Welcome to KAMS!
Summer Newsletter 2024
Principal's Newsletter
Welcome to Katherine Albiani Middle School (KAMS)!
We are excited to start the 2024-2025 school year off with all our students and staff. We look forward to an outstanding school year. KAMS staff is dedicated to providing the best instruction in a welcoming environment. We believe in pushing our students to do their best and following up with support systems should they be needed. There are a variety of clubs, groups, athletic teams, etc. for your child to get involved with here at KAMS. We also have a number of ways for parents to get involved. Please read through this newsletter for information about the first days of school, information about our school and opportunities for you to be a part of the KAMS family!
Included in this newsletter is information that is vital to your student's successful start on Thursday, August 15, 2024 beginning at 8:45am. Please take the time to read through all of this newsletter as there is a lot of information and links that will help you answer many of the questions you have.
Falcon Fest: We are excited to invite all incoming 7th grade students to Falcon Fest on Monday, August 12th from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. This is an opportunity for students and families to familiarize themselves with the campus, purchase spirit wear & PE clothes, etc. Please note, this event is not mandatory, just an opportunity to come together on campus! For more information, please see below.
Parent Involvement: KAMS is fortunate to have amazing educators and support staff. As a parent, you are the expert on your child and I want to invite you to participate fully in your child's education. Research shows that your participation is the single most important factor in determining student success. Participation can occur in a variety of ways, and all of it is positive! From checking ParentVue (EGUSD's web-based student information system with grades, attendance, etc.) to spending time with your child talking about classes, assignments, friends, etc. you can't go wrong with taking the time to engage with your child about their school. We appreciate all that you do for your students before sending them to us!
Ways to get involved:
- Familiarize yourself with the Student & Family Handbook
- Visit our website at: http://kams.egusd.net
- Sign up for ParentVue (Synergy). Look for registration information further down this newsletter, at Falcon Fest and at Back to School Night.
- Volunteer! We need parent volunteers throughout the year including:
- Join our School Site Council. KAMS needs parent representatives to serve on the council during the 2024-2025 school year. Please see the School Site Council section of the newsletter for more information.
- Right Now-assist with creating the First Day Packets during the week of 8/6-8/7, please email clrussel@egusd.net to sign up!
- Join our Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) Committee. The group meets monthly and discusses ways to keep our students safe and create a positive culture on campus.
- Donate to KAMS. The Adopt-Our-Falcons Program provides an easy venue for parents to donate to our school. Each and every donation is appreciated. Please see section below for more information on how to donate.
- For all volunteering on campus with students, please know there is a process to go through. Please see below on how to get cleared to work on campus with our amazing students.
I am looking forward to an exciting year and maintaining the success that has been present here at KAMS. We have a great team here and we look forward to getting to know each of your students. I am committed to keeping you as updated with information as I possibly can, so please watch your email for monthly newsletters and communications. I am excited to be partnering with you in this journey and looking forward to getting to know you and your student.
Chris Rauschenfels
Falcon Fest
Welcome to the Falcon Family and 7th grade Families! We cannot wait to see all our new 7th grade Falcons at Falcon Fest on Monday August 12th 4-6pm. We will have so many things for you to do. You can locate what classroom you'll start your day on Thursday, August 15th, the first day of school, at the Advocacy booth.
During your first day of school, your Advocacy teacher will give you your Semester 1 schedule.
Also, you can take a tour around campus and ask 8th grade Leadership students to help you locate your advocacy classroom.
Make sure you purchase your ASB Sticker for $25 at Falcon Fest so you don’t miss out on all the special discounts on dance, carnival, spirit wear and athletic events throughout the year. Also you will be helping raise money for KAMS incentive programs for our students. Students will receive their ASB sticker after they get their Student ID Card. More information will be sent on Synergy.
You will also have an opportunity during Falcon Fest to purchase PE clothes and Spirit Wear. You can pay with cash or credit card. You will have Several options to shop:
1.Cash Option- Purchase items with cash at the Snack Shack Windows.
2.Shop Online- Use KAMS Web store and purchase with credit card ay Albiani.
3. Shop at Home- If you want to skip the lines and shop in the comfort of your home, then you can go onto KAMS Web Store starting August 9th and purchase those items before Falcon Fest. Print your receipt and bring it to Falcon Fest and pick up purchase items in KAMS Gym.
We will email the link to the New Webstore to all incoming Falcons on Synergy as we get closer to Falcon Fest.
Don’t miss out Falcon Families! Here is a handy Falcon Fest checklist of all the things to do:
Immunization Records- Are you up to date? If not, visit the Immunization table near Student Services.
KAMS Campus Independent Tour- Scan the QR codes at each building and watch a video of what classes occur in each area of campus and find out helpful tips from KAMS Alumni.
