Westwood Intermediate/Middle School
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December 20, 2023 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
We started the week with a comfy cozy day on Monday and that seems to be carrying through as we head into winter break. On Thursday, we will have our end-of-trimester celebration pep fest for grades 5 / 6 and 7 / 8.
The December Possip themes have emerged. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. I want to share here the top areas mentioned in Possip comments as areas for us to look at and some of our actions and next steps:
- Frequency of Schoology updates and more explanation of the new grading system to students: We presented on Schoology in a parent session at our PTO meeting in November. If you missed that and would benefit from a refresher, here’s a link to the presentation . Teachers for grade 5 and 6 have reviewed progress reporting with students as report cards went home on Monday. We will continue to work with all of our staff on providing feedback to students, so they know where they are at in their learning.
- Behavior and discipline issues in school and classrooms: My takeaway after reading some of the Possip comments is that there is a perception that there are a lot of fights at Westwood. That simply isn’t accurate. We have had very few altercations this year. If this is a concern of yours, I invite you to give me a call. It’s important for students and families to know a few things:
- First, if your student has experienced bullying behavior or is concerned about others, students can report via Schoology message to one of the administrators. There is also a form online that students can use to report anonymously. We follow up on every report with the students involved, document the issue, and when needed, provide consequences to students.
- We have moved to a technology reporting system for behaviors. The system summarizes the data by student and teachers so we can respond to individuals and provide classroom support and professional learning for staff.
- Bathrooms continue to be a reported issue by a few families. While behavior in bathrooms has improved, we continue to monitor and adjust our practices. We have stationed staff outside bathrooms during passing times, and we are trying to limit the number of passes we provide students during the school day by tracking students who are overusing them. We are also escorting students who are struggling to self-direct themselves.
- Student mental health issues and the need for more support and counseling: We continue to work with Lee Carlson, our partner in providing in-school services to students. We decreased the counselor ratio this year for our 7th and 8th graders and have added a support staff person to work with our 5th and 6th grade counselor. The counselors work with students on academic counseling and social emotional proactive strategies. They also work in partnership with families and outside therapists to support students. This is an area we continue to monitor and adjust.
In addition to these themes, it’s always great to hear the positives. This month, some areas of praise were:
- Excellent nurses who show compassion for students
- Emails from teachers that keep parents updated on what's happening in class
- The encouraging and supportive teaching staff
- The variety of extracurricular activities offered
Winter break begins Friday. There is no school Friday, December 22 through Monday, January 1, 2024. We’ll see students back in school in the new year on Tuesday, January 2.
Have a great break with friends and family,
Tom Larson
District Services Center - Winter Break
During winter break, December 22-January 1, the District Services Center will hold the following hours:
- Friday, December 22 - 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
- Monday, December 25 - Monday, January 1 - closed
- Normal hours will resume Tuesday, January 2
Have a question during this time? Please email SLPComEd@district16.org or enrollment@district16.org and we'll find you the answer.
Reading your child's report card (K-6)
Report cards for the first trimester went home with students on Monday, December 18. Because it is a newer format, we want to make sure families have information and support for understanding the report card. See this 1-page handout for some helpful information and you can also watch a brief video tour.
Your child's iPad can be used to translate the report card. We recommend you use the Google translate app found in Self Service. View this video or follow these steps for support:
- Get Google Translate. If the Google Translate app is not on the iPad, download it from Self Service.
- Open Google Translate. Find the Google Translate app and open it by tapping on its icon.
- Pick languages. There are two boxes at the top. Tap the first to choose English. Tap the second to choose the language you want the report card translated into.
- Select camera mode. Below the boxes, tap the option that looks like a camera to use it for translation.
- Allow camera access. When it asks for camera access, just say "OK" or "Allow."
- Take a Picture. Hold the iPad over the report card, with text in the frame, and take a picture.
- Adjust if needed. The words will be highlighted. To change the highlighted part, drag the corners of the box.
- Translate. After the text is selected, tap "Translate.” The words will change to the language you chose.
- Read the translation. If the translation is not right, you might need to fix it or try taking the picture again.
- Save or share. To keep the translated text or show it to someone, select the option you want.
Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
Video Game Club Starting Jan 4
Do you have a passion for video games? Are video games something you enjoy playing? If so, join the Video Game Club with Mr. Bianco! We will be learning about some of the history of gaming, as well as playing on some of your favorite consoles, such as Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and even a Nintendo 64 - we might even have other surprise systems to try out! Register Here
Spirit Week at Westwood
Wig or Hats?
Career Day
Red Team Scientists
7th grade Red Team scientists ended their chemistry primer unit by exploring supersaturation and making Borax Crystal art.
