HSD News Round-Up
December 5, 2023
HHES Science Olympiad Puts Learning, Teamwork to the Test
This month, 15 students at Hockinson Heights Elementary School participated in the annual Science Olympiad. Students competed against area schools in four different events, each with their own hands-on challenge.
Science Olympiad competition encourages students to practice teamwork, think creatively and problem solve, and apply the scientific method to real-world situations. HHES Science Olympiad coaches love to see how this experience ignites student interest in Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). “I think seeing the kids' excitement about science during practices and on the day of the competition is the most rewarding part for me,” said Anna Hoffman, HHES Science Olympiad coach.
For many students, the events foster a curiosity and passion for the sciences. “It is so important for students to have hands-on science experiences at school because it gives them an opportunity to see if science is one of their interests, which may lead to them to possibly pursue a career in the sciences,” said HHES Science Olympiad coach Jessica Neal.
Hockinson students have participated in Science Olympiad competitions since 2008.
Join us Friday, Dec 8 for the Annual Hockinson Community Tree Lighting!
Since 2019, the Hockinson Community Tree Lighting has been an annual tradition of lights, student band performances, hotcocoa, and togetherness. Festivities, including live holiday music performed by the Hockinson Middle School Band, begin at 6 pm on Friday, December 8 at the juncture of Hockinson Community Church and Hockinson Community Center. The tree will be lit at 6:30 pm.
This event is presented by the Hockinson Community Church, Hockinson Main Street Team, and Hockinson School District with generous support from Hearth Coffee, Chartwells Food Service, and Fire District 3 fire cadets.
HMS Kicks Off Annual Holiday Food Drive; Ends 12/15
The month-long Hockinson Middle School Food Drive is underway. As of Friday, HMS students have collected over 3,000 food items!
Again this year, HMS home bases are engaging in a friendly competition to see who can collect the most food donations for Hockinson's families-in-need. At the start of last week, Mr. Spadolini and Mr. Wisely's classes were tied for the lead! Check the HMS Facebook page for weekly leaderboard updates. Students in the winning home base will deliver all donations to Fire District 3. As we work toward our goal, please remember HMS is accepting all nonperishable food items. Donations are not limited to the priority items shown on the pictured calendar.
While Clark County Fire District 3 organizes the annual food and toy drive, HMS steps up as one of its key contributors every year. Seventh-grade teacher Joe Loper has led the food drive for nearly 10 years. In his first year, HMS collect just over 1,000 donations. This year, he and his home base students have been hard at work bagging up all things canned, boxed, and jarred since November 17...and the school is over halfway to its goal of 6,000 items!
We want to express a huge "Thank You" to our families and community members for giving back this holiday season.
At the Halfway Mark, A Look Back at "The Heart of Hockinson"
Since October, our schools have hosted a lineup of festive events aiming to foster unity and belonging. Below is a collection of snapshots from events that brought HSD students, families, and staff together since the start of the school year. Most of the events pictured were organized by People Working Together (PWT). A big "Thank You" to our PWT, volunteers, and staff for creating lasting memories for our students.
Halloween Carnival
BinGLOW, hosted on November 17, was a huge hit! Families wore their craziest neon clothes and glow sticks to play Bingo under black lights. The HMS Commons were filled with Hockinson families, all vying to be the first to shout, "Bingo"...or "BinGLOW!"
Donuts with Santa
HHES Friendsgiving
Our 2nd graders have been reading the different versions of Stone Soup leading up to Thanksgiving and analyzing problems and solutions. Collaboration is the overarching theme of the story. In class, each student added one ingredient to the group's stone soup and took turns stirring the pot.
Veterans Day
Hockinson Schools paid tribute to veterans with art and music assemblies at HHES and HMS, featuring student performances and guest speakers. Local veterans led a panel at Hockinson High School. Students also honored our veterans by writing them thank-you cards.
