MMS 8th Updates
GBE East Updates, Pictures, and End of the Year
MMS Updates
GBE Packets
Your child should have received a Glenbard East Enrollment one page document this week. All enrolments are due by 12/13/24 online using the links below. Should you have any questions please email from GBE at daniella_delpercio@glenbard.org or call at (630) 424-6638.
Scheduling Meetings with High School Counselor
Please watch your email for important information from GBE staff member Selina Lepsi on 1/10/25. In this email, you will receive a lot of critical pieces of information and details on how to schedule your scheduling meeting. Please note that there is limited access to interpreters for Spanish at these meetings so please plan accordingly.
1/15- Virtual Meetings via Zoom* 5-8:30 pm
1/21- Virtual Meetings via Zoom* 5-8:30 pm
1/25- In Person 9-3:30
***Please note that MMS student computers do not work with Zoom. Parents and/or students will will need to use a personal device or download the Zoom app.***
GBE Important Dates
January 13th- 8th graders visit GBE from 9-2:00 pm (Permission Slips are coming soon)
January 14th 5:15-7:55 p.m. - Future Rams Family Night at Glenbard East
January 15th- Enrollment for incoming 8th Graders in-person by appointment
January 21st- Enrollment for all incoming 8th Graders Virtually by appointment
January 25th- Enrollment for all incoming 8th Graders Virtually by appointment
January 26th- Any students that do not meet with their counselor will meet with a representative from GBE at MMS. Students only.
8th Grade Promotion Pictures
On January 14, 2025 our 8th graders will have Promotion Pictures. Each student will have two takes: one in the dress clothes they choose to wear and one in a promotion gown. We encourage all student to wear shirt and tie, dresses, or dress clothes for these pictures. Gowns will be provided. Picture proofs will come home with your student about 3 weeks after pictures are taken. Parents can follow the instructions found with the proofs to order online.
At MMS, all 8th students will have a promotion gown. We do not provide caps.
Important Dates for End of the Year Events
***All students will be taking home a pink letter at the end of February with details on all of the events for the end of the year including qualifications and details.***
MMS Promotion is tentatively scheduled for 05/22/25 in the evening. This date is subject to change. (Please note all students must be in attendance the full day 7:45-2:45 p.m. to participate)
- Team 8-1 ceremony will be at 5:30 p.m.
- Team 8-2 ceremony will be at 6:15 p.m.
- Team 8-3 ceremony will be at 7:00 p.m.
The 8th Grade Dance is tentatively scheduled for May 16, 2025 7-9:00 p.m. for all students that qualify. (Please note all students must be in attendance the full day 7:45-2:45 p.m. to participate)