CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #38: May 24, 2024
Principal Corner
Good afternoon, Chapelfield families.
Thank you for a wonderful year. I am so proud of our students. They were POSITIVE, ACTED RESPONSIBLY, WORKED HARD, and SHOWED RESPECT! We celebrated them today with a Kona Ice truck!
We wish all the 5th graders well as they move on to middle school.
Have a wonderful summer. I will send one more SMORE newsletter to share some tips for avoiding summer slide in the next few weeks.
Nikki Miller
Reports Cards for Quarter 4 - Log into Infinite Campus - No paper copies!
Your child's report card for Quarter 4 will be available in Infinite Campus on May 30. We will not be sending home paper copies of the report card this quarter.
If you are not sure of your login or password for Infinite Campus, please call the school office and Mrs. Gilzow will be able to help you (614-479-1405).
You can access your child's on-line progress report by following the steps below:
1. Log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal here:
https://gahannajeffersonoh. infinitecampus.org/campus/ portal/gahanna_jefferson.jsp
2. Once in the portal, click on "DOCUMENTS" in the left menu and select the appropriate report card.
3. The report card will open in a new window so please be sure to allow pop ups with Infinite Campus.
4. As you move the cursor around, a menu will appear at the top of the progress report giving you an option to download or print if you desire.
Lexia and Dreambox - Student Access over the Summer
All Chapelfield students will have access to Lexia and Dreambox over the summer to keep their reading and math skills sharp! I would highly encourage all of our students to continue learning on both Dreambox and Lexia.
You can click on this link to get to ClassLink (consider bookmarking it), and have your child log in with their school email address and password.
Directions for how to log in are linked below:
NWEA: MAP Testing Results K-3
Dear GJPS Families,
GJPS students in grades K-2 recently participated in the spring administration of the MAP reading and math assessments. The spring assessments are designed to show how students have progressed with their learning across the school year.
Our staff has been reviewing the data gathered through the MAP assessments and continue to use it in the classroom to help guide instruction as we look to the next school year. Your child’s Spring Family Report will follow this letter. When looking at your child’s reports, the RIT score indicates overall academic achievement in reading and mathematics. The RIT percentile describes how your child’s scores compare to other students in the same grade nationally.
Families may access the Family Guide to MAP at https://tinyurl.com/bdevykpd which provides a great summary of the MAP assessment and a general explanation of the results. Translated versions of the guide can be found at https://tinyurl.com/26yz4kva. The MAP Family Toolkit https://tinyurl.com/4sdn9phd is another resource that provides information, videos and additional family resources for the MAP suite of assessments.
As with all other assessment data, it is important to remember the MAP assessment is only one measure that we use to determine your child’s strengths and instructional needs. If you have any questions regarding this assessment or your child’s results, please contact their teacher or building administrator.
Tia P. Holliman
Director of Curriculum
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools
Counseling Summer Opportunity
Hello Families!
Concord Counseling is offering free summer groups for Kindergarten through 6th grade GJPS students. The groups would benefit any student who could use support in emotional regulation, managing anxiety and worries, social skills, organization/time management and many other topics listed below. Please take advantage of this amazing, free opportunity!
- Calm Cool and Connected- focusing on identifying, expressing, and regulating emotions
- Worry Warriors- focusing on tools for various symptoms of anxiety
- Let's Be Friends- focusing on positive social skills to use within friends
- Keys To Success- focusing on time management, focus, organization, perseverance, planning, and self-control
- Kindergarten Readiness- focusing on adjusting to school and school expectations
- Movin' on Up To Middle School- focusing on the transition to a new school and new experiences
-Mrs. Krysten Jasin
Chapelfield School Counselor
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025
Please visit https://www.gahannaschools.org/families/enrollment for information on how to enroll your incoming Kindergartener for next year. Please help spread the word to your neighbors and friends who have a child who will be 5 by August 1st.
Planning for 2024-2025
PTO Updates
*Congratulations to our 2024-2025 PTO Board members!
- President- Kristen Muenster
- Vice President- Cassidy Older
- Co-Treasurers- Cheryl Glenn & Andrea Agan
- Co-Secretaries- Tina Green & Alex Reik
- Volunteer Coordinator- Holly Williamson
- Co-Communications Coordinator- Kristi Sayers & Christine Alessio
GJPS Updates
The Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Central Office and Maintenance buildings will be moved to new locations this summer to create more parking space on the high school site.
Our Central Office will be in a portion of the second floor of the office building at 630 Morrison Road as a result of a three-year lease that the District has entered into. You can learn more about the move and what it means for the current site on our website.
Important Dates:
May 28 Last Day for Central Office at Current Location
May 29-30 Central Office Closed for Move to New Location
May 31 Central Office Opens at New Location
Community Connections
May Important Dates
Friday, May 24:
*End of Quarter 4
*Last Day of School
Wednesday, August 14: Welcome Back Open House @3:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 15: First Day of School
Thursday, August 15-20: Staggered Start for Kindergartners
Tuesday, August 20: Kindergarten Curriculum Night @ 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 22: First Day of School for ALL Kindergartners
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230