Eagle Lake Lookout
November 15, 2024

Eddie Spotlight
Dates to Remember
November 18th & 19th - Fundraiser Pickup @ Intermediate 4-7.
November 22nd- Flannel Day at Eagle Lake!
November 22nd- Popcorn Friday!
November 25- Board of Education Meeting @7:00 PM
November 27- Half Day of School (11:35 AM dismissal)
November 28-29-Thanksgiving Recess- No School
December 3rd- 2nd Grade Music Program 7:00 @ PAC
Food Drive Results
Thank you! It was an incredible to see the generosity pouring into Eagle Lake this week with the participation in the food drive. As a school we donated approximately 1,800 food items! Congratulations to Mrs. Raab's class who had the most items donated and will receive a donut party. Most importantly, congratulations to our Eddie community and once again coming together and demonstrating what Eddie pride looks like!
PTO Fundraiser Announcements
Second Grade Music Program
Book Nook
Multiage and Third Grade Students are beginning to take their shipwreck information to create a guessing game in Google Slides. We have a few more steps to add before it is finished and I can share the final product. Second grade students used their observation skills to look at bird beaks to guess what kind of food each bird eats. Acting like a scientist can be fun!
Happy Reading and Researching!
Miss Thunell
PTO Online Store
CLICK HERE to see items currently for sale by the Edwardsburg PTO, including Croc charms, belt bags, straw toppers, and bracelets. Include your student’s name and teacher in the ”Note to Seller” secƟon, and items will be delivered to schools on Fridays.
Eddie Plush Blankets- Band Boosters
Eddies Girls Youth Basketball League
Girls in grades 2-8 can sign up for the Eddies Youth Basketball League hosted by EHS coach, Scott Rodesiler, and the high school players. Click the document below for additional registration information
Dress for the Weather
We are in the fun season of Michigan weather where the temperatures fluctuate greatly day by day and even hour to hour! Please help us by ensuring your student comes to school prepared to go outside every day for recess. Even if it means leaving a jacket in their locker so they always have one handy would be a great idea!