Advocacy Booths- Stop by one of the Advocacy Booths and find out what classroom you are in on the 1st day of school. That is your Advocacy Classroom. Your teacher will distribute and review your schedule 1st thing Thursday Morning. Check map for location.
PE Lock Booth- Stop by this booth and have an 8th grade student help you practice opening a combination lock. Purchase a combination lock tonight for $7.
Purchase 23-24 KAMS Yearbook online or today at school for the cheapest price.
Meet our KAMS Admin. Team and hear tips on school drop off and pick up in Gym (aka “The Nest”)
2 meetings @ 4:15 pm or 5:30 pm.
Need a Snack? Visit Tikiz and purchase shaved ice, ice cream and more.
Interested in joining KAMS Theatre or Band? Visit the booths and find out how to get involved.
Need Athletic Information? All paperwork must be submitted at least 1 day before tryouts. Stop by the Athletic Booth to get information or email Athletic Director, Traci Seto- tseto@egusd.net. Check map for booth location.
First Day Schedule
Thursday August 15, 2024 - PBIS Kickoff
- School starts on Thursday, August 15th at 8:45am. All students will enter through the big gates located between the Student Services building and the MC classrooms. Staff will be present to help guide students.
- At 8:40, the bell will ring signaling students to report to their Advocacy classroom. They will be with their Advocacy class for the entire day.
- We will have presentation boards with students and their Advocacy classes listed to help students identify which class to report to. Staff will be on hand to help ensure all students get to the correct location.
- If students have not submitted their immunization records, they will be directed to the Cafeteria to await further instructions. Please note, if 7th grade students do not have the appropriate immunizations, they are not allowed on campus in California.
- During the first two days, students and staff will focus on getting to know each other and review school expectations in a fun and positive way with activities created by our PBIS team.
- PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. At KAMS, we believe that all students have value, should be respected, and have a place on our campus.
- PBIS behavior strategies are explicitly taught, recognized, and are embedded in all aspects of our KAMS community.
Bell Schedules
Please click HERE for our 2024-2025 Bell Schedules
Schedules are also available on our webpage at kams.egusd.net
Arriving and Departing KAMS
With over 1,400 students at KAMS and over 2,500 at our neighboring PGHS, mornings and afternoons are very busy times! Please go slow, give space, and act safely! Our students' and staff's safety depend on it. Our gates open at 7:30am.
- Please stay in line and do not pull around another car and get back in line to drop off your student.
- Traffic moves slowly, BUT steadily if all drivers pay attention and act safely.
- The inner loop (left lane) is not to be used for drop off or pick up. Please drop off and pick up all students along the Drop Off Curb.
- Once your student has exited/entered the car, it is safe to pull away from the curb and proceed to exit if other cars are aware.
- Please use your signal lights!
- Please follow the directions of any staff member directing traffic in the crosswalk and be aware of pedestrians!
Food & Nutrition
Please click HERE to visit the EGUSD Food & Nutrition site.
Parents are strongly encouraged to complete an online application at EGUSDSCHOOLMEALS.com. If a family is requesting EGSUD transportation or any other services, cost/fees may be reduced or waived with submission of an application and qualifying income levels.
All students will continue to receive any meal at no cost for the 2024-2025 school year, regardless of whether they have filled out the application.
Transportation to KAMS is handled through the EGUSD Transportation Department. Click HERE for all things related to Transportation in EGUSD.
To apply for a bus pass, please click HERE. The Transportation Department encourages all families of bus riders to complete a bus pass application online or in-person as early as possible to ensure your bus pass is processed prior to the start of new school year. Bus passes are not automatically renewed from year to year. Each year a new bus pass application needs to be submitted and processed for general education bus service. An Early Bird Discount of $25 will be applied to bus pass applications post-marked by July 5th for tracks B, C, D and July 31st for track A, traditional and modified traditional students.
Please know: bus passes for the 2024-2025 year are currently being processed. Bus passes are checked during the boarding process of school-to-home to ensure the safety of all KAMS riders. The physical bus pass must be presented to the bus driver each ride. Only students with bus passes may ride the bus
After Monday, September 4, 2024, riders who have not secured or do not present their bus passes after school will not be eligible to use district transportation from school to home.
Free and reduced bus passes are available for those students and families that qualify. If you are unsure if you qualify, please contact the Transportation Department at 916-686-7733.
KAMS School Site Council
We would like to invite you to join the Katherine Albiani School Site Council (SSC). The SSC is the governing board for our school. Just as the EGUSD Board reviews information and makes decisions for the school district, the KAMS SSC reviews and approved decisions for our school site. Specifically, they review and approve the site Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP). This is a great way to get involved with the school!
