Chisholm Update
March 1, 2024

Happy Last Friday Charger Families!
I hope you are doing well as we enter into the last weekend of the school year. It's hard to believe that we only have 4 days left in this school year, I know I will be soaking in each day as we near summer vacation.
A few weeks ago, we became aware that the VA Rock Garden located at the VA hospital in OKC had only a few rocks in it. This rock garden is encourages patients to take a rock for inspiration and often has pictures or encouraging statements painted on the outside. Seeing how this is a project that fits right in our wheelhouse, our Kindergarten and 3rd grade classrooms went work creating rocks to replenish their supply. Yesterday, we delivered 200+ these rocks to the VA hospital and they were very appreciative with our efforts to help uplift their patients. The picture here is a small sample of what our students were able to provide.
2023-24 Chisholm Yearbooks were distributed last week and we have some extra ones on hand that are available for purchase. If you purchase from this link, which closes tonight at midnight, the PTO will deliver on Monday. Members of the PTO will also be in the media center on Monday and Tuesday and sell these yearbooks with cash or check only. Each yearbook costs $20 each.
The 2024 5th-Grade Recognition is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22 and will be held at Memorial High School's Auditorium. This event will begin at 5:45 and doors will open at 5:30. We hope that you will be able to join us on the 22nd to celebrate our awesome 5th-graders that will be moving onto Middle School.
On the last day of school, please don't send your students with a backpack. We will be sure to send home student items on the days leading up to the last day, so they shouldn't have much to keep track of during that day.
The last week of school Lunch Menu has Manager's Choice for each of those days. The items being served each day are listed below. If you are sending your child with a sack lunch on the last day, please send it in a paper bag that can be tossed after they eat.
There is a Summer Reading Bingo Flyer below that correlates to summer reading activities put out by the Edmond Library. This is starts June 1 and runs through July 31 for those wishing to participate.
The 2024-25 Annual Update for returning students is now open. An email was sent out earlier this week and there is information below for you to fill out on your students for next school year. This step is vital in helping us prepare for the upcoming school year. If you aren't planning on returning for the 2024-25 school year, please contact the school 450-340-2950 and let us know.
Information on summer camp opportunities has been included in the last couple of newsletters and will be in the newsletters for the next several weeks. Click the tab below that will take you to Edmond Memorial's camp offerings which begin towards the end of May and run in June. From there you will find specific information and how to sign up for camp offerings this summer.
Have a great weekend!
Thomas Higdon
Attention Chisholm 5th-grade students that will be at Cimarron for the 24-25 school year, there is a green button below for you to purchase supplies and will be open until June 15 when the ability to order supplies next year as 6th graders at Cimarron closes.
Please help us during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal by not turning right on red as you enter the parking lot from the west. This will provide those turning left from the east an opportunity to enter into the parking lot as cars move along.
Dismissal Reminder for Spring Hill/ Old Farm/ Thornbrook walkers should only be used by students that live in those areas. If your student doesn't live in those neighborhoods they need to either use bus or car rider to get home at the end of the day. We don't want to send students into a neighborhood that don't live in that neighborhood.
Annual Update for the 2024-2025 School Year is Open
Please be advised that Edmond Public Schools' 2024-2025 Annual Update is now open. There was an email sent out to all parents yesterday.
Parents/guardians will need to complete an Annual Update for the 2024-2025 school year by logging into the Parent Portal (not the Campus Parent app). Upon login, scroll down and select "More" in the lower left corner of your portal screen, then select "Online Registration," then select "Start" on the "2024-2025 Existing Student Annual Update." You will verify your existing information and make any needed changes. The Annual Update must be completed for your student(s) to receive their 2024-2025 homeroom teacher/classroom placement in August.
For questions or login issues related to the Parent Portal, please contact your school site or email parentportalhelp@edmondschools.net. If your family will not be returning to Edmond Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year, please let your current school(s) know or email parentportalhelp@edmondschools.net as soon as possible.
Manager's Choice Items for the Last Week of School
Monday, May 20 - Burgers/ Entree Salad
Tuesday, May 21 - Italian Dippers/ Entree Salad
Wednesday, May 22 - Mac and Cheese
Thursday, May 23 - Sack Lunch with Soybutter and Jelly Sandwich
Looking Forward...
Looking forward...
May 21 - Inflatable Day at Chisholm (Volunteer Sign Up Above)
May 22 - 4th and 5th Battle of the Books
May 22 - 5th Grade Recognition at Memorial HS Auditorium starting at 5:45, Doors open at 5:30
May 23 - Last Day of School (No backpacks)
April Smart Social Tip of the Month on Snapchat
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal beings
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond