DRES Family Message
April 23, 2023
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Welcome back from Track Out! We hope you are your family have had an enjoyable break. Thank you to the many families that came out for our Camp Durant event before track out. What an incredible turn out! We will continue to plan and provide these engaging events to strengthen our parent, school, and community relationship.
We've been busy at the school over track out. The PTA paid to have our Media Center, Cafeteria, and Gymnasium painted and they look so good! We are so thankful to our community for contributing through fundraisers, donations, and time to keep improving our beautiful school.
We are on the home stretch of the school year, starting quarter 4. We will continue to work hard this quarter mastering grade level standards, in order to be prepared for the next grade level. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be preparing for the End of Grade tests that they will take over the last 10 days of school. Our students need to be at school regularly. Absences cause gaps in learning and the more absences lead to deeper gaps.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Carpool Procedure Updates
- The chain will be put up at 8:00am and all cars and cabs will need to follow the carpool traffic.
- Cars will be directed to pull to the end of the sidewalk.
- Students need to be prepared to exit the vehicle when it comes to a stop.
- Students will get out of the car on the passenger side to avoid any unwanted danger.
- If a student needs help getting out or opening their door, please turn on your flashers to alert the staff to open the door.
- Do not pull around other cars unless directed by the staff member directing traffic.
PM Pick Up-
- Hang your carpool tag on your rearview mirror facing out the front window so staff can see the tag. Keep it in the window until your child gets in your vehicle. We need to see the tags at the loading area.
- We will load 5 cars at a time at the colored cones.
- If your child needs assistance to open your car door, please put your flashers on to alert the staff.
- The Orange Zone, which is at the end of the sidewalk, is for Special Transportation cabs and a waiting zone for parents who are waiting on students to come out to carpool.
- All students must get in the car on the passenger side to avoid them accidentally being hit by a car coming past. It is dangerous for students to walk around the cars.
- The chain will be put across starting at 3:00pm. A staff member will open the chain to allow Special Transportation cabs to come into the Orange Zone for pick up. All others need to go through carpool.
- If you do not have a carpool tag, you will need to park and go to the office to get your child from there. Be sure to have your ID on you.
- If you have lost your carpool tags, please call the office at 919-870-4220 to order new tags at $3 per tag.
- If you do carpool often and do not have a carpool tag, please call the office to let them know and your children will be assigned a carpool number and you will be given 2 free tags.
- First 2 tags are free. Any tags needed beyond two are $3 each.
Walker Procedure Updates
- Walker parents are not allowed on campus until 3:00pm. Parents should not arrive early and sit on the picnic tables. This is unsafe, as we have students still outside playing until 2:55pm.
- Well behaved and friendly dogs are allowed to walk with their family but not allowed on campus until 3:00pm.
- All K-3rd grade students will be dismissed at 3:05pm and wait in the Kindergarten hallway for their parents to sign them out from the staff member at the door. This is to be sure all students are connected with a parent.
- 4th & 5th grade students will be dismissed from their modulars at 3:05pm and parents will sign their child out with Coach W.
- If families choose to stay and play at the school, please stay on the back field until 3:35pm. Once all buses are gone, walker students with parents present can play on the basketball court and play structures.
- Be sure to always have your walker tags visible when on campus.
Parent/Family Survey Due by 5/12/23
We will use your feedback to determine our areas of strength and areas that we need to improve. Your feedback is very valuable!
Click here for Parent/Family Survey
If you need a paper survey, email Jessica Lever at jlever@wcpss.net and she will send one home with your child.
McTeacher Night 4-27-23
Be sure to bring your cash to purchase dessert directly from the staff that is cash only.
Powerschool Parent Portal
Quarter 4 Dates
Kidz Art Meets Monday Afternoons from 3:15pm-4:15pm until 6/12/23
Chess Club Meets Wednesday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Media CenterDRES Chorus Meets Thursday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Music Room
4/24/23- Return from Track Out, PTA Meeting 6:30pm @ DRES Media Center
4/27/23- Spring Individual and Class Pictures, McTeacher Night 4:30pm-7:30pm
5/1/23- Quarter 3 Report Cards Go Home
5/5/23- School Lunch Hero Day
5/8/23- Starts Teacher Appreciation Week, School Nurse Day, School Improvement Team meeting @ 3:45pm in Media Center
5/9/23- Early Release Day- Dismissal is from 1-1:30pm
5/15/23- Quarter 4 Interims Go Home
5/18/23- Kindergarten Orientation for 23-24- 5:30pm @ DRES Gymnasium
5/21/23- PTA Playdate & General Meeting 3pm-4pm @ DRES Playground
5/25/23- NC Under The Stars Event at DRES 6:00-8:00pm- Mark Your Calendars for an evening of entertainment.
5/29/23- No School- Memorial Day Observance
6/12/23- School Improvement Team meeting @ 3:45pm in Media Center
6/14/23- EOGs Start
6/19/23- No School- Juneteenth Observance
6/24/23- Popsicles At The Playground for rising Kindergarteners for 23-24
6/26/23- PTA Board Meeting
6/28/23- Last Day of School, Quarter 4 Report Cards Go Home
6/29/23- EOG Remediation & Retakes
6/30/23- EOG Remediation & Retakes
It's Yearbook Time!
DRES PTA Information
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- Check out the PTA website here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.co
Monthly PTA Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
- Monday, April 24th, 6:30 at DRES media center
- Sunday, May 21st, PTA meeting and Playdate at DRES playground
- Monday, June 26th 6:30 - location TBD
Interested in donating to the school, PTA project, or student?
- Check out options for donations here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.com/dres-wish-lists.html
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
May 9
Past Principal Newsletters
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.