7th Grade Language Arts Syllabus
Ms. Brooks
Ms. Brooks
Email: christina.brooks@highlineschools.org
Location: Cascade Middle School, 11212 10th Ave SW, White Center, WA, United States
Phone: 206-631-5526
In Our Class....
During 7th grade, I will be completely focused on improving your reading and writing skills while also exposing you to different genres and forms of what you read and what you write. I have many different goals in 7th grade Language Arts, which include building school habits as well as reading and writing habits that you will use not just in Language Arts class but in all content classes as well as in high school and college, pushing you to read and write more than you have before, passing your SBAC exam in the spring, and many more. Get prepared for a fun and fast-paced year in 7th grade Language Arts.
Get inspired...
FYI, this is John Green, aka the author of The Fault in Our Stars.
Class Expectations...
Class Policies...
Bathroom Policy: Ideally, you should use the restroom during your four minute passing time. But if it is an emercgency then you may use restroom. Please try to go only during during independent work time so you do not miss out on instruction, discussion, or sharing. You will need to fill out your planner, the time, and where you are going. The planner is your hall pass so you will need to take it with you to the restroom.
In-Class Reading/Writing: Students will have the opportunity to independently read and write during class time almost every day. Students are expected to work quietly until asked to stop so that I am able to work with individuals and small groups on their reading skills.
Students are still expected to read and write about their reading at home as part of their homework.
Communication: There are many different ways to communicate. In terms of having a conversation you can call me at 206-631-5526, and this year my planning is 6th so after 1:45 p.m. I am available. Another way is via email which is christina.brooks@highlineschools.org. We can also set up times to meet in person. Edmodo is also a good tool for parents and students to use in order to have more interactive communication outside of school hours.
Student vs. Parent Communication:
When at all possible, encourage your student to come talk to me about missing work, assignments, grades, etc. Feel free to check in on them or let me know that they should be coming to talk to me before or after school. In addition, I welcome questions, parent meetings, and more traditional forms of communication. You can also keep up with your student's work and grades with Illuminate, our online grading and attendance system. You login information from last year should still work this year. If you are new to the district or cannot log in with your previous information, contact Cascade's office manager: Jeni White at jeni.what@highlineschools.org.
Food, Candy, Gum, and Drinks in Class:
The only food or drink allowed in the classroom is clear water. The only exception to this would be if a student came to class to work during lunch time and brought their lunch with them or if an adult provides food or sanctions the bringing of food to class. Even on holidays, candy and food may be exchanged but not eaten in the classroom.
If you stand outside of the classroom to eat or finish your food or drink, you will be marked late. If this happens multiple times, it is considered disrespectful to the teacher and the learning of the class and yourself and you will have earned a referral.
For this class, you will need the following:
- TWO single subject composition book--one will be your reading journal while the other your writing journal. When the semester ends, you should buy two more since you will probably run out of room and need another composition book at least twice over the course of the school year
**Your journals / composition books will travel to home and school every day**
- pens in easy to read colors (blue or black)
- multiple colors of highlighters
- sticky notes
- loose paper
- binder with dividers
- planner
- Ear buds or headphones
- Two novels or independent reading books (one that you are reading, and one that is on deck)
As 7th grade students preparing for 8th grade and then onto high school, you are expected to take responsibility for having your supplies every day. Every once in awhile, it happens to the best of us, you might forget a pen or run out of paper. It is still your responsibility to fix that problem (a suggestion might be borrowing supplies from another student in class).
Every student will be graded on a combination of final assessments, mid-unit assessments, homework, vocabulary, independent reading, and classwork. Other types of work may come up throughout the year that will need to be graded.
Rubrics and/or a grading scale will be provided for all assessments.
Honors Option:
Every student can strive for this option. These students consistently perform at and or exceeding standard work and complete all major assignments plus read a variety of classic books are then eligible to receive an honors note on their report card.
Please let me know if this is your intention.
Generally, students are expected to practice reading and writing at home for at least 2 hours per week. Each student will be responsible for understanding what that looks like in their own work and how it helps them reach their goals as readers and writers. Students will track their work and progress regularly.
Homework isn't always a specific assignment, but the practice is key! Even if there isn't a worksheet or essay to complete, the reading and writing practice is critical in your overall learning. So every day, even if there is no "assignment," read something! Write something! Study your vocabulary!
Late Work...
But if you do, you only have one week from the due date to turn it in! And there will be a penalty in your grade. One week=5 school days
If you are absent when an assignment is due, it is due the next day. If you are absent the day an assignment is given, you will have the same amount of days to complete it as other students. After that time passes, it will be late.
Units We Are Learning This Year!
Students will learn to read closely and write notebook entries that respond to literature with text evidence and inferences.
Unit 2: Writing Realistic Fiction – Symbolism, Syntax, and Truth (narrative)
Students learn to write their own short realistic fiction stories.
Unit 3: Reading for Craft and Structure
Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze theme and structure across poetry and informational text.
Unit 4: Writing About Reading (informational)
Students will write their own companion books.
Unit 5: Reading Arguments
1. Students will demonstrate that they are able to trace and evaluate arguments and claims, and assess whether reasoning is sound, and the evidence is relevant and sufficient.
Unit 6: The Art of Argument: Research-based Essays (argument)
Students will learn to write research-based essays.
Common Core Standards and Cascade Middle School
Here at Cascade, all subjects are involved with helping students succeed in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science. At Cascade, all subjects are expected to incorporate these skills to the best of their ability. We are all on the same team. The team of SUCCESS!
You just need to sign up once, and just join each class with a class code. Each teacher will provide one for you.