The Mirandola Ensemble
The Mirandola Ensemble visited Westwood Intermediate to perform for the 6th grade choir students! The professional Minneapolis based choir performed choral selections in over seven different languages and they shared how and why they make music. The choirs enjoyed this special performance experience and they look forward to more music opportunities this school year!"
Focused and Kindness
Team 6B is working on their focusing writing task 1 for module two in ELA. Nina N and Brylee B helped decorate our hallway with this kindness activity. Each student took two strips of paper and wrote two people they love on them. Then we crated this decoration.
- Wednesday, December 20 – 5th Grade Choir Concert, SLP High School Fine Arts Center
December 22-January 1 – Winter Break, no school
Tuesday, January 2 – Return from Winter Break
Tuesday, January 9 - 6th Gr Choir Concert, 7 p.m., SLP High School Fine Arts Center
- Thursday, January 11 – Native American Parent Advisory Committee event, Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School (in the Piña Room), 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Monday, January 15 – No School
- Wednesday, January 24 – Caregiver Learning Event: Child Development Over Ages, Westwood Intermediate and Middle School (The Den), 6-7 p.m. RSVP
- Tuesday, January 30 - 8th grade online family information session, 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, January 30 - 7 and 8 Gr Choir Concert, 7 p.m., SLP High School Fine Arts Center
- Wednesday, January 31 - 8th grade online family information session, 9 a.m.
- Wednesday, February 7 - Explore your Options event, Spring Lake Park High School, 5-7 p.m.
- Thursday, February 8 - Live on 65: C. Willi Myles Comedy (Stand-Up Comic), Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m. Purchase tickets
- Friday, February 16 - High school registration closes for the 2024-2025 school year
PTO Trimester Treat Table
Westwood PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is starting a new tradition to celebrate the change in trimesters! They will offer a Trimester Treat Table outside the cafeteria on Friday, January 5, where each student / staff member can buy ONE item for $1 on their way into lunch. Please try to have exactly $1 so no change is needed. Any A or B Honor Roll students will receive their treat for free to celebrate by showing their student ID. Volunteers are needed on Friday to help sell treats - sign up on Band or email to let us know what time you can help between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Art Adventure Volunteers Needed In January - Sign Up Now!
Westwood PTO is getting ready to present a new collection from the Minneapolis Institute of Art and we need your help! Sessions will run January 22 through January 26 during school hours. Get signed up here.
Art Adventure encourages creativity, empathy, critical thinking and global awareness through in-depth explorations of art across cultures and time. For more information, please join us on BAND .
Next PTO meeting is January 29 at 10 a.m.
Westwood PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is a group open to all staff and guardians of 5-8th grade students at Westwood. The goal of our PTO is to increase family involvement and enhance student learning and experiences at Westwood. We focus on family enrichment, staff/student support, and community engagement. We have monthly meetings during the school year and there are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, including a need for a board secretary at this tine. We use the BAND app for sign ups and communications, please join here .
Save the date for Family Fun Night Friday, February 9
You are invited to get out of the cold and meet other families and friends for a fun night on Feb. 9th from 6-8pm. Families can play Bingo in the cafeteria or bring your own game/puzzle from home, have open gym time, or play KanJam or Corn Hole. There will be $1 concession snacks/drinks for sale in the cafeteria. The Book Fair will also be open. This is not a drop off event. students must have a guardian in attendance.
Students showcase ideas in 'Shark Tank’-style competition
An extendable baking pan, an electronic tracking tag for pets, a portable dugout roof, an app to learn music, a clothing solution for ticks, an app to get connected at college. Those are just a handful of the 29 different product and service business ideas that Spring Lake Park High School students pitched “Shark Tank style” to a panel of local judges.
Students were tasked with the challenge of developing their business idea, product or service and figuring out how to market it. After months of research and preparation, they had two opportunities to show business and industry leaders what they’ve learned and receive feedback on their pitches.
Five finalist groups have moved on to the final round. The winner will be announced before winter break. We caught up with the finalists to learn more about their product or service, how this class is helping them think about their future and what it’s like to pitch their ideas to business experts. Read more.
Multicultural Community Resource Fair - Thursday, January 11, 1-3 p.m. at the Blaine Human Services Center 2nd Floor (1201 89th Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55434)
- Child care information
- Community resource information
- Health and immunization information
- Help with paperwork and reading letters
- Home safety information
- Library information
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Para traducir la información a otro idioma, por favor presionen en cualquier lugar del mensaje para abrirlo en un navegador web y en la parte superior de la página seleccione su idioma del menú.