If you would like to be considered for this position, please email our Principal, Mr. Rauschenfels (crausche@egusd.net) by August 23 and your name will be added to the ballot of interested candidates. SSC meetings take place from 3:30 - 4:30 at KAMS. SSC meetings are schedule for the following dates:
September 24, 2024
October 29, 2024
November 19, 2024
January 28, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 25, 2025
April 29, 2025
May 27, 2025
If you have any questions about the role of the SSC or need to speak with Mr. Rauschenfels prior to submitting your interest, please call the school at 916-686-5210.
2024-2025 PBIS Committee
KAMS is looking for parent volunteers of 7th and 8th grade students for our PBIS committee. The committee is currently made up of a variety of staff members and parents. During meetings, the following items are discussed: culture and climate at KAMS, student incentives, topics for schoolwide Advocacy lessons, how to keep parents and students active in their education, and getting ready for the next steps in implementing PBIS. If you are interested or need more information, please contact Breanna Atallah, PBIS Coordinator at brlewis@egusd.net.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions.
Please contact the Attendance Office at 916-686-5210 for attendance related questions or to clear a student absence.
- 7th Grade: please use extension 30013
- 8th Grade: please use extension 30012
If email is more convenient, please email kamsattend@egusd.net with student name, ID number, your name and relationship to student and reason for absence.
For all information related to attendance, including classification of absences, arrival/dismissal policies, early dismissal policies, campus hours, extended absences for vacation, and how to clear and absence, please click HERE to access the KAMS Handbook and got to the Attendance section starting on page 13.
Guidelines for Extended Absences Due to Vacations
The Secondary Division of the EGUSD firmly believe that a strong home and school partnership will help our students achieve in a positive and effective academic environment. To that end, your assistance is critical in ensuring that your child misses as little school as possible. There is great academic value in a student being present in class, in participating in the lessons, hearing the explanations of teachers, and in discussing subjects with other students. While there may be instances when extenuating circumstances require you to pull your student out of school, please make every effort to plan any family vacations during the scheduled breaks.
Because family vacations are defined by California Educational Code as unexcused absences, teachers may elect to provide makeup work for the student, although they are not required to do so. In the event that students have two or more concurrent weeks of unexcused absences, they may be dropped from their school and may need to re-enroll upon their return.
Key Contact Information
KAMS Administration and Student Services Offices
Hours 7:30am - 4:30pm
(916)-686-5538 fax
Activities: Donna McNeel & Mary Hazdovac
Athletics: Traci Seto
Food Services
Student Attendance
(916)-686-5210 Student Services Office
Counselors-contact directly.
- Concerns about your student's performance in two or more classes.
- Concerns about your student's transition to middle school, socialization, emotional development.
- Questions about college/career guidance programs, middle school credits toward promotion, course requirements, schedule.
Teachers-contact directly
- Questions about work, student performance, or behavior.
- Questions about curriculum.
- Questions about course placement.
- Classwork/Homework/Grades
The classroom teacher should always be your first point of contact. Most times, the classroom teacher can answer your questions and address concerns. If you do not believe your child's teacher has satisfactorily resolved your concern, contact your child's counselor. If your child is having problems in several classes, you may request to meet with each teacher, and/or you may contact the counselor and request a consult regarding the next most appropriate and effective steps to take in the process of addressing the problem. It is our goal to return all calls and email messages within 48 hours. If you do not receive a response within that time, please contact administration.
(916)-686-5210 Administration
(916)-686-5538 Fax
Concerns about discipline or negative interactions between students.
Concerns about teachers.
Vice Principal, Rosa Laine
Vice Principal, David Pires
Teacher-In-Charge, Megan Grigsby
Principal, Chris Rauschenfels
Any concerns that the above Administrators have not adequately addressed (including not responding to phone calls/emails within 48hrs)
Upcoming Events
August 12, 2024
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Albiani Middle School
Get to know the campus, purchase spirit wear, PE clothes, and meet new people.
Back To School Night
Wednesday, August 28th
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Albiani Middle School
Please join us on 8/28 to meet your student's teachers and get to know the campus. Food Trucks will be on campus starting at 5:00pm!
Get to Know Synergy
ParentVue and StudentVue and the EGUSD Parent Portal are the central web-based places parents and students will find information for all EGUSD schools. Parents will use ParentVue to access information for all of their children currently enrolled in an EGUSD school. Each site has staff to assist in managing ParentVue accounts
The ParentVue & StudentVue web portals allow parents/guardians and students the ability to view their own information stored in Synergy SIS. Parents/Guardians can only see their children's information and cannot see other students' information, they cannot make changes to their records.
- Parents/Guardians can modify data, such as demographic, emergency contact, physician information or any other user defined data fields online with self-service updates.
- Other changes to a student's record will need to be processed through the student's school.
ParentVue Features
- Single sign-on for parents/guardians to access all of their children's information, regardless of school.
- View child's assignments and scores, attendance, discipline, conference visits, health office visits, immunization compliance, transcripts, graduation status and more.