HHES & HMS Giving Trees
Hockinson families continue to go above and beyond to help those in need within our community. In partnership with Fire District 3, all HSD schools are collecting canned food, winter clothing, and unwrapped toys in the weeks leading up to Winter Break. At HHES, this culminates with a student assembly where students learn about other winter holidays and the importance of giving to others.
HHES Students' Winter Traditions
Last week, we asked some of our HHES students about their favorite wintertime or holiday traditions they share with their families. Below is what they had to say. Be on the look out for more student and staff responses shared on the HSD Facebook page throughout the month of December.
Isatou Joof
"I look forward to drinking hot chocolate and watching holiday movies, especially with my family," said Isatou, a 5th grader.
Isaac Poe
"Every year we go to Mt. Hood to ski and have fun in the snow, but I'm hoping to learn to snowboard this year," said Isaac, a 3rd grader.
Melissa Mailova
"I love eating with my family. We always have such yummy food because my mom is an amazing cook," said Melissa, a 1st grader.
Get to Know HHS Students Kyla Kitchen & Lyla Taylor
We are aiming to feature a Hockinson student in every HSD Round-Up this year. This month, we are acquainting readers with two!
HHS sophomores Lyla Taylor and Kyla Kitchen typify the phrase "dynamic duo." The pair is on a mission to boost student attendance at all sporting events, especially those that generally see a smaller audience. The girls call their initiative "Blue Crew." Part of their efforts include highlighting student athletes on the bulletin board in the main hallway and on an Instagram page. They have big plans for the upcoming winter sports season...more on that below. Let's learn more about Lyla and Kyla:
What are your favorite classes right now?
Lyla: This semester my favorite classes are probably Spanish 3 and ASB. I enjoy Spanish a lot, and Mr. Collingwood is an amazing teacher. ASB is a great class, and you get to help the school in a lot of different ways!
Kyla: Same - ASB and Spanish. I really enjoy being able to do things behind the scenes in ASB and learn how to be a better leader and better person in general. In Spanish, I feel like I have fun while still learning a lot, and language is interesting to me in general.
What extracurriculars are you involved with at HHS?
Lyla: I am currently involved in Cross Country, Track, and FBLA at HHS. I also work as a lifeguard at the Clark County YMCA.
Kyla: Right now I am only playing volleyball. I was on varsity for school ball and my club season just started.
What's your favorite after-school activity?
Lyla: My favorite after-school activity would definitely be cross country and track. I enjoy going to practices every day, and it’s pretty great to work super hard and have it pay off. Last year I was a part of the girls basketball team, and I also really enjoyed that.
Kyla: My favorite thing to do after school is either baking something or watching my favorite show to unwind.
Do you have any advice for incoming 9th graders new to HHS?
Lyla: My advice for incoming 9th graders would be to join things! Join sports, clubs, programs, there’s always a place for you! Joining activities at HHS is a great way to meet new friends. Becoming a part of the school is a great thing, and it’s amazing to figure out what you enjoy early on so you can do it for 4 years. High school is a good place to have fun while also focusing on academics for the future.
Kyla: If I could give someone advice, I would say enjoy the time you have while you have it, because it goes by so fast. Also, don't be afraid to go do something, because if you don't, you will spend forever wishing you did.
Have you thought about any plans for the future?
Lyla: One of my main goals is to continue my running career at a 4-year college. I’m hoping to major in something that will put me on a medical sciences path, but we’ll see.
Kyla: I honestly have no idea what I want to do in the future. Whenever I start to think about the future, it stresses me out. Right now I'm just taking life one step at a time.
Kyla and Lyla have big plans for Blue Crew during the winter sports season. The girls are planning fun dress-up themes for each home game and coordinating to have the student section lead cheers. Blue Crew is even planning a dance after one of the double-header boys and girls basketball games.
