Week of September 15:Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
What's happening this week at Boucher!
This weekly newsletter replaces the monthly calendar. Here we grow- our newletter has expanded!
weekly quote: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. - Beverly Sills
9/17: Tuesday home communication folders sent home
9/18: Students have school; The school bell rings at 7:25!
9/20: SWLA dental visits- flyers will be sent home tomorrow for parents to sign their child up for a visit
Academic Highlights: Visit our Facebook page to take a peek into classrooms!
AR (Accelerated Reader)
9W1: end October 8, 2024
Checking out books has started for 2nd-5th grade!!! Everyone is excited to get students reading and passing quizzes.
Due to our delayed start with kicking off AR, we have modified the 9W1 goal:
- Any student who earns 2.5 points and at least 85% on quizzes by October 8 will earn the reward- Bubbles and Blowpops with Mrs. Terry and Ms. Maddy.
This goal is very achieveable!
Starting next week, be on the lookout for AR data to show how our students are performing.
Growth, Opportunity, Safety, Culture Highlights
The safety of your child and all children in our schools as well as the safety of the school staff and support personnel is very important to us. In order to maintain a safe environment for our children to learn, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis response plans by having drills designed to exercise our procedures. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Our students in the Spanish Immersion magnet program will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in a special way over the next few weeks. More to come next week!