- Receive automatic email notifications if student scores below a certain grade level on any test, quiz, or assignment. (Must be set up by parent/guarding in preferences.)
- Web-based portal solution allows 24/7 access from any browser.
- Receive customized email alert notifications regarding timely information, such as school events, attendance, or discipline incidents.
- Free smartphone apps allow parents/guardians and student to access the portal from anywhere with an internet connection.
- Parents/Guardians can easily communicate with teachers within the portal.
Updated Electronic Policy
In our continuous effort to prioritize the social-emotional well-being and academic focus of our students, we have revised our cell phone policy to further support a conducive learning environment. Over the past two years, we have observed an average of 234 technology violations, highlighting the challenge of maintaining a balanced use of electronic devices among our student body.
Beginning this academic year, we will be implementing a unified cell phone and electronic device policy aimed at minimizing distractions and fostering a more engaged and focused learning environment. This policy, which applies to all students at KAMS, is aligned with our commitment to promoting student success and overall well-being.
Key Components of the New Policy:
Gate-to-Gate Policy: Upon entering the KAMS campus, all electronic devices, including cell phones, headphones, portable speakers, e-watches, and game consoles, must be turned off and securely stored in the student's backpack throughout the school day, including class time, passing periods, lunchtime, arrival, and dismissal.
Responsibility for Personal Devices: It is strongly advised that students leave personal electronic devices at home to mitigate the risk of loss or theft. The school will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal devices.
Prohibited Devices: Personal computers are not permitted on campus, and items such as music players, gaming systems, radios, and other electronic devices and games are not allowed during school hours, including lunch.
Disciplinary Actions: Violations of the policy will result in progressive disciplinary actions, including referrals, detention, and parent pick-up, as outlined in the policy document.
Exceptional Circumstances:
We understand that there may be exceptional circumstances where students may need to communicate with their families during the school day. In such cases, students or parents may contact the school office for assistance.
Policy Enforcement:
Any electronic device found in violation of the policy will be confiscated and turned in to the school office. Parents/guardians must retrieve confiscated items from the office.
Supporting Academic Success:
Our goal with this updated policy is to create an environment that supports the social-emotional well-being and academic success of all our students. By minimizing distractions and promoting a focused learning environment, we aim to enhance the overall educational experience at KAMS.
We encourage you to discuss the importance of responsible electronic device usage with your child and to reinforce the guidelines outlined in the policy document.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in implementing this new policy. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school office.
Academic Intervention
It is the KAMS Academic Intervention Department vision that each child is an individual that requires a unique educational model. Many of our students need direct instruction in executive function techniques and strategies. Our vision is that through the modification of general education curriculum, the direct instruction of executive functioning skills, and the ownership of their own grades by actively using Synergy students will become self-advocates and independent learners for future success.
Students are placed in the appropriate courses based on ability, past performance, teacher, and IEP recommendation. Every course is designed to help students master grade level standards at the appropriate level for each individual student.
Contact information:
If you have any questions regarding your students’ IEP, progress, or scheduling please contact your student’s case manager. If you are not sure who your child’s case manager is please contact:
Julie Metesser (Department Co-Chair) jmetesse@egusd.net
Jessica Miller (Department Co-Chair) jemiller@egusd.net
Mission Statement:
The Elk Grove Middle School Athletic Program provides equal access for all students. It promotes opportunities for participation, through competition in athletic programs, which promote school spirit.
Each student MUST have a complete an online Athletic Clearance Process (including a physical performed by a MD, DO, PA, or NP) AT LEAST ONE DAY PRIOR to attend any tryout or practice! There are no exceptions to this policy.
Please click HERE to enter the Athletic Clearance Website. (For help with the online application, please click HERE.)
Please click HERE to access the KAMS Athletic website for information on how to clear your student-athlete.
All student athletes who wish to participate in an athletic activity in the Elk Grove Unified School District must meet the following requirements:
- Have earned a 2.0 GPA or better on the previous grade of record.
- Have earned a 2.0 GPA or better on all grades of record and progress report grades.
- Satisfactory citizenship
- Must not be on No Activities list
- Girl’s Volleyball – 7th, 8th (Tryouts August 26, 27, 28)
- Coed Cross Country – 7th, 8th (Practice begins August 19)
- Girl’s Basketball – 7th, 8th
- Boy’s Basketball – 7th, 8th
- Coed Wrestling – 7th, 8th (KAMS feeder elementary 4th, 5th, 6th)
- Boy’s Volleyball – 7th, 8th
- Coed Track and Field – 7th, 8th
- Open to all KAMS 7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls with parent/guardian permission.
- You do NOT need the full Athletic Clearance packet.
- Permission slips will be available approximately two weeks prior to the start of intramural sessions.
- All practices and competitions will be at KAMS against only KAMS students.
