their athlete to the track meet, they must arrive prior to 4:30
- If parents would like to pick up their athlete from the track meet, they are required to sign their athlete out and that athlete must be done with all events they are entered in.
The schedule is as follows (Be sure to pay attention to which grade is competing
each week):
- 8th Grade Track Meet 1-March 31st (Thursday)
- 7th Grade Track Meet 1- April 7th (Thursday)
- 8th Grade Track Meet 2- April 15th (Wednesday)
- 7th Grade Track Meet 2- April 22nd (Wednesday)
Follow Us on Social Media
Family Hot Spot Internet Access
If your family is experiencing difficulty with home internet access, please contact our Campus Technology Assistant, Jonathan Loveday, at jonathan.loveday@pisd.edu.
Renner PTA Website: https://rennerpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Renner Middle School
Website: www.pisd.edu/renner
Location: 5701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-752-5800