September 2024
Important Dates
- August 23 - September 2 -Nebraska State Fair
- September 10 - 12 - Husker Harvest Days, Grand Island
- 4H Achievement Night - TBD
- October 1 - Animals Inside And Out Program - Deuel County Fairgrounds
- October 15 - Growing for Market Program - Panhandle Research & Extension Center - Scottsbluff
- November 8 - 10 - Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium
- January 21 & 28 and February 4 & 11- Women in Ag Leaving a Lasting Legacy for Midwestern Farm Women: A Succession Planning Series
Thank You
A huge thank you to our Deuel County Fair Board, 4H Council, Livestock Committee, Livestock and Static Superintendents, Shooting Sports Coaches and our many many volunteers for all you did during the 2024 Deuel County Fair. You often get overlooked when thanks are being handed out, but you never do this asking for thanks. You care about the kids and that is why you give of yourselves, not just at fair time, but year around. THANK YOU!
Animals Inside and Out Event
Open to 4th graders community wide. RSVP to Linda Jeffers@ ljeffers2@unl.edu
Stop by the UNL βBig Redβ Building at Husker Harvest Days and visit with our team of Educators and Specialists sharing the latest information on crop tech, water tactics, and livestock care.
Grow your own food and sell it!βπ»
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Deuel County Staff are here to serve you!
Use our website below as a valuable resource for information on Beef Systems, Community Environment Community Vitality, Crop and water systems, Food Nutrition and health, and The Learning Child.
Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture.
The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Email: mailto:ljeffers2@unl.edu mailto:snelson67@unl.edu mailto:jkendrick3@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/deuel/deuel-county-4-h/
Location: P.O. Box 625, 171 Vincent Avenue, Chappell, NE 69129
Phone: tel:308-874-2705
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deuelco4H