EDHS Hall Pass Policy
Sign out and have a hall pass before leaving class

Important Points
Requesting Permission to Leave:
- Students must request permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom. It is strongly encouraged that students wait until after direct instruction has ended.
Restroom Breaks:
- To use the restroom, students must complete a "Bathroom Pass" on the 5 Star program before being allowed to leave the classroom.
- A color-coded vest hall pass is required for students leaving and returning to the classroom. The vest must be worn properly while exiting and entering the classroom. Students must also wear the vest while going to the restroom; failure to do so will result in being redirected back to class.
Blackout Times:
- Restroom breaks are not allowed during blackout times. These include:
- The first 10 minutes of class
- The last 18 minutes of class
- The last 23 minutes of the school day
- If a student is blocked from using the restroom during these times, refer to the restricted list.
- Restroom breaks are not allowed during blackout times. These include:
Timing and Expiration of Restroom Breaks:
- Restroom breaks will be timed using the 5 Star program and will expire after 8 minutes.
- Students with an expired pass will be returned to class and will lose a PICK Point on the 5 Star program.
One Student at a Time:
- Only one student is allowed to leave the classroom at a time.
Bathroom Pass Limit:
- A maximum of 30 bathroom passes will be active on campus at any given time. If the program shows 30 active passes, no new passes can be issued until some have expired.
Office Visits:
- If a student needs to leave the classroom for the office, the teacher will write a "Hall Pass." The teacher will also scan the student on 5 Star and issue a digital pass before the student leaves.
Bathroom Pass Limit Per Day:
- Students are permitted a maximum of 3 bathroom passes per school day unless approved by administration due to medical or other concerns.
Jacket, 5 Star, First 10 & Last 18
Hall Pass Jacket
- Each high school building has a different colored hall pass jacket.
- Each teacher has one hall pass jacket with his/her name on it.
- Reason: Easy identification and monitoring purposes
5 Star Bathroom Pass
- Students must sign out on the 5 Star program before leaving the classroom to use the restroom.
- Students will have 8 minutes monitored on the 5 Star program.
- Reason: Keeps track of the frequency and amount of time that students are out of class.
First 10 & Last 18
- Students are not allowed out of class for the first 10 minutes of class
- Students are not allowed out of class for the last 18 minutes of class
- Reason: Reduces loitering on campus.
Excessively Out of Class
Students who are excessively out of class and/or out of class for long periods of time will be put on "No Roaming Contract" and added to the "No Roaming List" on 5 Star. As part of their contract, their time out of class will be tracked and monitored by campus supervision and EDHS administration.
Regular class attendance has the strongest positive correlation with course grades, high school GPA, and conscientiousness. EDHS encourages students to come to school and stay in class for academic success.