- No tryouts or cuts.
- Pay attention to announcements and school website for dates/times/offerings.
Additional Falcon Athletic Information
- KAMS Athletics Website
- Monday - KAMS TV/Advocacy (during class)
- Athletic Director, Traci Seto, Room MC10
We are excited for another year in the AVID program at Albiani Middle School! AVID stands for Advancement via Individual Determination and is a program for academic students in the “middle” that prepares them to attend a four-year college directly after high school. AVID combines rigor with academic and social support through a year-long elective course. AVID students receive support from the AVID Coordinator, the AVID Site Team, the AVID Counselor, their content area teachers, and AVID tutors. AVID is not an “at-risk” program. Students in AVID must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher, as well as satisfactory citizenship, throughout the school year to remain in the program.
The AVID classes for the 2023-2024 school year have already been determined.
AVID Applications for the 2023-2024 school year will be available in January 2024.
For more information about the AVID program, you can also go to www.avid.org.
Thank you for all your support of AVID this year.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Ashlea Patterson, AVID Co-Coordinator or Rodolfo Mendez, AVID Co-Coordinator/AVID Counselor.
We look forward to a great year!
Band/Symphonic Band
8th Grade Members Only
Hey Band! Symphonic Band Leadership Camp is happening August 7th and 8th from 10am-2pm. This is for 8th graders enrolled in Band 2 only.
Symphonic Band (Band 2) Leadership Camp, while not required, is a great opportunity to build skills as a team and gain cohesion for the music, competitions, and events of the up coming year. More information will be posted in the Band App. Email Mrs. Moslen if you have any question, bmoslen@egusd.net
Students are assigned to counselors by the first letter of their last name. Students will know the counselor assigned to them when they receive their official schedule. 7th and 8th grade, will receive their official schedules on the first day of school.
The KAMS school counseling program provides guidance and support by aligning with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards in 3 core areas;
1) Academic: class placements, schedules, resources for tutoring, transcript reviews, and learning how to track and calculate credits for successful promotion to the next grade level.
2) Social/Emotional: providing tips and guidance around forming and maintaining positive peer relationships, learning to self-advocate, make a positive transition to middle school, and managing changing emotions. In addition, counselors provide support to students who are having challenges with peers through the use of the process of a restorative practice.
3) College & Career Exploration: in-class workshops with students to help them begin to identify their college and career goals and host a Career Day with community members in the springtime.
Five Ways You Can Help Your Child Feel Successful in Middle School
Middle School years are filled with transitions. It’s not unusual for you or your child to feel overwhelmed, especially if your child is the first child in your family to experience middle school. Here are a few tips for you and your child to manage the demands of middle school and help your child grow toward self-sufficiency:
- Scheduling: Review with your child your family’s pending daily and weekly schedule as the school year begins. Include morning routines and any after-school activities as well as homework, dinner, and bedtimes. If your child is involved in extracurricular activities, assist your child in scheduling enough time to complete homework and also have some downtime. Adjust your schedule and tasks accordingly each week as your activities change.
- Homework Time: This time should be used to review classroom notes and to study for upcoming tests and quizzes. Many assignments/ projects take more than one night to complete; please encourage your child to get started right away on long-term projects to avoid late-night homework “emergencies” on the eve of a due date.
- Organization: Guide your child in keeping his/her work area and binder organized and be sure adequate supplies make it into your child’s toolkit. Consider setting up a routine where upon completion, assignments are organized in the same manner each day. This type of consistent routine will make it easier for your child to be ready for the day ahead.
- Support: Encourage your child to seek help, ask questions, and become an active problem solver. If you know your child might have difficulty with a particular subject, encourage your child to talk to his or her teacher to determine the best time to get additional help with a particular subject. Be sure to confirm with your child’s teacher if tutoring time is available.
- Communicate: We encourage you to stay in contact with your child’s teachers and counselor. Synergy is one of the main communication tools that we use at our school. Students will have their own Synergy accounts and we highly recommend that parents also establish their own Synergy accounts in order to receive school e-mail notices that go out to parents only. In addition, setting up your own account will allow you as a parent to have direct and confidential email access to your child's teachers, counselor, and administrator.
Students are assigned to counselors by the first letter of their last name. Students will know the counselor assigned to them when they receive their preliminary and official schedule. All students will receive their official schedule on the first-day of school.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Counseling Staff Team Members:
Mr. Caston
Mr. Mendez
Mr. Mendoza
Ms. Miller
Other Resources and Tips:
Please visit the KAMS Counseling Connection page for articles, ideas, tips, and other resources to support you and your child in having a successful middle school experience. Please note that you do not have to have your parent account established in order to access our counseling page – just visit the KAMS homepage and click on the counseling tab.