HMS Principal Tim Fox had this to say about these two school culture-builders: "I am so proud of Kyla and Lyla. One of our goals as a school is to increase our students' sense of belonging as well as increase their voice and self advocacy. Lyla and Kyla are excellent examples of this in action. They're young leaders who are striving to create a sense of belonging for all students at Hockinson High School, strengthen our culture as a school community, and model what it looks like to support one another."
Way to go, Lyla and Kyla! We look forward to introducing another HSD student in our next Round Up.
HSD Seeks Americorps School Assistants for 2024
The Hockinson School District is seeking new team members to join us this spring semester as Student Learning Advocates. We have partnered with AmeriCorps and the Washington Reading Corps to provide additional academic support to students through our Student Success Program. This is an ideal position for young adults, retired educators, or anyone wishing to make a difference in the lives of kids.
Student Learning Advocates are an incredible resource for Hockinson's students. As a Student Learning Advocate, you’ll be placed in a HSD school where you’ll help students in reading, study and organizational skills. Every day, you’ll meet with students one-on-one or with small groups to provide tutoring and extra support to build their confidence and academic skills.
Three Student Learning Advocates are needed at the elementary school to support students with tutoring in reading. Members will also help with other academic and organizational support of students as needed.
Learn more and apply here: Student Learning Advocate- Elementary
Additionally, three Student Learning Advocates are needed at the secondary level (middle and high school) to support students with tutoring, study skills, and organizational support.
Learn more and apply here: Student Learning Advocate- Secondary
As this is an AmeriCorps national service position, members will serve a 6-month term with the option to begin on January 16, 2024, February 1, 2024 or February 16, 2024. Each paid position is eight hours a day, five days a week.
We would love to have you or someone you know and respect join us as Student Learning Advocate and help to lift our Hornets and Hawks reach new heights in the classroom. If interested, please apply soon!
News Bites
Check out the latest Nutrition Services Newsletter - This November/December edition of the Nutrition Services newsletter shares tips of healthy eating during the holidays, celebrates our latest Chartwells Cheers staff award winner and more.
Spring SBA Results to be Sent Home this Friday - Parents, be on the lookout for assessment summary sheets for every HSD student who participated in last spring's Smarter Balanced Assessments. The results will be shared in two different ways on Friday, Dec. 8: An email to parents with a link to the Portfolio section in Skyward and a confidential print copy of results that will be sent home with students.
HHS Hosts Australian Basketball Teams - The Hockinson High School Boys and Girls Basketball teams played their counterparts from Tenison Woods in Mount Gambier, Australia in a doubleheader on November 30. Click here to view a picture gallery and read more about this special experience.
Help your Student be an Attendance HERO - Parents, staff are working hard to create respectful and academic climates on our three campuses. Please reinforce our HERO initiative: We want Hockinson students Here, Everyday, Ready to learn, On time.
Help Us Stay Healthy: We are in the middle of cold, COVID, flu...and, currently, strep season. If your child is symptomatic please keep them home until healthy. Remember that students need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Upcoming Events:
- Dec. 7: Fifth Grade Music Concert at HHES @ 6:30-7:30 pm
- Dec. 8: Hockinson Community Tree Lighting at HCC @ 6pm
- Dec. 11: HSD Regular School Board Meeting at HCC @ 6 pm
- Dec. 14: HMS Band Holiday Concert in MPR (HHS) @ 7 pm
- Dec. 18 - Jan. 1: Winter Break: NO SCHOOL
* January is School Board Appreciation Month *
- Jan. 2: Classes Resume
- Jan. 9: PWT Afternoon Meeting at PWT Portable at HHES @ 1pm
- Jan. 9 & Jan. 11: HHS Theater Spring Musical Auditions at HHS @ 3:30-6 pm
- Jan. 18: HHS Play Almost Maine Opening Night in MPR (HHS) @ 7-9 pm
- Jan. 19: HHES Science Fair
- Jan. 29: HSD Regular School Board Meeting at HCC @ 6 pm
HHS Winter and Spring Sports Schedules available HERE
Contact Us
Email: justine.hanrahan@hocksd.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400