Hello, Howard!
Bonus PRIDE Newsletter 9/27/24
So many photo opportunities!
Our PRIDE theme of the month for September was Respect. Today we gathered as a whole school community to celebrate all the ways Howard students demonstrate respect!
Yesterday, our Dirty Thumbs club had their first outing to Vineyard Farms. Kids and chickens and piglets - oh my!
There are a few quick, timely notices below. Then lots of cute pictures. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
I scream, you scream...
We don't scream in the cafeteria because it's not respectful.
The cafeteria will start selling ice cream this Tuesday, October 1st.
Ice cream will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
There will be options for $1.50 and $1.00.
Students will need to have money on their my school bucks account, we will not take cash in line. If students do bring in cash it will need to be turned in during home room and sent to the cafe in the morning.
Community Pumpkin Carving Event
Please RSVP to vfhomebase@gmail.com by Thursday October 3rd so the farm can be prepared.
Dirty Thumbs and Happy Kids
Ms. Cashman's class kicked off the assembly by sharing what respect looks like in their cultures.
These 4th graders did an outstanding job in their first PRIDE assembly!
5th grade sang their way into our hearts and minds!
6th grade set a wonderful example with their short essays on respect. Just look at the 4th graders watching them.
We held our first ticket drawing today! When students are engaging in positive school behavior, they get a ticket. They can then put their ticket in for a variety of prizes. I didn't get a picture of the winners for extra recess, games in the gym, or party with the principal (46 names in all!) But here are the winners of books, a squishmallow, and a gift card!
Unified Sports
Don't forget! Unified Sports is open to 5th and 6th grade!
Co-ed Middle School Unified Bocce signups are live! Students from grades 5-8 are invited to join in the season which will last from October 7-November 8. Practices will be held from 2:30-3:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and matches will begin at 3:30 on game days. The unified sports fee is $50 (covers unified bocce, unified basketball, and unified cornhole) unless you have already paid the athletic fee for the year. If interested, please sign up on the athletics website or reach out to Nikki Maloney at nmaloney@wbridgewater.com with questions!
Ms. Z's Wall of Respect
One final photo to send you into your weekend. Have a great night!