English Department
The KAMS English Department’s mission is as follows: All students will participate in a rigorous, Common Core State Standards-based English curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, purposeful reading, analytical writing, attentive listening, and powerful speaking.
Students will be placed in an appropriate English course based on ability, past performance, interest, and teacher and/or parent recommendation. Every course is designed to help students master grade-level standards. Regardless of placement, students are expected to develop a consistent reading habit by reading personal reading books on their own while at home. The courses are:
- Intervention English Language Arts – There are two intervention courses: ELA Lab and ELA Literacy. Both courses are a two-period strategic and benchmark level intervention class for students performing at Standards Not Met and/or Standards Nearly Met levels. ELA Lab is taught in conjunction with California StudySync and other resources listed below in the core English section. ELA Literacy programs are taught using the California Language Live curriculum. Regardless of the intervention course, additional support is provided to prepare students to move into the core program when they are ready.
- Grade Level English Language Arts – This is our core program for students performing at Standards Nearly Met and/or Standards Met levels. It is rigorous, Common Core State Standards-based instruction at grade level. California StudySync is used briefly at various times of the year in addition to an in-depth study of novels. The course covers reading, writing, grammar, speaking, and listening.
- Honors English Language Arts – This course is designed for students performing at Standards Exceeded and/or Standards Met levels. Students do not need to apply for this course, nor do they have to complete spring or summer work; however, they must have a good work ethic and willingness to accept challenges to prepare them well for advanced level high school English courses. The course meets and exceeds grade-level standards using the same resources as the core English course.
Here at Albiani we have a wide array of enrichment courses that allow students to develop knowledge and skills beyond a basic public education. Our curriculum is rigorous and grounded in the fundamental skills necessary to succeed in and out of the classroom. Enrichment courses provide students with the opportunity to explore a variety of interests, learn new skills, and interact with other students in ways that help practice communication, collaboration, and compromise. We love community involvement and there are many ways throughout the year to support all of our programs.
Albiani has been recognized for athletics, career and technical education, leadership, visual and performing arts, and yearbook. Including county, state, and national awards. Be on the lookout for upcoming dates to all of the VAPA Program Events, such as Fall Night of the Arts, Fall Musical, Winter Band Concert; Campus Activities; Field trips; and much more! We are looking forward to a wonderful school year. Thank you for your participation in all KAMS has to offer.
Please note:
Enrollment into specific enrichment courses is not guaranteed and course offerings are subject to change based on availability and staffing.
Every effort is made by KAMS Counselors to schedule students into at least one of their top five enrichment courses as indicated in Synergy. With KAMS’ large student population, not every student will be enrolled in one of their top five enrichment course preferences.
Once preferences are locked in Synergy, enrichment course preferences will not be changed and once scheduled, enrichment courses will not be changed.
If you are scheduled into an enrichment course that you were not expecting, we ask that you approach it with an open mind and attitude for growth. Who knows? You may learn to love something new!
Gate & Honors Program
Gifted and Talented (GATE) students are served through the Honors Program here at Katherine L. Albiani Middle School. Seventh-grade students may take Honors English and/or Honors Social Science. They may also accelerate in mathematics if they meet the requirements. Many GATE students also opt to take high school-level foreign language courses. GATE students also have access to monthly after school enrichment opportunities!
Other opportunities for GATE and Honors students include the PSAT, the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and the Academic Talent Search through CSUS, Students who aren't yet GATE identified in EGUSD may qualify by taking the NNAT in March or meet the portfolio requirements in the other GATE abilities. Please visit our website for more information on our GATE program.
PGHS/KAMS Library Mission - The mission of PGHS/KAMS Library Media Center is to support academic content standards across content areas; to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading; provide a library collection that reflects the diversity in our school, community, and world; support our students to become independent learners who can find, evaluate, and utilize information in a variety of formats in an effective, critical, and responsible way; guide students to be thoughtful, responsible, and positive digital citizens when using any digital technologies.
Library Hours & Services
PGHS/KAMS Library is open before school, during lunch breaks, and 10 minutes after school ends. While at the library, all students are expected to follow our library 4B's rules that are posted on every table in the library and at the front entrance. Due to limited seating, we ask that students come to the library with a school-related purpose, such as:
Quiet study of complete homework assignments
Check out a book or textbook required for class
Use a computer for school-related assignments
Attend a library related event and/or library club meeting
PGHS/KAMS Library provides access to 35,000+ fiction, non-fiction, and reference books. Students also have access to use our 60 networked computers for school related assignments and access to print assignments, if needed. Students are allowed to check out 3 personal reading books as long as their library account is clear of any overdue textbooks, library books, or library fines. All KAMS students are encouraged to be responsible library users while using library resources. All KAMS students are expected to be responsible library users by following these guidelines:
Returning/Renewing their library books as needed/requested by teacher or library staff
Take care and use materials appropriately for academic purposes (no writing, prevent food and water damage, pet damage, etc.)
