Madeira Middle School News
October 1, 2024
Where Learning is Personalized and Success is Ensured
Teaching & Learning
Climate & Culture
Communication & Partnership
Sound Operational Management & Financial Stewardship
Principal Update
Madeira Middle School Families,
I hope this communication finds everyone well! We have had a great past couple of weeks here at MMS with our successful Starts with Hello Week partnering up with out Madeira Police Department. The week was filled with positive messages promoting Inclusiveness and Connections (see more pictures below).
Our Sources of Strength peer mentors went through a full day of training and collaboration with our teacher/counselor Sources of Strength team and trainers from 1N5. Our 7th & 8th grade peer mentors welcomed our new 6th grade peer mentors. We are excited about this group and the campaigns that they plan this year to continue to foster Connectiveness and Belonging for all students here at MMS! They already planned a wonderful Jam the Stands Night for our girls volleyball team and tonight's Tailgate for our 7th & 8th grade football game! We love seeing all of the support for our students!
A reminder that Walk to School Day is this WEDNESDAY, October 2nd! The community is asking students to get up a few minutes early and plan the safest walking route to school. The Madeira Police will be present at the HAWK Cross walk on the corner of Dawson Road & Miami Avenue by Starbucks to make sure your walk to school is as safe as possible. Please wear your Madeira BLUE and GOLD spirit wear to represent Madeira Middle School on your walk to school!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are starting up this week as well, you should have received sign-up links options through your student's grade level team communication. Our MMS Book Fair starts tomorrow, October 2-8. You can shop in person during the October 8th Parent/Teacher Conference time or you can use the following link to place orders https://www.scholastic.com/bf/madeiramiddleschool .
Thank you to all of our parent volunteers that came in last Thursday for Tie Dye Day! We couldn't have done this without you!
We have had some confusion on our dress code lately. Parents, if you could help remind your student that their shorts need to be long enough to cover buttocks completely and their shirts need to be long enough so no stomachs are showing. Your partnership is much appreciated.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Nicole Huelsman
Principal, MMS
Mark Your Calendars...
October 2-8 - Book Fair
October 2 - National Walk to School Day
October 2 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 8 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 8 - PTO Mtg. 9:15
October 15-17 -8th Grade in Washington DC
October 17 - End of 1st Quarter - Early Release
October 18 - Fall Break - No School
October 22 - Picture Retakes
School Fees
Each year it is necessary to have student fees to pay for the consumable materials used by your child during the school year. These materials are workbooks, paperback novels, or online resources that the students use or art supplies they use for their projects, which need to be re-ordered for the following year.
It is highly recommended that every student purchase the optional chromebook insurance, which is $25 per year. When accessing EZPay you will need to do the "add-on" to add the insurance. The deadline for purchasing chromebook insurance is September 30, 2024. Total fees with this option selected will be $90 for each student.
If you plan to pay by check, please make the check payable to Madeira Middle School, and include your child’s name. You can also pay the fee using a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover by going to the district website www.madeiracityschools.org click on Quicklinks then on Student Fees and follow the prompts.
If you are unable to pay the fees right away, please contact the office at 513-561-5555 to make arrangements for fee payment.
Purchasing Chromebook Insurance
If you would like to purchase the insurance there are one of two ways this can be done.
1. You can send in a check made to payable to Madeira Middle School for $25.00 which can be add to your students school fee payment. School fees this year are $65 by adding your insurance the total amount due will be $90.
2. You can pay online by following these directions:
Go to the Madeira City School website
Click on “Quick Links”
Click on “Student Fees – EZ Pay”
Enter your information and student number
Once the fee information comes up go to the far right and click on “Activity Fees” (it is in a lighter colored box)
Click on the “Chrome book Insurance” (second option down green box) from there you will be able to add the insurance to your child’s fees.
Sources of Strength Bake Sale
Jam the Stands
Chalk Art by our Peer Mentors
To report your student absent, please call 513-924-3777 and leave a voicemail with your student's name, grade level, and reason for absence. You can also email alubert@madeiracityschools.org to notify absences planned in advance.
If you are picking your student up early from school, you can call ahead or send an email and we will have your student ready in the office for you. You will still need to come into the office to sign he/she out. If they are returning before the end of the day, they can come back into the office and sign themselves back in.
Important: Students who are absent from school may not participate in after-school athletics or activities on the same day. In addition, if a student leaves school early or arrives after 10:30am to school, they may not participate in after-school clubs or activities on the same day without a doctor's note (from a scheduled/routine appointment).
Yearbooks for Sale
If you are interested in ordering your child a 2024-2025 Madeira Middle School Yearbook the link is below:
Yearbooks are $20. Orders are due February 15. Thanks!
Additional Resources
Madeira Middle School
Email: nhuelsman@madeiracityschools.org
Website: madeiracityschools.org
Location: 6612 Miami Avenue
Phone: 513-561-5555
Twitter: @MadeiraMiddle