Ardmore School Newsletter
Week 7 Term 4 2 December 2021 #17
* Hello * Kia ora * Namaste * Malo e lelei * Talofa lava * Kia orana * Guten Tag* Nǐ hǎo * Sat sree akaal * Hola * Chào bạn * Bula * Hallo *As-salamu ‘Alakum
With just under two weeks remaining until the end of the school year I think that the tamariki, their whānau and the school staff should all give themselves a big pat on the back for having persevered through what has ended up being a challenging year.
Our Year 8 ākonga, in particular, are missing the school traditions so much apart of their leaving Ardmore School. But they are resourceful and great problem solvers, so they have made plans for an alternative means to celebrate their achievements and time at Ardmore School. Our last newsletter for the year will feature the prize giving and celebration they have organised, as well as the lists of ākonga who have earned awards which would normally have been presented at our school prize giving.
Kia manawanui, kia manaakinui, kia aroha
Stay strong, take care of yourselves and each other
Ngā mihi
Brigid Peterson
Principal / Tumuaki Ardmore School
Good news for 2022 - Schools are open onsite no matter the 'Traffic Light' colour
The Government has agreed that for the remainder of this year there will be little or no change needed to the way schools operate onsite – including numbers of students and children attending, regardless of which part of the country you’re in.
Those of you in Tāmaki Makaurau will retain your current public health measures and other requirements that are in place at Alert Level 3, Step 2 for the remainder of the year.
This means you will continue with a mix of students learning from home and have many students learning onsite (whether full-time or part-time). You will then move to the CPF from 1 January 2022.
Below are basic guidelines for when Tamaki Makaurau schools enter the COVID Protection Framework (CPF) or 'Traffic Light System' on the 1st of January 2022
At ALL settings of the framework
- All schools will be open with students and staff onsite.
- The same public health measures of good hygiene and cleaning, good ventilation, vaccination requirements for schools, tamariki staying home if they are unwell and getting tested, will all be in place.
- Events and activities not related to the curriculum will need to align with requirements for the relevant settings in the CPF, as will offsite curriculum-related activities.
- There will not be a physical distancing requirement at any CPF setting, but at Red, keeping a one metre distance is recommended between different groups when inside and where practicable.
- Contact tracing and case management will continue to be very important with contacts being identified, self isolating and getting tested.
Online learning will cease from 9 December
In order to facilitate the return of devices and school resources - word rings, readers, library books and netball uniforms, online learning for all whānau groups comes to an end on Thursday 9th December. Learning tasks for that week will be put up on Google Classroom and Seesaw on Monday 6th December as usual, but finish on Thursday.
If your child is learning from home...
On Thursday 9th December and Friday 10 December families and whānau of tamariki learning offsite should return all school resources to school and collect their children's books, belongings, End of Year Report, information about their class placement for 2022 and start of year information.
Returns can be made to the external office near the staff carpark between 9.30am and 2.00pm each day and between 5pm and 7pm on Thursday 9 December only. Children's items can then be collected from outside the office. The items will be in bags in class order. Please wear a mask and practise social distancing.
Childrens' items will not be available for collection after 2pm Friday 10 December. They will be stored until school resumes in 2022.
Please be aware our normal reporting information has been effected by the COVID lockdown.
If your child is at school...
For tamariki who are learning onsite, End of Year Reports, information about class placement for 2022 and start of year information will be sent home with them on Thursday 9th December.
Please ensure that all school resources you may have at home are returned by Thursday. Teachers will be sending home books and belongings during next week.
Please be aware our normal reporting information has been effected by the COVID lockdown.
Renovation of Rooms 1, 2 & 3
For Term 1, Room 2 will be the school library and Rooms 1 and 3's learning space will be in the Hall.
School finishes for 2021 on Tuesday 14th December at 12pm & reopens for tamariki on Tuesday 8th February 2022
Reminder re unwell tamariki
If a child is sent home from school, it needs to be at least twenty four hours before they return to school.
Even with Covid lockdowns it has been a busy year. The yearbook contains classroom pictures, images and articles of events during the year PLUS photos of students with their Ag Day animals and gardens. Also highlights of lockdown work, space for autographs and much more.
If you have ordered one it will be either sent home with your child if they are attending school currently or placed in the child's bag of possessions to be collected from school on Thursday 9 December.
There are no extra Yearbooks available for purchase this year.
2022 Volunteers Working in School and Parent Helpers on Trips
Just a 'Heads Up' for members of our school community who assist in so many ways around the school and on school trips. In order for you to continue to do this in 2022, you need to be fully vaccinated and Ms Peterson must sight your vaccination pass.
Cybersafety Centre - How to Set Up Parental Controls on Your Child's Device
Contact Us
Location: 599 Papakura-Clevedon Road, Ardmore, New Zealand
Phone: 09 299 6228