Prevent any loss of any library materials assigned to their library account (all students will be responsible for the replacement cost of lost library materials)
Students with uncleared library accounts will be prevented from checking out books and/or may be placed on the "No Activities" list. Please see KAMS Library Staff regarding any questions about a student's library account.
Library Website
Take a look at the library website at http://kamslibrary.info. There are lots of great resources available on the website to support student Chromebook use, classroom assignments, recommended reading lists, student homework help resources, textbook information, library how to videos, and more! The library website is available 24/7 to all KAMS students and families.
EGUSD Chromebooks
All KAMS students are expected to bring their EGUSD assigned Chromebooks to school daily for academic use. If you have a damaged or lost Chromebook, please come to the PGHS/KAMS Library to get a replacement Chromebook. All damaged and lost Chromebook issues will be reported to EGUSD Technology Services.
PGHS/KAMS Library also provides daily Chromebook loaners for students who may have forgotten their Chromebooks at home. Students must return their daily loaner to the library at the end of the school day. (Loaners can NOT be taken home.) Students are asked to limit the number of Chromebook loaners requested from the library to 3 loaners per term.
MATHEMATICS is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms:
it is about UNDERSTANDING.
~ William Paul Thurston ~
Focus, coherence, and rigor, the underlying principles of the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CA CCSSM), hold the promise of preparing all California students for college, careers, and civic life - and developing mathematically competent individuals who can use mathematics as a tool for making wise decisions in their personal lives, a foundation for rewarding work, and a means for comprehending and influencing the world in which they will live. This framework supports these ambitious goals by emphasizing mathematical instruction and learning that focus on key topics, build mathematical understanding and fluency in a coherent manner, and develop students’ ability to apply mathematics creatively to analyze and solve a complex problem
Math Courses
7th Grade
- Math 7
- Math 7 Accelerated
8th Grade
- Math 8
- Math I
More information regarding these courses can be found in the
Physical Education
Our primary goal is to introduce students to a variety of fitness activities to help encourage them to engage in a healthy and fit lifestyle. In our program, we provide learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate based on state standards and that increase fitness awareness. We strive to develop student’s cognitive knowledge of health and fitness as well as improving their physical performance.
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to our P.E. program, please contact:
Mary Hazdovac, PE Department Chair.
Welcome to KAMS Science! We have been one of the highest performing middle school science programs in the greater Sacramento region since we opened in 2005.
KAMS Science Learning Goals:
It is our mission that ALL students meet these goals. Student progress toward these goals will be monitored. Students falling behind or unable to reach these goals will be provided with interventions to help them progress toward these goals. After the two year science program, KAMS students will be able:
♦ To read and comprehend science texts.
♦ To develop their scientific thinking and processing skills through the study of the established standards and benchmarks.
♦ To solve scientific problems, conduct experiments, and analyze data.
♦ To correctly use various technologies and scientific equipment.
♦ To identify positive contributions of science and recognize a meaningful connection of science to their daily lives.
♦ To show satisfactory mastery of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
♦ To effectively communicate scientific thinking through various media.
Students will be enrolled in the following science courses at Katherine L. Albiani Middle School:
♦ Science 7: Life Science, Units of Study- Science Lab Skills, Cells, Body Systems, DNA and Genetics, Natural Selection, Ecology, Biological Evolution, and Comprehensive Sexual Health Education.
♦ Science 8: Physical Science, Units of Study- Motion, Force/Newton's Laws, Gravity, Potential and Kinetic Energy, Kinetic Molecular Theory, Atoms, Periodic Table of Elements, Chemistry, and Global Warming.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rebecca Lesieur or Tanya Werner, KAMS Science Department Chairs.
Social Science/History
Welcome to the History/Social Science Department at Katherine L. Albiani Middle School. We are looking forward to a great year of learning about the past, and how it applies to the present. It is our mission, that all students will participate in a rigorous standards-based Social Science curriculum, which emphasizes Historical and Social Science analytical skills such as: chronological and spatial thinking, research, evidence, point of view, primary sources, and historical interpretation. The History/Social Science Department is looking forward to a year of an exciting and informative curriculum. Our department goals and course standards, align with the California State Standards and California State Social Science Framework. You can access these standards and framework on our portion of the KAMS website to get a preview of the year’s focus in History/Social Science.
Grade Level Social Science: Students will engage in a standards-based curriculum that allows students to understand the content taught in class. The content will be grade-level appropriate according to California Standards and Framework. The curriculum will be taught through a variety of techniques to engage student motivation and understanding. These techniques include Google Classroom tools, Cornell notetaking, films, primary sources, and non-fiction reading. The curriculum will be used for weekly quizzes, project-based assignments/assessments, and unit exams. It is therefore important that all notes and handouts are kept in an organized fashion. Social Science teachers will help with this process of organization and each teacher will introduce their individual class policies regarding notebooks and organization.
