North Star Newsletter February 2025

A message from Mr. Horning, Head of School
Hello All,
What a great week at North Star. We were absolutely spoiled on Wednesday with some delicious food. Our parents make the best food in the valley! Thank you PTO for organizing.
We are only one week away from our winter break and the weather is moving in. Please make sure to leave just a little early and drive slow during these snowy days. Conditions are changing throughout the morning, so use caution even when making those later drop offs.
The lottery is off to a great start and we have hundreds of families wanting to find a place at North Star. Returning registration for our current students will open in a few weeks, so please keep an eye out for this email. We love the energy the lottery brings to the school, and we truly appreciate the loyalty our families have to North Star every year.
Have a wonderful weekend, stay healthy, and enjoy some football. Still pulling for the Eagles.
Thank you,
Important Dates
Elementary Main Office Hours - 8:30am - 4:30pm
Lottery Applications for the 2025-26 School Year NOW OPEN - Jan 9- March 13, 2025
HS Sweethearts - Saturday, February 8 in the NS Café
Registration for Returning Students - February 10-28
You must register your student(s) if they will be returning to North Star for the 2025-26 school year. See details below.
Last Day to Order ELEMENTARY Yearbooks - Friday February 28
Last Day to Order SECONDARY Yearbooks - Wednesday March 26
SAT for Juniors - Friday March 28, 7:45-10:15 am
This will be a half day for Juniors and they will be released after testing.
2025-26 Lottery Applications NOW OPEN
Spread the Word!
If you have a student who does not already attend North Star, or know someone who would thrive at our school, apply HERE to enter our lottery. Applications close March 13 with the lottery drawing on March 27. Both Elementary and Secondary schools will host a Lottery Presentation and Tour.
Elementary Lottery Presentation and Tour -- Feb 25, 5:30-6:30 pm
Secondary Lottery Presentation and Tour -- Feb 25, 6:30-7:30 pm
Registration for Returning Students
Registration for RETURNING students begins on February 10th. The deadline to complete your student's Online Registration is February 28th.
Parents must register their returning students to reserve their seats for the 2025-2026 school year. If they do not complete this their students seat will be offered in the Lottery Drawing.
To complete the online Registration, sign into your Parent account in PowerSchool and select "REGISTRATION" on the bottom left side of the screen. This must be done for each student who is enrolled at North Star.
The link to the PowerSchool Parent Portal is: https://northstarcharter.powerschool.com/public/home.html\
HS Valentines
High school StuCo will be selling the Conversation hearts for Valentines grams Feb 10-13. They will be $2 per box and will be sold at lunch.
E-Rate Federal Program
The E-rate program is a Federal program which provides schools and libraries across the country with substantial discounts on their technology services. In order for NS to be eligible for e-rate federal discounts, we are required to submit a voluntary income survey to our families. Although not required, please consider filling this out to help us determine any discount eligibility.
Save the Date -- SAT
Attention Juniors:
The 11th Grade school-day SAT Administration is Friday, March 28,
7:45-10:51 am.
Please note the following:
1) March 28 will be a half day for juniors. They will have an early release immediately following testing.
2) The state of Idaho is paying for SAT fees, so all juniors (with the exception of exchange students) will be taking the SAT.
3)The SAT is administered in a digital format.
4) Colleges may use SAT scores for admission, class placement, and/or scholarships.
Yearbooks on Sale!
It's that time of year! Secondary and Elementary yearbooks are on sale now! Parents, please note that secondary (6-12) and elementary (K-5) will have separate yearbooks this year.
SECONDARY (grades 6-12) Yearbooks are on sale for $35! Follow THIS LINK to order your yearbook by March 26, 2025. North Star's school ID is 294192.
ELEMENTARY (K-5) Yearbooks are on sale for $32, plus a small online processing fee of 6% ($1.68). Follow THIS LINK to order your yearbook now. The LAST DAY to order elementary yearbooks is February 28.
Attention 6th & 11th Grade Parents:
It's time to start thinking about immunizations for the 2025-26 school year. All incoming 7th graders and all incoming 12th graders are required to receive boosters. Please make your appointments for these and submit booster dates to Jessica and Vanessa in the offices once they are received. Exemption forms can be found online. Please note that you must select the specific immunizations to be exempted. If you are a current 7th-12th grade parent, please double check that your child's immunizations are up-to-date and dates have been submitted to the office or that a current exemption form is on file. Thank you for your help in keeping our school state compliant!
North Star Athletics
Thank You, Sponsors!!!
We want to give a shoutout and huge THANK YOU to our athletic sponsors. Thank you for your support!
Thank You Legacy Donors!!
Thank You Silver Level Donors!!
Varsity Boys' Basketball
Wish our Varsity Boys' basketball good luck at Districts!!
Sports Calendar: For more details and information regarding our various sports teams with North Star Charter School, you can subscribe to the calendar in the link below. By subscribing, you will have access to our fall sports including cross country, volleyball, or the mountain bike team. Details will include scheduled meets, games, and races.
PTO Happenings
Mother/Son Glow Night Event -- Saturday, March 1
We are so excited to announce that this year, our mother/son event with be a glow-themed dance party in the North Star gym! Join us on Saturday, March 1st, from 6pm-8pm for some fun! We have an awesome committee currently working on all the details, but we definitely need help at the dance. So please consider signing up to volunteer if you are not attending! This event is for mothers/mother figures (aunts, adult sister, grandma, special family friend) and sons (including siblings of students who do not yet attend school or attend another school). This is for North Star families only.
Pizza Friday Links & Volunteers
If you are one of our weekly pizza purchase families for elementary, we've made this handy sheet for you to print and mark off the pizza weeks you've purchased. If you are unsure of a week, you can search for an email from Zeffy and the confirmation should say the date you purchased. If you are a secondary student, you do not need to pre-purchase, you can bring cash on Fridays.
We are also in need of a few more volunteers to help Fridays run smoothly. Please click on the links to see what dates/positions are available. We wouldn't be able to have Pizza Friday if it wasn't for our amazing volunteers!
Chipotle Spirit Night -- Tuesday, March 4
Mark your calendars now! Tuesday, March 4, Chipotle (Chinden/Linder) will be donating a portion of sales to North Star! So skip cooking and invite your friends. You can order through the app, online, or in store! Just use promo code VPWNBCD when you do!
Save the Date -- Father/Daughter Dance -- Saturday, April 12
Save the date! North Star's beloved Father/Daughter dance will be held on April 12, 2025. PTO is working hard to make this year's dance the best one yet! Watch next month's newsletter for details and ticket options. If you'd like to help, please email pto@nscspto.org.
Stay connected and informed about all the latest updates and important information regarding our charter school by following us on Instagram! Our Instagram page is your hub for staying in the loop on upcoming events, school news, educational resources, and much more! We're committed to fostering a strong partnership between the school and our parents, and this is one of the best ways to ensure you're always in the know. Click the link below.