Honors Social Science: While both 7th and 8th grades will focus on the standards at each level, Honors classes will have an opportunity to explore the standards with more depth. As stated above, the curriculum will be taught through a variety of techniques to engage student motivation and understanding. These techniques include Google Classroom tools, Cornell notetaking, films, primary sources, and non-fiction reading. The curriculum will be used for weekly quizzes, project-based assignments/assessments, and unit exams. Students should bring to this class, an interest in history, self-motivation, and a willingness to improve on their skill sets. Students should also be mostly independent in their work habits, as well as confident readers. Motivation and desire are two key components for success in any of the History/Social Science classes at Katherine L. Albiani Middle School. Enthusiasm and a willingness to work, help make the History/Social Science class a memorable experience for each student. As a department, we are looking forward to an exciting year at KAMS with our students. 😊
Theatre Arts @ KAMS
Are you interested in being on the stage or behind the curtain for our Fall Musical Elf Jr.? Come to our informational meeting in Friday, August 16 from 3:30PM - 4:00PM in MC-6.
Go to https://mtishows.com/elf-the-musical-jr for more information about the show.
Check out the Audition Central tab for materials to help you prepare for auditions. Audition workshops, rehearsals, and crew work sessions will all be held after school.
Mark your calendars for the shows: December 13 and 14, 2024.
Falcon Nation Yearbook
The Falcon Nation Yearbook Staff is excited to offer you a $10 savings on your 2025 Yearbook Preorder and Ad purchases! Don't miss out on this special Falcon Fest pricing! No coupon or discount code is necessary to take advantage of this savings, just go to yearbookordercenter.com and use school code 16281. (You can also click this link or scan the QR code below.)
Don't miss out on this limited offer! Purchase your full-color yearbook today before prices go up and guarantee that you will get a book at the end of the year! Personalized, engraved nameplates, student dedication ads, and business ads are also available!
During Falcon Fest, click HERE for a $10 savings on your 2024 Yearbook!
Volunteers Needed
The KAMS mission and program is enhanced by the volunteers who come to our campus. All volunteers must be CLEARED through the district before they can work on campus. We urge you all
to start the process today! Here is the form you need to complete and bring to the Albiani Admin Office for approval: KAMS Volunteer Interest Form. The form is already filled out for those interested in volunteering. After obtaining approval on the form, interested parties should complete the EGUSD Volunteer Fingerprint Appointment Form to schedule their FREE LiveScan Fingerprinting. As soon as EGUSD provides administrators and office staff with a list of who is cleared, interested volunteers will be given the opportunity to sign up for specific events, dates, and times, to support our school. We are extremely appreciative of our community resources and thank you for sharing your precious time, individual talents, and expertise as a school volunteer. If you have further questions please contact Megan Grigsby at mgrigsby@egusd.net.
Adopt A Falcon
The Adopt Our Falcons program was created in order to provide additional funds/items to
assist in enhancing our students' education. All donations are greatly appreciated and donors
will be recognized.
How you can help
KAMS Adopt Our Falcons program empowers parents and community members to help
enhance the quality of education for students by giving. Current areas for support include:
- Projector machine ($500 each)
- Projector bulbs ($200 each)
- Technology
- Opportunities for teachers to have release work days ($200 per teacher per substitute)
- Continuing education for teachers (e.g. conference registration fees)
- Supplies for under-resourced students
- Library books and supplies
- Maintenance and miscellaneous repairs
- Campus supervisor substitutes, when needed
While the Elk Grove Unified School District provides basic school supplies to support
students’ education, KAMS staff will accept additional supplies donations, as well as tissue,
band aids, and other related items. Please take donated supplies to the Student Services office.
Make a contribution
Please click here or email KAMS Secretary, Cheryl Russell at clrussel@egusd.net for a digital copy of the form, and return to KAMS with your donation.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________
☐ Enclosed is my/our check, made payable to KAMS, in the amount of $ ____________________
☐ I/We donated the following items: (specify) Total value $ _________________________________
Please designate my/our donation to:
☐ Department __________________________ ☐ Teacher _______________________________________
☐ Library ☐ Technology ☐ Other _________________________________________________________
☐ Principal’s discretion (Staff incentives, Pre-Service, Supplies, etc.)
☐ Please use my gift where needed.
☐ Yes, please send a gift acknowledgement letter for my/our tax purposes.
Katherine Albiani Middle School
9140 Bradshaw Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Phone: 916-686-5210
Fax: 916-686-5538
Chris Rauschenfels, Principal
Rosa Laine, Vice Principal
David Pires, Vice Principal
Megan Grigsby, Teacher-In-Charge
Cheryl Russell, Secretary